""" All outputs were set in this phase. This step serializes tx pub keys into the tx extra field and then hashes it into the prefix hash. The prefix hash is then complete. """ import gc from trezor import utils from apps.monero.layout import confirms from apps.monero.xmr import crypto from .state import State if False: from trezor.messages.MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck import ( MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck, ) async def all_outputs_set(state: State) -> MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck: state.mem_trace(0) await confirms.transaction_step(state, state.STEP_ALL_OUT) state.mem_trace(1) _validate(state) state.is_processing_offloaded = False state.mem_trace(2) extra_b = _set_tx_extra(state) # tx public keys not needed anymore state.additional_tx_public_keys = None state.tx_pub = None state.rsig_grouping = None state.rsig_offload = None gc.collect() state.mem_trace(3) # Completes the transaction prefix hash by including extra _set_tx_prefix(state, extra_b) state.output_change = None gc.collect() state.mem_trace(4) # In the multisig mode here needs to be a check whether currently computed # transaction prefix matches expected transaction prefix sent in the # init step. from trezor.messages.MoneroRingCtSig import MoneroRingCtSig from trezor.messages.MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck import ( MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck, ) # Initializes RCTsig structure (fee, tx prefix hash, type) rv_pb = MoneroRingCtSig( txn_fee=state.fee, message=state.tx_prefix_hash, rv_type=state.tx_type, ) _out_pk(state) state.full_message_hasher.rctsig_base_done() state.current_output_index = None state.current_input_index = -1 state.full_message = state.full_message_hasher.get_digest() state.full_message_hasher = None state.output_pk_commitments = None state.summary_outs_money = None state.summary_inputs_money = None state.fee = None state.last_ki = None state.last_step = state.STEP_ALL_OUT return MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck( extra=extra_b, tx_prefix_hash=state.tx_prefix_hash, rv=rv_pb, full_message_hash=state.full_message, ) def _validate(state: State): if state.last_step != state.STEP_OUT: raise ValueError("Invalid state transition") if state.current_output_index + 1 != state.output_count: raise ValueError("Invalid out num") # Fee test if state.fee != (state.summary_inputs_money - state.summary_outs_money): raise ValueError( "Fee invalid %s vs %s, out: %s" % ( state.fee, state.summary_inputs_money - state.summary_outs_money, state.summary_outs_money, ) ) if state.summary_outs_money > state.summary_inputs_money: raise ValueError( "Transaction inputs money (%s) less than outputs money (%s)" % (state.summary_inputs_money, state.summary_outs_money) ) def _set_tx_extra(state: State) -> bytes: """ Sets tx public keys into transaction's extra. Extra field is supposed to be sorted (by sort_tx_extra() in the Monero) Tag ordering: TX_EXTRA_TAG_PUBKEY, TX_EXTRA_TAG_ADDITIONAL_PUBKEYS, TX_EXTRA_NONCE """ from apps.monero.xmr.serialize import int_serialize # Extra buffer length computation # TX_EXTRA_TAG_PUBKEY (1B) | tx_pub_key (32B) extra_size = 33 offset = 0 num_keys = 0 len_size = 0 if state.need_additional_txkeys: num_keys = len(state.additional_tx_public_keys) len_size = int_serialize.uvarint_size(num_keys) # TX_EXTRA_TAG_ADDITIONAL_PUBKEYS (1B) | varint | keys extra_size += 1 + len_size + 32 * num_keys if state.extra_nonce: extra_size += len(state.extra_nonce) extra = bytearray(extra_size) extra[0] = 1 # TX_EXTRA_TAG_PUBKEY crypto.encodepoint_into(memoryview(extra)[1:], state.tx_pub) offset += 33 if state.need_additional_txkeys: extra[offset] = 0x4 # TX_EXTRA_TAG_ADDITIONAL_PUBKEYS int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b_into(num_keys, extra, offset + 1) offset += 1 + len_size for idx in range(num_keys): extra[offset : offset + 32] = state.additional_tx_public_keys[idx] offset += 32 if state.extra_nonce: utils.memcpy(extra, offset, state.extra_nonce, 0, len(state.extra_nonce)) state.extra_nonce = None return extra def _set_tx_prefix(state: State, extra: bytes): """ Adds `extra` to the tx_prefix_hash, which is the last needed item, so the tx_prefix_hash is now complete and can be incorporated into full_message_hash. """ # Serializing "extra" type as BlobType. # uvarint(len(extra)) || extra state.tx_prefix_hasher.uvarint(len(extra)) state.tx_prefix_hasher.buffer(extra) state.tx_prefix_hash = state.tx_prefix_hasher.get_digest() state.tx_prefix_hasher = None state.full_message_hasher.set_message(state.tx_prefix_hash) def _out_pk(state: State): """ Hashes out_pk into the full message. """ if state.output_count != len(state.output_pk_commitments): raise ValueError("Invalid number of ecdh") for out in state.output_pk_commitments: state.full_message_hasher.set_out_pk_commitment(out)