import base64 import filecmp import shutil from datetime import datetime from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree from itertools import zip_longest from pathlib import Path import dominate from dominate.tags import a, div, h1, h2, hr, i, img, p, strong, table, td, th, tr from dominate.util import text from . import download REPORTS_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "reports" def _image(src): with td(): if src: # open image file image = src.read_bytes() # encode image as base64 image = base64.b64encode(image) # convert output to str image = image.decode() # img(src=src.relative_to(fixture_test_path)) img(src="data:image/png;base64, " + image) else: i("missing") def _header(test_name, expected_hash, actual_hash): h1(test_name) with div(): if actual_hash == expected_hash: p( "This test succeeded on UI comparison.", style="color: green; font-weight: bold;", ) else: p( "This test failed on UI comparison.", style="color: red; font-weight: bold;", ) p("Expected: ", expected_hash) p("Actual: ", actual_hash) hr() def _write(fixture_test_path, doc, filename): (fixture_test_path / filename).write_text(doc.render()) return fixture_test_path / filename def _report_links(tests): if not tests: i("None!") return with table(border=1): with tr(): th("Link to report") for test in sorted(tests): with tr(): path = test.relative_to(REPORTS_PATH) td(a(, href=path)) def clear_dir(): # delete and create the reports dir to clear previous entries shutil.rmtree(REPORTS_PATH, ignore_errors=True) REPORTS_PATH.mkdir() (REPORTS_PATH / "failed").mkdir() (REPORTS_PATH / "passed").mkdir() def index(): passed_tests = list((REPORTS_PATH / "passed").iterdir()) failed_tests = list((REPORTS_PATH / "failed").iterdir()) title = "UI Test report " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") doc = dominate.document(title=title) with doc: h1("UI Test report") if not failed_tests: p("All tests succeeded!", style="color: green; font-weight: bold;") else: p("Some tests failed!", style="color: red; font-weight: bold;") hr() h2("Failed", style="color: red;") _report_links(failed_tests) h2("Passed", style="color: green;") _report_links(passed_tests) return _write(REPORTS_PATH, doc, "index.html") def failed(fixture_test_path, test_name, actual_hash, expected_hash): doc = dominate.document(title=test_name) recorded_path = fixture_test_path / "recorded" actual_path = fixture_test_path / "actual" download_failed = False if not recorded_path.exists(): recorded_path.mkdir() try: download.fetch_recorded(expected_hash, recorded_path) except Exception: download_failed = True recorded_screens = sorted(recorded_path.iterdir()) actual_screens = sorted(actual_path.iterdir()) with doc: _header(test_name, expected_hash, actual_hash) if download_failed: with p(): strong("WARNING:") text(" failed to download recorded fixtures. Is this a new test case?") with table(border=1, width=600): with tr(): th("Expected") th("Actual") for recorded, actual in zip_longest(recorded_screens, actual_screens): if recorded and actual and filecmp.cmp(actual, recorded): background = "white" else: background = "red" with tr(bgcolor=background): _image(recorded) _image(actual) return _write(REPORTS_PATH / "failed", doc, test_name + ".html") def passed(fixture_test_path, test_name, actual_hash): copy_tree(str(fixture_test_path / "actual"), str(fixture_test_path / "recorded")) doc = dominate.document(title=test_name) actual_path = fixture_test_path / "actual" actual_screens = sorted(actual_path.iterdir()) with doc: _header(test_name, actual_hash, actual_hash) with table(border=1): with tr(): th("Recorded") for screen in actual_screens: with tr(): _image(screen) return _write(REPORTS_PATH / "passed", doc, test_name + ".html")