from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from trezor.enums import TezosContractType from trezor.wire import DataError from apps.common.keychain import with_slip44_keychain from apps.common.writers import write_bytes_fixed, write_uint8, write_uint32_be from . import CURVE, PATTERNS, SLIP44_ID, helpers from .helpers import ( # symbols used more than once CONTRACT_ID_SIZE, TAGGED_PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE, base58_encode_check, write_bool, write_instruction, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from trezor.messages import ( TezosContractID, TezosDelegationOp, TezosOriginationOp, TezosRevealOp, TezosSignedTx, TezosSignTx, TezosTransactionOp, ) from trezor.utils import Writer from apps.common.keychain import Keychain @with_slip44_keychain(*PATTERNS, slip44_id=SLIP44_ID, curve=CURVE) async def sign_tx(msg: TezosSignTx, keychain: Keychain) -> TezosSignedTx: from trezor.crypto import hashlib from trezor.crypto.curve import ed25519 from trezor.enums import TezosBallotType from trezor.messages import TezosSignedTx from apps.common.paths import validate_path from . import layout await validate_path(keychain, msg.address_n) node = keychain.derive(msg.address_n) transaction = msg.transaction # local_cache_attribute origination = msg.origination # local_cache_attribute delegation = msg.delegation # local_cache_attribute if transaction is not None: fee = transaction.fee # local_cache_attribute parameters_manager = transaction.parameters_manager # local_cache_attribute # if the transaction operation is used to execute code on a smart contract if parameters_manager is not None: transfer = parameters_manager.transfer # local_cache_attribute # operation to delegate from a smart contract with if parameters_manager.set_delegate is not None: delegate = _get_address_by_tag(parameters_manager.set_delegate) await layout.require_confirm_delegation_baker(delegate) await layout.require_confirm_set_delegate(fee) # operation to remove delegate from the smart contract with elif parameters_manager.cancel_delegate is not None: address = _get_address_from_contract(transaction.destination) await layout.require_confirm_delegation_manager_withdraw(address) await layout.require_confirm_manager_remove_delegate(fee) # operation to transfer tokens from a smart contract to an implicit account or a smart contract elif transfer is not None: to = _get_address_from_contract(transfer.destination) await layout.require_confirm_tx( to, transfer.amount, chunkify=bool(msg.chunkify) ) await layout.require_confirm_fee(transfer.amount, fee) else: # transactions from an implicit account to = _get_address_from_contract(transaction.destination) await layout.require_confirm_tx( to, transaction.amount, chunkify=bool(msg.chunkify) ) await layout.require_confirm_fee(transaction.amount, fee) elif origination is not None: source = _get_address_by_tag(origination.source) await layout.require_confirm_origination(source) # if we are immediately delegating contract if origination.delegate is not None: delegate = _get_address_by_tag(origination.delegate) await layout.require_confirm_delegation_baker(delegate) await layout.require_confirm_origination_fee( origination.balance, origination.fee ) elif delegation is not None: source = _get_address_by_tag(delegation.source) delegate_address: str | None = None if delegation.delegate is not None: delegate_address = _get_address_by_tag(delegation.delegate) if delegate_address is not None and source != delegate_address: await layout.require_confirm_delegation_baker(delegate_address) await layout.require_confirm_set_delegate(delegation.fee) # if account registers itself as a delegate else: await layout.require_confirm_register_delegate(source, delegation.fee) elif msg.proposal is not None: proposed_protocols = [ # _get_protocol_hash base58_encode_check(p, "P") for p in msg.proposal.proposals ] await layout.require_confirm_proposals(proposed_protocols) elif msg.ballot is not None: # _get_protocol_hash proposed_protocol = base58_encode_check(msg.ballot.proposal, "P") # _get_ballot if msg.ballot.ballot == TezosBallotType.Yay: submitted_ballot = "yay" elif msg.ballot.ballot == TezosBallotType.Nay: