#!/usr/bin/env bash cd $(dirname $0)/.. PROTOB=common/protob CORE_PROTOBUF_SOURCES="\ $PROTOB/messages.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-binance.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-bitcoin.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-cardano.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-common.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-crypto.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-debug.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-eos.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-ethereum.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-management.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-monero.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-nem.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-ripple.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-stellar.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-tezos.proto \ $PROTOB/messages-webauthn.proto \ " PYTHON_PROTOBUF_SOURCES=$PROTOB/*.proto CORE_MESSAGES_IGNORE="\ CosiCommit \ CosiCommitment \ CosiSign \ CosiSignature \ DebugLinkFlashErase \ DebugLinkLog \ DebugLinkMemory \ DebugLinkMemoryRead \ DebugLinkMemoryWrite \ DebugLinkStop \ NEMDecryptMessage \ NEMDecryptedMessage \ PinMatrixAck \ PinMatrixRequest \ PinMatrixRequestType \ WordAck \ WordRequest \ WordRequestType \ " PYTHON_MESSAGES_IGNORE="" RETURN=0 do_rebuild() { local FILE_OR_DIR="$1" shift local OUTPUT="$1" shift local SOURCES="$1" shift if [ "$FILE_OR_DIR" == file ]; then local param="--outfile" else local param="--python-outdir" fi # note $SOURCES is unquoted - we want wildcard expansion and multiple args $PROTOB/pb2py "$@" $param="$OUTPUT" $SOURCES } do_check() { # rebuild protobuf in tmpdir and check result against specified directory local TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d proto-check.XXXXXX) local FILE_OR_DIR="$1" shift local OUTPUT="$1" shift if [ "$FILE_OR_DIR" == file ]; then local TMPDEST="$TMPDIR/testfile" else cp -rT "$OUTPUT" "$TMPDIR" local TMPDEST="$TMPDIR" fi do_rebuild "$FILE_OR_DIR" "$TMPDEST" "$@" DIFF=$(diff -ur --exclude __pycache__ "$OUTPUT" "$TMPDEST") rm -r "$TMPDIR" if [ -n "$DIFF" ]; then echo "$DIFF" RETURN=1 fi } if [ "$1" == "--check" ]; then func=do_check else func=do_rebuild fi $func dir core/src/trezor/enums "$CORE_PROTOBUF_SOURCES" $func file core/src/trezor/enums/__init__.py "$CORE_PROTOBUF_SOURCES" --template=core/src/trezor/enums/_proto_init.mako $func file core/src/trezor/messages.py "$CORE_PROTOBUF_SOURCES" --template=core/src/trezor/_proto_messages.mako $func file python/src/trezorlib/messages.py "$PYTHON_PROTOBUF_SOURCES" \ --template=python/src/trezorlib/_proto_messages.mako \ --include-deprecated exit $RETURN