# Serializes into the Ripple Format # # Inspired by https://github.com/miracle2k/ripple-python and https://github.com/ripple/ripple-lib # Docs at https://wiki.ripple.com/Binary_Format and https://developers.ripple.com/transaction-common-fields.html # # The first four bits specify the field type (int16, int32, account..) # the other four the record type (amount, fee, destination..) and then # the actual data follow. This currently only supports the Payment # transaction type and the fields that are required for it. from trezor.messages.RippleSignTx import RippleSignTx from . import helpers FIELD_TYPE_INT16 = 1 FIELD_TYPE_INT32 = 2 FIELD_TYPE_AMOUNT = 6 FIELD_TYPE_VL = 7 FIELD_TYPE_ACCOUNT = 8 FIELDS_MAP = { "account": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_ACCOUNT, "key": 1}, "amount": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_AMOUNT, "key": 1}, "destination": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_ACCOUNT, "key": 3}, "fee": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_AMOUNT, "key": 8}, "sequence": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_INT32, "key": 4}, "type": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_INT16, "key": 2}, "signingPubKey": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_VL, "key": 3}, "flags": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_INT32, "key": 2}, "txnSignature": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_VL, "key": 4}, "lastLedgerSequence": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_INT32, "key": 27}, "destinationTag": {"type": FIELD_TYPE_INT32, "key": 14}, } TRANSACTION_TYPES = {"Payment": 0} def serialize(msg: RippleSignTx, source_address: str, pubkey=None, signature=None): w = bytearray() # must be sorted numerically first by type and then by name write(w, FIELDS_MAP["type"], TRANSACTION_TYPES["Payment"]) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["flags"], msg.flags) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["sequence"], msg.sequence) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["destinationTag"], msg.payment.destination_tag) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["lastLedgerSequence"], msg.last_ledger_sequence) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["amount"], msg.payment.amount) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["fee"], msg.fee) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["signingPubKey"], pubkey) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["txnSignature"], signature) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["account"], source_address) write(w, FIELDS_MAP["destination"], msg.payment.destination) return w def write(w: bytearray, field: dict, value): if value is None: return write_type(w, field) if field["type"] == FIELD_TYPE_INT16: w.extend(value.to_bytes(2, "big")) elif field["type"] == FIELD_TYPE_INT32: w.extend(value.to_bytes(4, "big")) elif field["type"] == FIELD_TYPE_AMOUNT: w.extend(serialize_amount(value)) elif field["type"] == FIELD_TYPE_ACCOUNT: write_bytes_varint(w, helpers.decode_address(value)) elif field["type"] == FIELD_TYPE_VL: write_bytes_varint(w, value) else: raise ValueError("Unknown field type") def write_type(w: bytearray, field: dict): if field["key"] <= 0xF: w.append((field["type"] << 4) | field["key"]) else: # this concerns two-bytes fields such as lastLedgerSequence w.append(field["type"] << 4) w.append(field["key"]) def serialize_amount(value: int) -> bytearray: if value < 0: raise ValueError("Only non-negative integers are supported") if value > helpers.MAX_ALLOWED_AMOUNT: raise ValueError("Value is too large") b = bytearray(value.to_bytes(8, "big")) b[0] &= 0x7F # clear first bit to indicate XRP b[0] |= 0x40 # set second bit to indicate positive number return b def write_bytes_varint(w: bytearray, value: bytes): """Serialize a variable length bytes.""" write_varint(w, len(value)) w.extend(value) def write_varint(w: bytearray, val: int): """ Implements variable-length int encoding from Ripple. See: https://ripple.com/wiki/Binary_Format#Variable_Length_Data_Encoding """ if val < 0: raise ValueError("Only non-negative integers are supported") elif val < 192: w.append(val) elif val <= 12480: val -= 193 w.append(193 + rshift(val, 8)) w.append(val & 0xFF) elif val <= 918744: val -= 12481 w.append(241 + rshift(val, 16)) w.append(rshift(val, 8) & 0xFF) w.append(val & 0xFF) else: raise ValueError("Value is too large") def rshift(val, n): """ Implements signed right-shift. See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/5833119/15677 """ return (val % 0x1_0000_0000) >> n