.PHONY: vendor JOBS=4 MAKE=make -j $(JOBS) TREZORHAL_BUILD_DIR=micropython/firmware/build TREZORHAL_PORT_OPTS=FROZEN_MPY_DIR=src UNIX_PORT_OPTS=MICROPY_FORCE_32BIT=1 MICROPY_PY_BTREE=0 MICROPY_PY_TERMIOS=0 MICROPY_PY_FFI=0 MICROPY_PY_USSL=0 MICROPY_SSL_AXTLS=0 CROSS_PORT_OPTS=MICROPY_FORCE_32BIT=1 help: ## show this help @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[36mmake %-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) vendor: ## update git submodules # git submodule update --init res: ## update resources ./tools/res_collect build: build_trezorhal build_unix build_cross ## build trezorhal, unix and mpy-cross micropython ports build_trezorhal: vendor res build_cross ## build trezorhal port with frozen modules $(MAKE) -f Makefile.firmware $(TREZORHAL_PORT_OPTS) build_trezorhal_debug: vendor res build_cross ## build trezorhal port with frozen modules and debug symbols $(MAKE) -f Makefile.firmware $(TREZORHAL_PORT_OPTS) DEBUG=1 build_bootloader: vendor ## build bootloader $(MAKE) -f Makefile.bootloader $(TREZORHAL_PORT_OPTS) build_unix: vendor ## build unix port $(MAKE) -f ../../../micropython/unix/Makefile -C vendor/micropython/unix $(UNIX_PORT_OPTS) build_unix_debug: vendor ## build unix port with debug symbols $(MAKE) -f ../../../micropython/unix/Makefile -C vendor/micropython/unix $(UNIX_PORT_OPTS) DEBUG=1 build_cross: vendor ## build mpy-cross port $(MAKE) -C vendor/micropython/mpy-cross $(CROSS_PORT_OPTS) run: ## run unix port cd src ; ../vendor/micropython/unix/micropython emu: ## run emulator ./emu.sh clean: clean_trezorhal clean_unix clean_cross ## clean all builds clean_trezorhal: ## clean trezorhal build $(MAKE) -f Makefile.firmware clean $(TREZORHAL_PORT_OPTS) clean_unix: ## clean unix build $(MAKE) -f ../../../micropython/unix/Makefile -C vendor/micropython/unix clean $(UNIX_PORT_OPTS) # workaround for relative paths containing ../.. in unix Makefile rm -rf vendor/micropython/micropython clean_cross: ## clean mpy-cross build $(MAKE) -C vendor/micropython/mpy-cross clean $(CROSS_PORT_OPTS) flash: ## flash firmware using st-flash st-flash write $(TREZORHAL_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.bin 0x8000000 flash_openocd: $(TREZORHAL_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.hex ## flash firmware using openocd openocd -f interface/stlink-v2.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg \ -c "init" \ -c "reset init" \ -c "stm32f4x mass_erase 0" \ -c "flash write_image $(TREZORHAL_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.hex" \ -c "reset" \ -c "shutdown" openocd: ## start openocd which connects to the device openocd -f interface/stlink-v2.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg gdb: ## start remote gdb session which connects to the openocd arm-none-eabi-gdb $(TREZORHAL_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.elf -ex 'target remote localhost:3333' test: ## run unit tests cd tests ; ./run_tests.sh testpy: ## run selected unit tests from python-trezor cd tests ; ./run_tests_python_trezor.sh