/* * This file is part of the Trezor project, https://trezor.io/ * * Copyright (c) SatoshiLabs * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "common.h" #include "display.h" #include "flash.h" #include "image.h" #include "mini_printf.h" #include "mpu.h" #include "random_delays.h" #include "rng.h" #include "secbool.h" #ifdef USE_TOUCH #include "touch/touch.h" #endif #include "usb.h" #include "version.h" #include "bootui.h" #include "messages.h" // #include "mpu.h" const uint8_t BOOTLOADER_KEY_M = 2; const uint8_t BOOTLOADER_KEY_N = 3; static const uint8_t * const BOOTLOADER_KEYS[] = { (const uint8_t *)"\xc2\xc8\x7a\x49\xc5\xa3\x46\x09\x77\xfb\xb2\xec\x9d\xfe\x60\xf0\x6b\xd6\x94\xdb\x82\x44\xbd\x49\x81\xfe\x3b\x7a\x26\x30\x7f\x3f", (const uint8_t *)"\x80\xd0\x36\xb0\x87\x39\xb8\x46\xf4\xcb\x77\x59\x30\x78\xde\xb2\x5d\xc9\x48\x7a\xed\xcf\x52\xe3\x0b\x4f\xb7\xcd\x70\x24\x17\x8a", (const uint8_t *)"\xb8\x30\x7a\x71\xf5\x52\xc6\x0a\x4c\xbb\x31\x7f\xf4\x8b\x82\xcd\xbf\x6b\x6b\xb5\xf0\x4c\x92\x0f\xec\x7b\xad\xf0\x17\x88\x37\x51", // comment the lines above and uncomment the lines below to use a custom signed vendorheader // (const uint8_t *)"\xd7\x59\x79\x3b\xbc\x13\xa2\x81\x9a\x82\x7c\x76\xad\xb6\xfb\xa8\xa4\x9a\xee\x00\x7f\x49\xf2\xd0\x99\x2d\x99\xb8\x25\xad\x2c\x48", // (const uint8_t *)"\x63\x55\x69\x1c\x17\x8a\x8f\xf9\x10\x07\xa7\x47\x8a\xfb\x95\x5e\xf7\x35\x2c\x63\xe7\xb2\x57\x03\x98\x4c\xf7\x8b\x26\xe2\x1a\x56", // (const uint8_t *)"\xee\x93\xa4\xf6\x6f\x8d\x16\xb8\x19\xbb\x9b\xeb\x9f\xfc\xcd\xfc\xdc\x14\x12\xe8\x7f\xee\x6a\x32\x4c\x2a\x99\xa1\xe0\xe6\x71\x48", }; #define USB_IFACE_NUM 0 static void usb_init_all(secbool usb21_landing) { usb_dev_info_t dev_info = { .device_class = 0x00, .device_subclass = 0x00, .device_protocol = 0x00, .vendor_id = 0x1209, .product_id = 0x53C0, .release_num = 0x0200, .manufacturer = "SatoshiLabs", .product = "TREZOR", .serial_number = "000000000000000000000000", .interface = "TREZOR Interface", .usb21_enabled = sectrue, .usb21_landing = usb21_landing, }; static uint8_t rx_buffer[USB_PACKET_SIZE]; static const usb_webusb_info_t webusb_info = { .iface_num = USB_IFACE_NUM, .ep_in = USB_EP_DIR_IN | 0x01, .ep_out = USB_EP_DIR_OUT | 0x01, .subclass = 0, .protocol = 0, .max_packet_len = sizeof(rx_buffer), .rx_buffer = rx_buffer, .polling_interval = 1, }; usb_init(&dev_info); ensure(usb_webusb_add(&webusb_info), NULL); usb_start(); } static secbool bootloader_usb_loop(const vendor_header *const vhdr, const image_header *const hdr) { // if both are NULL, we don't have a firmware installed // let's show a webusb landing page in this case usb_init_all((vhdr == NULL && hdr == NULL) ? sectrue : secfalse); uint8_t buf[USB_PACKET_SIZE]; for (;;) { int r = usb_webusb_read_blocking(USB_IFACE_NUM, buf, USB_PACKET_SIZE, USB_TIMEOUT); if (r != USB_PACKET_SIZE) { continue; } uint16_t msg_id; uint32_t msg_size; if (sectrue != msg_parse_header(buf, &msg_id, &msg_size)) { // invalid header -> discard continue; } switch (msg_id) { case 0: // Initialize process_msg_Initialize(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf, vhdr, hdr); break; case 1: // Ping process_msg_Ping(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; case 5: // WipeDevice ui_screen_wipe(); r = process_msg_WipeDevice(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); if (r < 0) { // error ui_screen_fail(); usb_stop(); usb_deinit(); return secfalse; // shutdown } else { // success ui_screen_done(0, sectrue); usb_stop(); usb_deinit(); return secfalse; // shutdown } break; case 6: // FirmwareErase process_msg_FirmwareErase(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; case 7: // FirmwareUpload r = process_msg_FirmwareUpload(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); if (r < 0 && r != UPLOAD_ERR_USER_ABORT) { // error, but not user abort ui_screen_fail(); usb_stop(); usb_deinit(); return secfalse; // shutdown } else if (r == 0) { // last chunk received ui_screen_install_progress_upload(1000); ui_screen_done(4, sectrue); ui_screen_done(3, secfalse); hal_delay(1000); ui_screen_done(2, secfalse); hal_delay(1000); ui_screen_done(1, secfalse); hal_delay(1000); usb_stop(); usb_deinit(); return sectrue; // jump to firmware } break; case 55: // GetFeatures process_msg_GetFeatures(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf, vhdr, hdr); break; default: process_msg_unknown(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; } } } secbool