# This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see . import json import re import sys from decimal import Decimal from typing import List import click from .. import ethereum, tools from . import with_client try: import rlp import web3 HAVE_SIGN_TX = True except Exception: HAVE_SIGN_TX = False PATH_HELP = "BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" # fmt: off ETHER_UNITS = { 'wei': 1, 'kwei': 1000, 'babbage': 1000, 'femtoether': 1000, 'mwei': 1000000, 'lovelace': 1000000, 'picoether': 1000000, 'gwei': 1000000000, 'shannon': 1000000000, 'nanoether': 1000000000, 'nano': 1000000000, 'szabo': 1000000000000, 'microether': 1000000000000, 'micro': 1000000000000, 'finney': 1000000000000000, 'milliether': 1000000000000000, 'milli': 1000000000000000, 'ether': 1000000000000000000, 'eth': 1000000000000000000, } # fmt: on def _amount_to_int(ctx, param, value): if value is None: return None if value.isdigit(): return int(value) try: number, unit = re.match(r"^(\d+(?:.\d+)?)([a-z]+)", value).groups() scale = ETHER_UNITS[unit] decoded_number = Decimal(number) return int(decoded_number * scale) except Exception: raise click.BadParameter("Amount not understood") def _parse_access_list(ctx, param, value): try: return [_parse_access_list_item(val) for val in value] except Exception: raise click.BadParameter("Access List format invalid") def _parse_access_list_item(value): try: arr = value.split(":") address, storage_keys = arr[0], arr[1:] storage_keys_bytes = [ethereum.decode_hex(key) for key in storage_keys] return ethereum.messages.EthereumAccessList(address, storage_keys_bytes) except Exception: raise click.BadParameter("Access List format invalid") def _list_units(ctx, param, value): if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return maxlen = max(len(k) for k in ETHER_UNITS.keys()) + 1 for unit, scale in ETHER_UNITS.items(): click.echo("{:{maxlen}}: {}".format(unit, scale, maxlen=maxlen)) ctx.exit() def _erc20_contract(w3, token_address, to_address, amount): min_abi = [ { "name": "transfer", "type": "function", "constant": False, "inputs": [ {"name": "_to", "type": "address"}, {"name": "_value", "type": "uint256"}, ], "outputs": [{"name": "", "type": "bool"}], } ] contract = w3.eth.contract(address=token_address, abi=min_abi) return contract.encodeABI("transfer", [to_address, amount]) def _format_access_list(access_list: List[ethereum.messages.EthereumAccessList]): mapped = map( lambda item: [ethereum.decode_hex(item.address), item.storage_keys], access_list, ) return list(mapped) ##################### # # commands start here @click.group(name="ethereum") def cli(): """Ethereum commands.""" @cli.command() @click.option("-n", "--address", required=True, help=PATH_HELP) @click.option("-d", "--show-display", is_flag=True) @with_client def get_address(client, address, show_display): """Get Ethereum address in hex encoding.""" address_n = tools.parse_path(address) return ethereum.get_address(client, address_n, show_display) @cli.command() @click.option("-n", "--address", required=True, help=PATH_HELP) @click.option("-d", "--show-display", is_flag=True) @with_client def get_public_node(client, address, show_display): """Get Ethereum public node of given path.""" address_n = tools.parse_path(address) result = ethereum.get_public_node(client, address_n, show_display=show_display) return { "node": { "depth": result.node.depth, "fingerprint": "%08x" % result.node.fingerprint, "child_num": result.node.child_num, "chain_code": result.node.chain_code.hex(), "public_key": result.node.public_key.hex(), }, "xpub": result.xpub, } @cli.command() @click.option( "-c", "--chain-id", type=int, default=1, help="EIP-155 chain id (replay protection)" ) @click.option("-n", "--address", required=True, help=PATH_HELP) @click.option( "-g", "--gas-limit", type=int, help="Gas limit (required for offline signing)" ) @click.option( "-t", "--gas-price", help="Gas price (required for offline signing)", callback=_amount_to_int, ) @click.option( "-i", "--nonce", type=int, help="Transaction counter (required for offline signing)" ) @click.option("-d", "--data", help="Data as hex string, e.g. 0x12345678") @click.option("-p", "--publish", is_flag=True, help="Publish transaction via RPC") @click.option("-x", "--tx-type", type=int, help="TX type") @click.option("-t", "--token", help="ERC20 token address") @click.option( "-a", "--access-list", help="Access List", callback=_parse_access_list, multiple=True, ) @click.option("--max-gas-fee", help="Max Gas Fee (EIP1559)", callback=_amount_to_int) @click.option( "--max-priority-fee", help="Max Priority Fee (EIP1559)", callback=_amount_to_int, ) @click.option("-e", "--eip2718-type", type=int, help="EIP2718 tx type") @click.option( "--list-units", is_flag=True, help="List known currency units and