syntax = "proto2";
package hw.trezor.messages.lisk;

// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageLisk";

 * Request: Ask device for Lisk address corresponding to address_n path
 * @start
 * @next LiskAddress
 * @next Failure
message LiskGetAddress {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;  // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional bool show_display = 2; // Optionally show on display before sending the result

 * Response: Contains Lisk address derived from device private seed
 * @end
message LiskAddress {
    required string address = 1;    // Lisk address

 * Request: Ask device for Lisk public key corresponding to address_n path
 * @start
 * @next LiskPublicKey
message LiskGetPublicKey {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;  // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional bool show_display = 2; // Optionally show on display before sending the result

 * Response: Contains Lisk public key derived from device private seed
 * @end
message LiskPublicKey {
    required bytes public_key = 1;  // Lisk public key

 * Request: Ask device to sign Lisk transaction
 * @start
 * @next LiskSignedTx
 * @next Failure
message LiskSignTx {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;                  // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    required LiskTransactionCommon transaction = 2; // Lisk transaction structure
     * Structure representing the common part for Lisk transactions
    message LiskTransactionCommon {
        optional LiskTransactionType type = 1;
        optional uint64 amount = 2;
        optional uint64 fee = 3;
        optional string recipient_id = 4;
        optional bytes sender_public_key = 5;
        optional bytes requester_public_key = 6;
        optional bytes signature = 7;
        optional uint32 timestamp = 8;
        optional LiskTransactionAsset asset = 9;
         * Type of Lisk transaction
        enum LiskTransactionType {
            Transfer = 0;
            RegisterSecondPassphrase = 1;
            RegisterDelegate = 2;
            CastVotes = 3;
            RegisterMultisignatureAccount = 4;
            CreateDapp = 5;
            TransferIntoDapp = 6;
            TransferOutOfDapp = 7;
         * Structure representing the asset field in the Lisk transaction
        message LiskTransactionAsset {
            optional LiskSignatureType signature = 1;
            optional LiskDelegateType delegate = 2;
            repeated string votes = 3;
            optional LiskMultisignatureType multisignature = 4;
            optional string data = 5;
             * Structure representing the signature field in the Lisk transaction asset field
            message LiskSignatureType {
                optional bytes public_key = 1;
             * Structure representing the delegate field in the Lisk transaction asset field
            message LiskDelegateType {
                optional string username  = 1;
             * Structure representing the multisignature field in the Lisk transaction asset field
            message LiskMultisignatureType {
                optional uint32 min = 1;
                optional uint32 life_time = 2;
                repeated string keys_group = 3;

 * Response: Contains Lisk transaction signature
 * @end
message LiskSignedTx {
    required bytes signature = 1;

 * Request: Ask device to sign message
 * @start
 * @next LiskMessageSignature
 * @next Failure
message LiskSignMessage {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;
    required bytes message = 2;

 * Response: Signed message
 * @end
message LiskMessageSignature {
    required bytes public_key = 1;
    required bytes signature = 2;

 * Request: Ask device to verify message
 * @start
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message LiskVerifyMessage {
    required bytes public_key = 1;
    required bytes signature = 2;
    required bytes message = 3;