#!/usr/bin/env python3 import gzip import os import platform import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from pathlib import Path import click import trezorlib.debuglink import trezorlib.device from trezorlib._internal.emulator import CoreEmulator try: import inotify.adapters except ImportError: inotify = None HERE = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() MICROPYTHON = HERE / "build" / "unix" / "micropython" SRC_DIR = HERE / "src" SD_CARD_GZ = HERE / "trezor.sdcard.gz" PROFILING_WRAPPER = HERE / "prof" / "prof.py" PROFILE_BASE = Path.home() / ".trezoremu" def run_command_with_emulator(emulator, command): with emulator: # first start the subprocess process = subprocess.Popen(command) # After the subprocess is started, ignore SIGINT in parent # (so that we don't need to handle KeyboardInterrupts) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # SIGINTs will be sent to all children by the OS, so we should be able to safely # wait for their exit. return process.wait() def run_emulator(emulator): with emulator: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) return emulator.wait() def watch_emulator(emulator): watch = inotify.adapters.InotifyTree(str(SRC_DIR)) try: for _, type_names, _, _ in watch.event_gen(yield_nones=False): if "IN_CLOSE_WRITE" in type_names: click.echo("Restarting...") emulator.restart() except KeyboardInterrupt: emulator.stop() return 0 def run_debugger(emulator): os.chdir(emulator.workdir) env = emulator.make_env() if platform.system() == "Darwin": env["PATH"] = "/usr/bin" os.execvpe( "lldb", ["lldb", "-f", emulator.executable, "--"] + emulator.make_args(), env, ) else: os.execvpe( "gdb", ["gdb", "--args", emulator.executable] + emulator.make_args(), env ) @click.command(context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True)) # fmt: off @click.option("-a", "--disable-animation", is_flag=True, default=os.environ.get("TREZOR_DISABLE_ANIMATION") == "1", help="Disable animation") @click.option("-c", "--command", "run_command", is_flag=True, help="Run command while emulator is running") @click.option("-d", "--production", is_flag=True, default=os.environ.get("PYOPT") == "1", help="Production mode (debuglink disabled)") @click.option("-D", "--debugger", is_flag=True, help="Run emulator in debugger (gdb/lldb)") @click.option("--executable", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), default=os.environ.get("MICROPYTHON"), help="Alternate emulator executable") @click.option("-g", "--profiling", is_flag=True, default=os.environ.get("TREZOR_PROFILING"), help="Run with profiler wrapper") @click.option("-h", "--headless", is_flag=True, help="Headless mode (no display)") @click.option("--heap-size", metavar="SIZE", default="20M", help="Configure heap size") @click.option("--main", help="Path to python main file") @click.option("--mnemonic", "mnemonics", multiple=True, help="Initialize device with given mnemonic. Specify multiple times for Shamir shares.") @click.option("--log-memory", is_flag=True, default=os.environ.get("TREZOR_LOG_MEMORY") == "1", help="Print memory usage after workflows") @click.option("-o", "--output", type=click.File("w"), default="-", help="Redirect emulator output to file") @click.option("-p", "--profile", metavar="NAME", help="Profile name or path") @click.option("-P", "--port", metavar="PORT", type=int, default=int(os.environ.get("TREZOR_UDP_PORT", 0)) or None, help="UDP port number") @click.option("-q", "--quiet", is_flag=True, help="Silence emulator output") @click.option("-s", "--slip0014", is_flag=True, help="Initialize device with SLIP-14 seed (all all all...)") @click.option("-t", "--temporary-profile", is_flag=True, help="Create an empty temporary profile") @click.option("-w", "--watch", is_flag=True, help="Restart emulator if sources change") @click.option("-X", "--extra-arg", "extra_args", multiple=True, help="Extra argument to pass to micropython") # fmt: on @click.argument("command", nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) def cli( disable_animation, run_command, production, debugger, executable, profiling, headless, heap_size, main, mnemonics, log_memory, profile, port, output, quiet, slip0014, temporary_profile, watch, extra_args, command, ): """Run the trezor-core emulator. If -c is specified, extra arguments are treated as a command that is executed with the running emulator. This command can access the following environment variables: \b TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR - path to storage directory TREZOR_PATH - trezorlib connection string TREZOR_UDP_PORT - UDP port on which the emulator listens TREZOR_FIDO2_UDP_PORT - UDP port for FIDO2 By default, emulator output goes to stdout. If silenced with -q, it is redirected to $TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR/trezor.log. You can also specify a custom path with -o. """ if executable: executable = Path(executable) else: executable = MICROPYTHON if command and not run_command: raise click.ClickException("Extra arguments found. Did you mean to use -c?") if watch and (command or debugger or frozen): raise click.ClickException("Cannot use -w together with -c or -D or -F") if watch and inotify is None: raise click.ClickException("inotify module is missing, install with pip") if main and profiling: raise click.ClickException("Cannot use --main and -g together") if slip0014 and mnemonics: raise click.ClickException("Cannot use -s and --mnemonic together") if slip0014: mnemonics = [" ".join(["all"] * 12)] if mnemonics and debugger: raise click.ClickException("Cannot load mnemonics when running in debugger") if mnemonics and production: raise click.ClickException("Cannot load mnemonics in production mode") if profiling: main_args = [str(PROFILING_WRAPPER)] elif main: main_args = [main] else: main_args = ["-m", "main"] if profile and temporary_profile: raise click.ClickException("Cannot use -p and -t together") tempdir = None if profile: if "/" in profile: profile_dir = Path(profile) else: profile_dir = PROFILE_BASE / profile elif temporary_profile: tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="trezor-emulator-") profile_dir = Path(tempdir.name) # unpack empty SD card for faster start-up with gzip.open(SD_CARD_GZ, "rb") as gz: (profile_dir / "trezor.sdcard").write_bytes(gz.read()) elif "TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR" in os.environ: profile_dir = Path(os.environ["TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR"]) else: profile_dir = Path("/var/tmp") if quiet: output = None emulator = CoreEmulator( executable, profile_dir, logfile=output, port=port, headless=headless, debug=not production, extra_args=extra_args, main_args=main_args, heap_size=heap_size, disable_animation=disable_animation, workdir=SRC_DIR, ) emulator_env = dict( TREZOR_PATH=f"udp:{emulator.port}", TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR=str(profile_dir.resolve()), TREZOR_UDP_PORT=str(emulator.port), TREZOR_FIDO2_UDP_PORT=str(emulator.port + 2), ) os.environ.update(emulator_env) for k, v in emulator_env.items(): click.echo(f"{k}={v}") if log_memory: os.environ["TREZOR_LOG_MEMORY"] = "1" if debugger: run_debugger(emulator) raise RuntimeError("run_debugger should not return") click.echo("Waiting for emulator to come up... ", err=True) start = time.monotonic() emulator.start() end = time.monotonic() click.echo(f"Emulator ready after {end - start:.3f} seconds", err=True) if mnemonics: if slip0014: label = "SLIP-0014" elif profile: label = profile_dir.name else: label = "Emulator" trezorlib.device.wipe(emulator.client) trezorlib.debuglink.load_device( emulator.client, mnemonics, pin=None, passphrase_protection=False, label=label, ) if run_command: ret = run_command_with_emulator(emulator, command) elif watch: ret = watch_emulator(emulator) else: ret = run_emulator(emulator) if tempdir is not None: tempdir.cleanup() sys.exit(ret) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()