exit.", is_eager=True, callback=_list_units, expose_value=False, ) @click.argument("to_address") @click.argument("amount", callback=_amount_to_int) @with_client def sign_tx( client, chain_id, address, amount, gas_limit, gas_price, nonce, data, publish, to_address, tx_type, token, max_gas_fee, max_priority_fee, access_list, eip2718_type, ): """Sign (and optionally publish) Ethereum transaction. Use TO_ADDRESS as destination address, or set to "" for contract creation. Specify a contract address with the --token option to send an ERC20 token. You can specify AMOUNT and gas price either as a number of wei, or you can use a unit suffix. Use the --list-units option to show all known currency units. ERC20 token amounts are specified in eth/wei, custom units are not supported. If any of gas price, gas limit and nonce is not specified, this command will try to connect to an ethereum node and auto-fill these values. You can configure the connection with WEB3_PROVIDER_URI environment variable. """ if not HAVE_SIGN_TX: click.echo("Ethereum requirements not installed.") click.echo("Please run:") click.echo() click.echo(" pip install web3 rlp") sys.exit(1) is_eip1559 = eip2718_type == 2 w3 = web3.Web3() if ( (not is_eip1559 and gas_price is None) or any(x is None for x in (gas_limit, nonce)) or publish ) and not w3.isConnected(): click.echo("Failed to connect to Ethereum node.") click.echo( "If you want to sign offline, make sure you provide --gas-price, " "--gas-limit and --nonce arguments" ) sys.exit(1) if data is not None and token is not None: click.echo("Can't send tokens and custom data at the same time") sys.exit(1) address_n = tools.parse_path(address) from_address = ethereum.get_address(client, address_n) if token: data = _erc20_contract(w3, token, to_address, amount) to_address = token amount = 0 if data: data = ethereum.decode_hex(data) else: data = b"" if gas_price is None and not is_eip1559: gas_price = w3.eth.gasPrice if gas_limit is None: gas_limit = w3.eth.estimateGas( { "to": to_address, "from": from_address, "value": amount, "data": f"0x{data.hex()}", } ) if nonce is None: nonce = w3.eth.getTransactionCount(from_address) sig = ( ethereum.sign_tx_eip1559( client, n=address_n, nonce=nonce, gas_limit=gas_limit, to=to_address, value=amount, data=data, chain_id=chain_id, max_gas_fee=max_gas_fee, max_priority_fee=max_priority_fee, access_list=access_list, ) if is_eip1559 else ethereum.sign_tx( client, n=address_n, tx_type=tx_type, nonce=nonce, gas_price=gas_price, gas_limit=gas_limit, to=to_address, value=amount, data=data, chain_id=chain_id, ) ) to = ethereum.decode_hex(to_address) if is_eip1559: transaction = rlp.encode( ( chain_id, nonce, max_priority_fee, max_gas_fee, gas_limit, to, amount, data, _format_access_list(access_list) if access_list is not None else [], ) + sig ) elif tx_type is None: transaction = rlp.encode((nonce, gas_price, gas_limit, to, amount, data) + sig) else: transaction = rlp.encode( (tx_type, nonce, gas_price, gas_limit, to, amount, data) + sig ) if eip2718_type is not None: eip2718_prefix = f"{eip2718_type:02x}" else: eip2718_prefix = "" tx_hex = f"0x{eip2718_prefix}{transaction.hex()}" if publish: tx_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(tx_hex).hex() return f"Transaction published with ID: {tx_hash}" else: return f"Signed raw transaction:\n{tx_hex}" @cli.command() @click.option("-n", "--address", required=True, help=PATH_HELP) @click.argument("message") @with_client def sign_message(client, address, message): """Sign message with Ethereum address.""" address_n = tools.parse_path(address) ret = ethereum.sign_message(client, address_n, message) output = { "message": message, "address": ret.address, "signature": f"0x{ret.signature.hex()}", } return output @cli.command() @click.option("-n", "--address", required=True, help=PATH_HELP) @click.option( "--metamask-v4-compat/--no-metamask-v4-compat", default=True, help="Be compatible with Metamask's signTypedData_v4 implementation", ) @click.argument("file", type=click.File("r")) @with_client def sign_typed_data(client, address, metamask_v4_compat, file): """Sign typed data (EIP-712) with Ethereum address. Currently NOT supported: - arrays of arrays - recursive structs """ address_n = tools.parse_path(address) data = json.loads(file.read()) ret = ethereum.sign_typed_data( client, address_n, data, metamask_v4_compat=metamask_v4_compat ) output = { "address": ret.address, "signature": f"0x{ret.signature.hex()}", } return output @cli.command() @click.argument("address") @click.argument("signature") @click.argument("message") @with_client def verify_message(client, address, signature, message): """Verify message signed with Ethereum address.""" signature = ethereum.decode_hex(signature) return ethereum.verify_message(client, address, signature, message)