import unittest import config from bitkeylib.client import BitkeyClient from bitkeylib.debuglink import DebugLink from bitkeylib import proto ''' TODO: * Features reflects all variations of LoadDevice * Maxfee settings * Client requires OTP * Client requires PIN ''' class TestBasic(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.debug_transport = config.DEBUG_TRANSPORT(*config.DEBUG_TRANSPORT_ARGS) self.transport = config.TRANSPORT(*config.TRANSPORT_ARGS) self.bitkey = BitkeyClient(self.transport, DebugLink(self.debug_transport), algo=proto.ELECTRUM, debug=True) self.bitkey.setup_debuglink(button=True, pin_correct=True, otp_correct=True) self.bitkey.load_device(seed='beyond neighbor scratch swirl embarrass doll cause also stick softly physical nice', otp=True, pin='1234', spv=True) print "Setup finished" print "--------------" def tearDown(self): self.debug_transport.close() self.transport.close() def test_features(self): features = # Result is the same as reported by BitkeyClient class self.assertEqual(features, self.bitkey.features) def test_ping(self): ping ='ahoj!')) # Ping results in Success(message='Ahoj!') self.assertEqual(ping, proto.Success(message='ahoj!')) def test_uuid(self): uuid1 = self.bitkey.get_uuid() uuid2 = self.bitkey.get_uuid() # UUID must be longer than 10 characters self.assertGreater(len(uuid1.UUID), 10) # Every resulf of UUID must be the same self.assertEqual(uuid1, uuid2)