#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys from hashlib import sha256 class Signatures: # offsets from T1 firmware hash sig_offsets = [544, 608, 672] sigindex_offsets = [736, 737, 738] signature_pairs = [] # list of tupes (int, bytes) def __init__(self, filename): """Load FW, zero out signature fiels, compute header hash""" self.fw_image = None # mutable bytearray self.load_fw(filename) self.header_hash = sha256(self.get_header()).digest() print(f"Loaded FW image with header hash {self.header_hash_hex()}") def load_fw(self, filename): """Load FW and zero out signature fiels""" with open(filename, "rb") as f: data = f.read() self.fw_image = bytearray(data) self.zero_sig_fields() def zero_sig_fields(self): """Zero out signature fields to be able to compute header hash""" for i in range(3): sigindex_ofs = self.sigindex_offsets[i] sig_ofs = self.sig_offsets[i] self.fw_image[sigindex_ofs] = 0 self.fw_image[sig_ofs : sig_ofs + 64] = b"\x00" * 64 def header_hash_hex(self): return self.header_hash.hex() def get_header(self): """Return header with zeroed out signatures as copy""" return bytes(self.fw_image[:1024]) def patch_signatures(self): """ Patch signatures from signature_pairs. Requires filling signature_pairs beforehand. """ assert len(self.signature_pairs) == 3 for i in range(3): sigindex_ofs = self.sigindex_offsets[i] sig_ofs = self.sig_offsets[i] (sigindex, sig) = self.signature_pairs[i] print(f"Patching sigindex {sigindex} at offset {sigindex_ofs}") assert 1 <= sigindex <= 5 self.fw_image[sigindex_ofs] = sigindex print(f"Patching signature {sig.hex()} at offset {sig_ofs}") assert len(sig) == 64 self.fw_image[sig_ofs : sig_ofs + 64] = sig def write_output_fw(self, filename): print(f"Writing output signed FW file {filename}") with open(filename, "wb") as signed_fw_file: signed_fw_file.write(self.fw_image) if __name__ == "__main__": # arg1 - unsigned trezor.bin FW # arg2 - list of 3 signatures and indexes in this format (split by single space): # index_num signature # e.g. # 1 adec956df6282c15ee4344b4cf6edbe435ed4bb13b2b7bebb9920f3d1c4a791a446e492f3ff9b86ca43f28cfce1be97c4eefa65e505e8a936876f01833366d5d in_fw_fname = sys.argv[1] signatures_fname = sys.argv[2] signatures = Signatures(in_fw_fname) i = 0 for line in open(signatures_fname): i += 1 print(f"Parsing sig line {i} - {line}") idx, sig = line.rstrip().split(" ") idx = int(idx) sig = bytes.fromhex(sig) assert idx in range(1, 6) # 1 <= idx <= 5 assert len(sig) == 64 signatures.signature_pairs.append((idx, sig)) out_fw_name = in_fw_fname + ".signed" signatures.patch_signatures() signatures.write_output_fw(out_fw_name)