import utime import storage.cache from trezor import log, loop if False: from typing import Callable IdleCallback = Callable[[], None] if __debug__: # Used in `on_close` below for memory statistics. import micropython from trezor import utils # Set of workflow tasks. Multiple workflows can be running at the same time. tasks: set[loop.spawn] = set() # Default workflow task, if a default workflow is running. Default workflow # is not contained in the `tasks` set above. default_task: loop.spawn | None = None # Constructor for the default workflow. Returns a workflow task. default_constructor: Callable[[], loop.Task] | None = None def _on_start(workflow: loop.spawn) -> None: """ Called after creating a workflow task, but before running it. """ # Take note that this workflow task is running. if __debug__: log.debug(__name__, "start: %s", workflow.task) idle_timer.touch() tasks.add(workflow) def _on_close(workflow: loop.spawn) -> None: """Called when a workflow task has finished running.""" # Remove task from the running set. if __debug__: log.debug(__name__, "close: %s", workflow.task) tasks.remove(workflow) if not tasks and default_constructor: # If no workflows are running, we should create a new default workflow # and run it. start_default() if __debug__: # In debug builds, we dump a memory info right after a workflow is # finished. if utils.LOG_MEMORY: micropython.mem_info() def spawn(workflow: loop.Task) -> loop.spawn: """Spawn a workflow task. Creates an instance of loop.spawn for the workflow and registers it into the workflow management system. """ task = loop.spawn(workflow) _on_start(task) task.set_finalizer(_on_close) return task def start_default() -> None: """Start a default workflow. Use `set_default` to set the default workflow constructor. If a default task is already running, nothing will happen. """ global default_task global default_constructor assert default_constructor is not None if not default_task: default_task = loop.spawn(default_constructor()) if __debug__: log.debug(__name__, "start default: %s", default_task.task) default_task.set_finalizer(_finalize_default) else: if __debug__: log.debug(__name__, "default already started") def set_default(constructor: Callable[[], loop.Task]) -> None: """Configure a default workflow, which will be started next time it is needed.""" global default_constructor if __debug__: log.debug(__name__, "setting a new default: %s", constructor) default_constructor = constructor def kill_default() -> None: """Forcefully shut down default task. The purpose of the call is to prevent the default task from interfering with a synchronous layout-less workflow (e.g., the progress bar in `mnemonic.get_seed`). This function should only be called from a workflow registered with `on_start`. Otherwise the default will be restarted immediately. """ if default_task: if __debug__: log.debug(__name__, "close default") # We let the `_finalize_default` reset the global. default_task.close() def close_others() -> None: """Request workflow (and UI) exclusivity: shut down all running tasks, except the one that is currently executing. If this is called from outside a registered workflow, it is equivalent to "close all tasks". In that case, the default task will be restarted afterwards. """ if default_task is not None and not default_task.is_running(): default_task.close() # if no other tasks are running, start_default will run immediately # we need a local copy of tasks because processing task.close() modifies # the global instance for task in list(tasks): if not task.is_running(): task.close() storage.cache.homescreen_shown = None # if tasks were running, closing the last of them will run start_default def _finalize_default(task: loop.spawn) -> None: """Finalizer for the default task. Cleans up globals and restarts the default in case no other task is running.""" global default_task assert default_task is task # finalizer is closing something other than default? assert default_constructor is not None # it should always be configured if __debug__: log.debug(__name__, "default closed: %s", task.task) default_task = None if not tasks: # No registered workflows are running and we are in the default task # finalizer, so when this function finished, nothing will be running. # We must schedule a new instance of the default now. start_default() class IdleTimer: """Run callbacks after a period of inactivity. A global instance `workflow.idle_timer` is available to create events that fire after a specified time of no user or host activity. This instance is kept awake by UI taps, swipes, and USB message handling. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.timeouts: dict[IdleCallback, int] = {} self.tasks: dict[IdleCallback, loop.Task] = {} async def _timeout_task(self, callback: IdleCallback) -> None: # This function is async, so the result of self._timeout_task() is an awaitable, # suitable for scheduling. # After the scheduled task completes, self.tasks will contain a stale task # object. A new one must be created here so that subsequent calls to touch() can # schedule it again. self.tasks[callback] = self._timeout_task(callback) callback() def touch(self) -> None: """Wake up the idle timer. Events that represent some form of activity (USB messages, touches, etc.) should call `touch()` to notify the timer of the activity. All pending callback timers will reset. """ for callback, task in self.tasks.items(): timeout_us = self.timeouts[callback] deadline = utime.ticks_add(utime.ticks_ms(), timeout_us) loop.schedule(task, None, deadline, reschedule=True) def set(self, timeout_ms: int, callback: IdleCallback) -> None: """Add or update an idle callback. Every time `timeout_ms` milliseconds elapse after the last registered activity, `callback` will be invoked. I.e., in every period of inactivity, each `callback` will only run once. To run again, an activity must be registered and then no activity for the specified period. If `callback` was previously registered, it is updated with a new timeout value. `idle_timer.set()` also counts as an activity, so all running idle timers are reset. """ # The reason for counting set() as an activity is to clear up an ambiguity that # would arise otherwise. This does not matter now, as callbacks are only # scheduled during periods of activity. # If we ever need to add a callback without touching, we will need to know # when this callback should execute (10 mins from now? from last activity? if # the latter, what if 10 minutes have already elapsed?) if callback in self.tasks: loop.close(self.tasks[callback]) self.timeouts[callback] = timeout_ms self.tasks[callback] = self._timeout_task(callback) self.touch() def remove(self, callback: IdleCallback) -> None: """Remove an idle callback.""" self.timeouts.pop(callback, None) task = self.tasks.pop(callback, None) if task is not None: loop.close(task) idle_timer = IdleTimer() """Global idle timer."""