check_vendor_header_keys(vendor_header *const vhdr) { return check_vendor_header_sig(vhdr, BOOTLOADER_KEY_M, BOOTLOADER_KEY_N, BOOTLOADER_KEYS); } static secbool check_vendor_header_lock(const vendor_header *const vhdr) { uint8_t lock[FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE]; ensure(flash_otp_read(FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_VENDOR_HEADER_LOCK, 0, lock, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE), NULL); if (0 == memcmp(lock, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE)) { return sectrue; } uint8_t hash[32]; vendor_header_hash(vhdr, hash); return sectrue * (0 == memcmp(lock, hash, 32)); } // protection against bootloader downgrade #if PRODUCTION static void check_bootloader_version(void) { uint8_t bits[FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE * 8; i++) { if (i < VERSION_MONOTONIC) { bits[i / 8] &= ~(1 << (7 - (i % 8))); } else { bits[i / 8] |= (1 << (7 - (i % 8))); } } ensure(flash_otp_write(FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_BOOTLOADER_VERSION, 0, bits, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE), NULL); uint8_t bits2[FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE]; ensure(flash_otp_read(FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_BOOTLOADER_VERSION, 0, bits2, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE), NULL); ensure(sectrue * (0 == memcmp(bits, bits2, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE)), "Bootloader downgraded"); } #endif int main(void) { random_delays_init(); #ifdef USE_TOUCH touch_init(); touch_power_on(); #endif mpu_config_bootloader(); #if PRODUCTION check_bootloader_version(); #endif display_clear(); const image_header *hdr = NULL; vendor_header vhdr; // detect whether the device contains a valid firmware secbool firmware_present = sectrue; if (sectrue != read_vendor_header((const uint8_t *)FIRMWARE_START, &vhdr)) { firmware_present = secfalse; } if (sectrue == firmware_present) { firmware_present = check_vendor_header_keys(&vhdr); } if (sectrue == firmware_present) { firmware_present = check_vendor_header_lock(&vhdr); } if (sectrue == firmware_present) { hdr = read_image_header((const uint8_t *)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen), FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAGIC, FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAXSIZE); if (hdr != (const image_header *)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen)) { firmware_present = secfalse; } } if (sectrue == firmware_present) { firmware_present = check_image_model(hdr); } if (sectrue == firmware_present) { firmware_present = check_image_header_sig(hdr, vhdr.vsig_m, vhdr.vsig_n, vhdr.vpub); } if (sectrue == firmware_present) { firmware_present = check_image_contents(hdr, IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE + vhdr.hdrlen, FIRMWARE_SECTORS, FIRMWARE_SECTORS_COUNT); } // always start bootloader even if firmware is already present // show intro animation // no ui_fadeout(); - we already start from black screen ui_screen_welcome_third(); ui_fadein(); // and start the usb loop if (bootloader_usb_loop(NULL, NULL) != sectrue) { return 1; } ensure(read_vendor_header((const uint8_t *)FIRMWARE_START, &vhdr), "invalid vendor header"); ensure(check_vendor_header_keys(&vhdr), "invalid vendor header signature"); ensure(check_vendor_header_lock(&vhdr), "unauthorized vendor keys"); hdr = read_image_header((const uint8_t *)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen), FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAGIC, FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAXSIZE); ensure(hdr == (const image_header *)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen) ? sectrue : secfalse, "invalid firmware header"); ensure(check_image_model(hdr), "wrong firmware model"); ensure(check_image_header_sig(hdr, vhdr.vsig_m, vhdr.vsig_n, vhdr.vpub), "invalid firmware signature"); ensure(check_image_contents(hdr, IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE + vhdr.hdrlen, FIRMWARE_SECTORS, FIRMWARE_SECTORS_COUNT), "invalid firmware hash"); // do not check any trust flags on header, proceed // mpu_config_firmware(); // jump_to_unprivileged(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen + IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE); mpu_config_off(); jump_to(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen + IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE); return 0; }