# This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see . import pytest from trezorlib import device, exceptions, messages pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip_t1 SHARES_20_3of6 = [ "extra extend academic bishop cricket bundle tofu goat apart victim enlarge program behavior permit course armed jerky faint language modern", "extra extend academic acne away best indicate impact square oasis prospect painting voting guest either argue username racism enemy eclipse", "extra extend academic arcade born dive legal hush gross briefing talent drug much home firefly toxic analysis idea umbrella slice", ] SHARES_33_2of5 = [ "hobo romp academic axis august founder knife legal recover alien expect emphasis loan kitchen involve teacher capture rebuild trial numb spider forward ladle lying voter typical security quantity hawk legs idle leaves gasoline", "hobo romp academic agency ancestor industry argue sister scene midst graduate profile numb paid headset airport daisy flame express scene usual welcome quick silent downtown oral critical step remove says rhythm venture aunt", ] VECTORS = ( (SHARES_20_3of6, "491b795b80fc21ccdf466c0fbc98c8fc"), ( SHARES_33_2of5, "b770e0da1363247652de97a39bdbf2463be087848d709ecbf28e84508e31202a", ), ) def enter_all_shares(debug, shares): word_count = len(shares[0].split(" ")) # Homescreen - proceed to word number selection yield debug.press_yes() # Input word number code = yield assert code == messages.ButtonRequestType.MnemonicWordCount debug.input(str(word_count)) # Homescreen - proceed to share entry yield debug.press_yes() # Enter shares for share in shares: code = yield assert code == messages.ButtonRequestType.MnemonicInput # Enter mnemonic words for word in share.split(" "): debug.input(word) # Homescreen - continue # or Homescreen - confirm success yield debug.press_yes() @pytest.mark.setup_client(uninitialized=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shares, secret", VECTORS) def test_secret(client, shares, secret): debug = client.debug def input_flow(): yield # Confirm Recovery debug.press_yes() # run recovery flow yield from enter_all_shares(debug, shares) with client: client.set_input_flow(input_flow) ret = device.recover(client, pin_protection=False, label="label") # Workflow succesfully ended assert ret == messages.Success(message="Device recovered") assert client.features.pin_protection is False assert client.features.passphrase_protection is False # Check mnemonic assert debug.read_mnemonic_secret().hex() == secret @pytest.mark.setup_client(uninitialized=True) def test_recover_with_pin_passphrase(client): debug = client.debug def input_flow(): yield # Confirm Recovery debug.press_yes() yield # Enter PIN debug.input("654") yield # Enter PIN again debug.input("654") # Proceed with recovery yield from enter_all_shares(debug, SHARES_20_3of6) with client: client.set_input_flow(input_flow) ret = device.recover( client, pin_protection=True, passphrase_protection=True, label="label" ) # Workflow succesfully ended assert ret == messages.Success(message="Device recovered") assert client.features.pin_protection is True assert client.features.passphrase_protection is True @pytest.mark.setup_client(uninitialized=True) def test_abort(client): debug = client.debug def input_flow(): yield # Confirm Recovery debug.press_yes() yield # Homescreen - abort process debug.press_no() yield # Homescreen - confirm abort debug.press_yes() with client: client.set_input_flow(input_flow) with pytest.raises(exceptions.Cancelled): device.recover(client, pin_protection=False, label="label") client.init_device() assert client.features.initialized is False @pytest.mark.setup_client(uninitialized=True) def test_noabort(client): debug = client.debug def input_flow(): yield # Confirm Recovery debug.press_yes() yield # Homescreen - abort process debug.press_no() yield # Homescreen - go back to process debug.press_no() yield from enter_all_shares(debug, SHARES_20_3of6) with client: client.set_input_flow(input_flow) device.recover(client, pin_protection=False, label="label") client.init_device() assert client.features.initialized is True @pytest.mark.setup_client(uninitialized=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nth_word", range(3)) def test_wrong_nth_word(client, nth_word): debug = client.debug share = SHARES_20_3of6[0].split(" ") def input_flow(): yield # Confirm Recovery debug.press_yes() yield # Homescreen - start process debug.press_yes() yield # Enter number of words debug.input(str(len(share))) yield # Homescreen - proceed to share entry debug.press_yes() yield # Enter first share for word in share: debug.input(word) yield # Continue to next share debug.press_yes() yield # Enter next share for i, word in enumerate(share): if i < nth_word: debug.input(word) else: debug.input(share[-1]) break code = yield assert code == messages.ButtonRequestType.Warning client.cancel() with client: client.set_input_flow(input_flow) with pytest.raises(exceptions.Cancelled): device.recover(client, pin_protection=False, label="label") @pytest.mark.setup_client(uninitialized=True) def test_same_share(client): debug = client.debug first_share = SHARES_20_3of6[0].split(" ") # second share is first 4 words of first second_share = SHARES_20_3of6[0].split(" ")[:4] def input_flow(): yield # Confirm Recovery debug.press_yes() yield # Homescreen - start process debug.press_yes() yield # Enter number of words debug.input(str(len(first_share))) yield # Homescreen - proceed to share entry debug.press_yes() yield # Enter first share for word in first_share: debug.input(word) yield # Continue to next share debug.press_yes() yield # Enter next share for word in second_share: debug.input(word) code = yield assert code == messages.ButtonRequestType.Warning client.cancel() with client: client.set_input_flow(input_flow) with pytest.raises(exceptions.Cancelled): device.recover(client, pin_protection=False, label="label")