from typing import * # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils-meminfo.h def meminfo(filename: str) -> None: """Dumps map of micropython GC arena to a file. The JSON file can be decoded by Only available in the emulator. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def consteq(sec: bytes, pub: bytes) -> bool: """ Compares the private information in `sec` with public, user-provided information in `pub`. Runs in constant time, corresponding to a length of `pub`. Can access memory behind valid length of `sec`, caller is expected to avoid any invalid memory access. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def memcpy( dst: bytearray | memoryview, dst_ofs: int, src: bytes, src_ofs: int, n: int | None = None, ) -> int: """ Copies at most `n` bytes from `src` at offset `src_ofs` to `dst` at offset `dst_ofs`. Returns the number of actually copied bytes. If `n` is not specified, tries to copy as much as possible. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def halt(msg: str | None = None) -> None: """ Halts execution. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def firmware_hash( challenge: bytes | None = None, callback: Callable[[int, int], None] | None = None, ) -> bytes: """ Computes the Blake2s hash of the firmware with an optional challenge as the key. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def firmware_vendor() -> str: """ Returns the firmware vendor string from the vendor header. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def unit_color() -> int | None: """ Returns the color of the unit. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def unit_btconly() -> bool | None: """ Returns True if the unit is BTConly. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def unit_packaging() -> int | None: """ Returns the packaging version of the unit. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def sd_hotswap_enabled() -> bool: """ Returns True if SD card hot swapping is enabled """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def zero_unused_stack() -> None: """ Zero unused stack memory. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def estimate_unused_stack() -> int: """ Estimate unused stack size. """ # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def reboot_to_bootloader( boot_command : int = 0, boot_args : bytes | None = None, ) -> None: """ Reboots to bootloader. """ VersionTuple = Tuple[int, int, int, int] # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c class FirmwareHeaderInfo(NamedTuple): version: VersionTuple vendor: str fingerprint: bytes hash: bytes # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def check_firmware_header(header : bytes) -> FirmwareHeaderInfo: """Parses incoming firmware header and returns information about it.""" # upymod/modtrezorutils/modtrezorutils.c def bootloader_locked() -> bool | None: """ Returns True/False if the the bootloader is locked/unlocked and None if the feature is not supported. """ SCM_REVISION: bytes """Git commit hash of the firmware.""" VERSION: VersionTuple """Firmware version as a tuple (major, minor, patch, build).""" USE_BLE: bool """Whether the hardware supports BLE.""" USE_SD_CARD: bool """Whether the hardware supports SD card.""" USE_BACKLIGHT: bool """Whether the hardware supports backlight brightness control.""" USE_HAPTIC: bool """Whether the hardware supports haptic feedback.""" USE_OPTIGA: bool """Whether the hardware supports Optiga secure element.""" USE_TOUCH: bool """Whether the hardware supports touch screen.""" USE_BUTTON: bool """Whether the hardware supports two-button input.""" MODEL: str """Model name.""" MODEL_FULL_NAME: str """Full name including Trezor prefix.""" MODEL_USB_MANUFACTURER: str """USB Manufacturer name.""" MODEL_USB_PRODUCT: str """USB Product name.""" INTERNAL_MODEL: str """Internal model code.""" HOMESCREEN_MAXSIZE: int """Maximum size of user-uploaded homescreen in bytes.""" EMULATOR: bool """Whether the firmware is running in the emulator.""" BITCOIN_ONLY: bool """Whether the firmware is Bitcoin-only.""" UI_LAYOUT: str """UI layout identifier ("BOLT"-T, "CAESAR"-TS3, "DELIZIA"-TS5).""" USE_THP: bool """Whether the firmware supports Trezor-Host Protocol (version 2).""" if __debug__: DISABLE_ANIMATION: bool """Whether the firmware should disable animations.""" LOG_STACK_USAGE: bool """Whether the firmware should log estimated stack usage."""