submitted_ballot = "nay" elif msg.ballot.ballot == TezosBallotType.Pass: submitted_ballot = "pass" else: raise RuntimeError # unrecognized enum value await layout.require_confirm_ballot(proposed_protocol, submitted_ballot) else: raise DataError("Invalid operation") w = bytearray() _get_operation_bytes(w, msg) opbytes = bytes(w) # watermark 0x03 is prefix for transactions, delegations, originations, reveals... watermark = bytes([3]) wm_opbytes = watermark + opbytes wm_opbytes_hash = hashlib.blake2b(wm_opbytes, outlen=32).digest() signature = ed25519.sign(node.private_key(), wm_opbytes_hash) sig_op_contents = opbytes + signature sig_op_contents_hash = hashlib.blake2b(sig_op_contents, outlen=32).digest() ophash = base58_encode_check(sig_op_contents_hash, "o") sig_prefixed = base58_encode_check(signature, helpers.TEZOS_SIGNATURE_PREFIX) return TezosSignedTx( signature=sig_prefixed, sig_op_contents=sig_op_contents, operation_hash=ophash ) def _get_address_by_tag(address_hash: bytes) -> str: prefixes = ["tz1", "tz2", "tz3"] tag = int(address_hash[0]) if 0 <= tag < len(prefixes): return base58_encode_check(address_hash[1:], prefixes[tag]) raise DataError("Invalid tag in address hash") def _get_address_from_contract(address: TezosContractID) -> str: if address.tag == TezosContractType.Implicit: return _get_address_by_tag(address.hash) elif address.tag == TezosContractType.Originated: return base58_encode_check( address.hash[:-1], helpers.TEZOS_ORIGINATED_ADDRESS_PREFIX ) raise DataError("Invalid contract type") def _get_operation_bytes(w: Writer, msg: TezosSignTx) -> None: from apps.common.writers import write_bytes_unchecked from .helpers import PROPOSAL_HASH_SIZE reveal = msg.reveal # local_cache_attribute write_bytes_fixed(w, msg.branch, helpers.BRANCH_HASH_SIZE) # when the account sends first operation in lifetime, # we need to reveal its public key if reveal is not None: _encode_common(w, reveal, "reveal") tag = int(reveal.public_key[0]) try: public_key_size = helpers.PUBLIC_KEY_TAG_TO_SIZE[tag] except KeyError: raise DataError("Invalid tag in public key") write_bytes_fixed(w, reveal.public_key, 1 + public_key_size) # transaction operation if msg.transaction is not None: transaction = msg.transaction _encode_common(w, transaction, "transaction") _encode_zarith(w, transaction.amount) # _encode_contract_id contract_id = transaction.destination write_uint8(w, contract_id.tag) write_bytes_fixed(w, contract_id.hash, CONTRACT_ID_SIZE - 1) # support delegation and transfer from the old scriptless contracts (now with script) if transaction.parameters_manager is not None: parameters_manager = transaction.parameters_manager # local_cache_attribute transfer = parameters_manager.transfer # local_cache_attribute if parameters_manager.set_delegate is not None: # _encode_manager_delegation delegate = parameters_manager.set_delegate michelson_length = 42 _encode_manager_common(w, michelson_length, "PUSH") write_bytes_fixed(w, delegate, TAGGED_PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE) for i in ("SOME", "SET_DELEGATE", "CONS"): write_instruction(w, i) elif parameters_manager.cancel_delegate is not None: # _encode_manager_delegation_remove michelson_length = 14 _encode_manager_common(w, michelson_length, "NONE") for i in ("SET_DELEGATE", "CONS"): write_instruction(w, i) elif transfer is not None: assert transfer.destination is not None if transfer.destination.tag == TezosContractType.Implicit: # _encode_manager_to_implicit_transfer manager_transfer = transfer michelson_length = 48 value_natural = bytearray() _encode_natural(value_natural, manager_transfer.amount) sequence_length = michelson_length + len(value_natural) _encode_manager_common(w, sequence_length, "PUSH") write_bytes_fixed( w, manager_transfer.destination.hash, TAGGED_PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE ) for i in ("IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT", "PUSH", "mutez"): write_instruction(w, i) _encode_natural(w, manager_transfer.amount) for i in ("UNIT", "TRANSFER_TOKENS", "CONS"): write_instruction(w, i) else: # _encode_manager_to_manager_transfer manager_transfer = transfer michelson_length = 77 value_natural = bytearray() _encode_natural(value_natural, manager_transfer.amount) sequence_length = michelson_length + len(value_natural) _encode_manager_common(w, sequence_length, "PUSH", to_contract=True) # _encode_contract_id contract_id = manager_transfer.destination write_uint8(w, contract_id.tag) write_bytes_fixed(w, contract_id.hash, CONTRACT_ID_SIZE - 1) for i in ("CONTRACT", "unit", "ASSERT_SOME", "PUSH", "mutez"): write_instruction(w, i) _encode_natural(w, manager_transfer.amount) for i in ("UNIT", "TRANSFER_TOKENS", "CONS"): write_instruction(w, i) else: parameters = transaction.parameters # local_cache_attribute if parameters: write_bool(w, True) helpers.check_tx_params_size(parameters) write_bytes_unchecked(w, parameters) else: write_bool(w, False) # origination operation elif msg.origination is not None: origination = msg.origination _encode_common(w, origination, "origination") _encode_zarith(w, origination.balance) _encode_data_with_bool_prefix(w, origination.delegate, TAGGED_PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE) helpers.check_script_size(origination.script) write_bytes_unchecked(w, origination.script) # delegation operation elif msg.delegation is not None: _encode_common(w, msg.delegation, "delegation") _encode_data_with_bool_prefix( w, msg.delegation.delegate, TAGGED_PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE ) elif msg.proposal is not None: # _encode_proposal proposal = msg.proposal write_uint8(w, helpers.OP_TAG_PROPOSALS) write_bytes_fixed(w, proposal.source, TAGGED_PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE) write_uint32_be(w, proposal.period) write_uint32_be(w, len(proposal.proposals) * PROPOSAL_HASH_SIZE) for proposal_hash in proposal.proposals: write_bytes_fixed(w, proposal_hash, PROPOSAL_HASH_SIZE) elif msg.ballot is not None: # _encode_ballot ballot = msg.ballot write_uint8(w, helpers.OP_TAG_BALLOT) write_bytes_fixed(w, ballot.source, TAGGED_PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE) write_uint32_be(w, ballot.period) write_bytes_fixed(w, ballot.proposal, PROPOSAL_HASH_SIZE) write_uint8(w, ballot.ballot) def _encode_common( w: Writer, operation: ( TezosDelegationOp | TezosOriginationOp | TezosTransactionOp | TezosRevealOp ), str_operation: str, ) -> None: operation_tags = { "reveal": helpers.OP_TAG_REVEAL, "transaction": helpers.OP_TAG_TRANSACTION, "origination": helpers.OP_TAG_ORIGINATION, "delegation": helpers.OP_TAG_DELEGATION, } write_uint8(w, operation_tags[str_operation]) write_bytes_fixed(w, operation.source, TAGGED_PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE) for num in ( operation.fee, operation.counter, operation.gas_limit, operation.storage_limit, ): _encode_zarith(w, num) def _encode_data_with_bool_prefix( w: Writer, data: bytes | None, expected_length: int ) -> None: if data: helpers.write_bool(w, True) write_bytes_fixed(w, data, expected_length) else: helpers.write_bool(w, False) def _encode_zarith(w: Writer, num: int) -> None: while True: byte = num & 127 num = num >> 7 if num == 0: write_uint8(w, byte) break write_uint8(w, 128 | byte) def _encode_natural(w: Writer, num: int) -> None: # encode a natural integer with its signed bit on position 7 # as we do not expect negative numbers in a transfer operation the bit is never set natural_tag = 0 write_uint8(w, natural_tag) byte = num & 63 modified = num >> 6 if modified == 0: write_uint8(w, byte) else: write_uint8(w, 128 | byte) _encode_zarith(w, modified) def _encode_manager_common( w: Writer, sequence_length: int, operation: str, to_contract: bool = False ) -> None: # 5 = tag and sequence_length (1 byte + 4 bytes) argument_length = sequence_length + 5 write_bool(w, True) write_uint8(w, helpers.DO_ENTRYPOINT_TAG) write_uint32_be(w, argument_length) write_uint8(w, helpers.MICHELSON_SEQUENCE_TAG) write_uint32_be(w, sequence_length) for i in ("DROP", "NIL", "operation", operation): write_instruction(w, i) if to_contract: write_instruction(w, "address") else: write_instruction(w, "key_hash") if operation == "PUSH": write_uint8(w, 10) # byte sequence if to_contract: write_uint32_be(w, CONTRACT_ID_SIZE) else: write_uint32_be(w, TAGGED_PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE)