syntax = "proto2"; package hw.trezor.messages.bitcoin; // Sugar for easier handling in Java option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf"; option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageBenchmark"; /** * Request: Ask device for a list of names of all supported benchmarks * @start * @next Benchmarks * @next Failure */ message BenchmarkListNames { } /** * Response: Contains the list of names of all supported benchmarks * @end */ message BenchmarkNames { repeated string names = 1; } /** * Request: Ask device to run a benchmark * @start * @next BenchmarkResult * @next Failure */ message BenchmarkRun { optional string name = 1; } /** * Response: Contains the result of the benchmark * @end */ message BenchmarkResult { optional string value = 1; optional string unit = 3; }