#!/bin/sh if [ ! -d "tropic-model" ]; then echo "=================================================" echo "Please install the Tropic model to the tropic-model/ directory first, using the steps below!" echo "1. mkdir tropic-model && python3 -mvenv tropic-model/venv && source tropic-model/venv/bin/activate" echo "2. Follow instructions here: https://github.com/tropicsquare/ts-tvl/tree/master?tab=readme-ov-file#installing" echo " (basically, download the tvl-XXX.whl and pip install it under the venv created above - which should be already activated)" echo "3. Get config files for the model from https://github.com/tropicsquare/ts-tvl/tree/master/tvl/server/model_config" echo " i. model_config.yml" echo " ii. tropic01_ese_certificate_1.pem" echo " iii.tropic01_ese_private_key_1.pem" echo " iv. tropic01_ese_public_key_1.pem" echo "=================================================" exit 1 fi cd tropic-model source venv/bin/activate model_server tcp -vv -c model_config.yml