import utime from micropython import const import storage import storage.cache import storage.device from trezor import config, ui, utils from trezor.ui.loader import Loader, LoaderNeutral from apps.base import lock_device from . import HomescreenBase _LOADER_DELAY_MS = const(500) _LOADER_TOTAL_MS = const(2500) async def homescreen() -> None: await Homescreen() lock_device() class Homescreen(HomescreenBase): RENDER_INDICATOR = storage.cache.HOMESCREEN_ON def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() if not storage.device.is_initialized(): self.label = "Go to" self.loader = Loader( style=LoaderNeutral, target_ms=_LOADER_TOTAL_MS - _LOADER_DELAY_MS, offset_y=-10, reverse_speedup=3, ) self.touch_ms: int | None = None def do_render(self) -> None: # warning bar on top if storage.device.is_initialized() and storage.device.no_backup(): ui.header_error("SEEDLESS") elif storage.device.is_initialized() and storage.device.unfinished_backup(): ui.header_error("BACKUP FAILED!") elif storage.device.is_initialized() and storage.device.needs_backup(): ui.header_warning("NEEDS BACKUP!") elif storage.device.is_initialized() and not config.has_pin(): ui.header_warning("PIN NOT SET!") elif storage.device.get_experimental_features(): ui.header_warning("EXPERIMENTAL MODE!") else:, 0, ui.WIDTH, ui.HEIGHT, ui.BG) # homescreen with shifted avatar and text on bottom ui.display.avatar(48, 48 - 10, self.get_image(), ui.WHITE, ui.BLACK) label_heights = {"1": 54, "R": 110, "T": 220} ui.display.text_center( ui.WIDTH // 2, label_heights[utils.MODEL], self.label, ui.BOLD, ui.FG, ui.BG ) def on_touch_start(self, _x: int, _y: int) -> None: if self.loader.start_ms is not None: self.loader.start() elif config.has_pin(): self.touch_ms = utime.ticks_ms() def on_touch_end(self, _x: int, _y: int) -> None: if self.loader.start_ms is not None: self.set_repaint(True) self.loader.stop() self.touch_ms = None # raise here instead of self.loader.on_finish so as not to send TOUCH_END to the lockscreen if self.loader.elapsed_ms() >= self.loader.target_ms: raise ui.Result(None) def _loader_start(self) -> None: ui.display.clear() ui.display.text_center(ui.WIDTH // 2, 35, "Hold to lock", ui.BOLD, ui.FG, ui.BG) self.loader.start() def dispatch(self, event: int, x: int, y: int) -> None: if ( self.touch_ms is not None and self.touch_ms + _LOADER_DELAY_MS < utime.ticks_ms() ): self.touch_ms = None self._loader_start() if event is ui.RENDER and self.loader.start_ms is not None: self.loader.dispatch(event, x, y) else: super().dispatch(event, x, y)