# This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2022 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see . from __future__ import annotations import warnings from copy import copy from decimal import Decimal from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AnyStr, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple # TypedDict is not available in typing for python < 3.8 from typing_extensions import Protocol, TypedDict from . import exceptions, messages from .tools import _return_success, prepare_message_bytes if TYPE_CHECKING: from .tools import Address from .transport.session import Session class ScriptSig(TypedDict): asm: str hex: str class ScriptPubKey(TypedDict): asm: str hex: str type: str reqSigs: int addresses: List[str] class Vin(TypedDict): txid: str vout: int sequence: int coinbase: str scriptSig: "ScriptSig" txinwitness: List[str] class Vout(TypedDict): value: float int: int scriptPubKey: "ScriptPubKey" class Transaction(TypedDict): txid: str hash: str version: int size: int vsize: int weight: int locktime: int vin: List[Vin] vout: List[Vout] class TxCacheType(Protocol): def __getitem__(self, __key: bytes) -> messages.TransactionType: ... def __contains__(self, __key: bytes) -> bool: ... def from_json(json_dict: "Transaction") -> messages.TransactionType: def make_input(vin: "Vin") -> messages.TxInputType: if "coinbase" in vin: return messages.TxInputType( prev_hash=b"\0" * 32, prev_index=0xFFFFFFFF, # signed int -1 script_sig=bytes.fromhex(vin["coinbase"]), sequence=vin["sequence"], ) else: return messages.TxInputType( prev_hash=bytes.fromhex(vin["txid"]), prev_index=vin["vout"], script_sig=bytes.fromhex(vin["scriptSig"]["hex"]), sequence=vin["sequence"], ) def make_bin_output(vout: "Vout") -> messages.TxOutputBinType: return messages.TxOutputBinType( amount=int(Decimal(vout["value"]) * (10**8)), script_pubkey=bytes.fromhex(vout["scriptPubKey"]["hex"]), ) return messages.TransactionType( version=json_dict["version"], lock_time=json_dict.get("locktime", 0), inputs=[make_input(vin) for vin in json_dict["vin"]], bin_outputs=[make_bin_output(vout) for vout in json_dict["vout"]], ) def get_public_node( session: "Session", n: "Address", ecdsa_curve_name: Optional[str] = None, show_display: bool = False, coin_name: Optional[str] = None, script_type: messages.InputScriptType = messages.InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, ignore_xpub_magic: bool = False, unlock_path: Optional[List[int]] = None, unlock_path_mac: Optional[bytes] = None, ) -> messages.PublicKey: if unlock_path: session.call( messages.UnlockPath(address_n=unlock_path, mac=unlock_path_mac), expect=messages.UnlockedPathRequest, ) return session.call( messages.GetPublicKey( address_n=n, ecdsa_curve_name=ecdsa_curve_name, show_display=show_display, coin_name=coin_name, script_type=script_type, ignore_xpub_magic=ignore_xpub_magic, ), expect=messages.PublicKey, ) def get_address(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: return get_authenticated_address(*args, **kwargs).address def get_authenticated_address( session: "Session", coin_name: str, n: "Address", show_display: bool = False, multisig: Optional[messages.MultisigRedeemScriptType] = None, script_type: messages.InputScriptType = messages.InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, ignore_xpub_magic: bool = False, unlock_path: Optional[List[int]] = None, unlock_path_mac: Optional[bytes] = None, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> messages.Address: if unlock_path: session.call( messages.UnlockPath(address_n=unlock_path, mac=unlock_path_mac), expect=messages.UnlockedPathRequest, ) return session.call( messages.GetAddress( address_n=n, coin_name=coin_name, show_display=show_display, multisig=multisig, script_type=script_type, ignore_xpub_magic=ignore_xpub_magic, chunkify=chunkify, ), expect=messages.Address, ) def get_ownership_id( session: "Session", coin_name: str, n: "Address", multisig: Optional[messages.MultisigRedeemScriptType] = None, script_type: messages.InputScriptType = messages.InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, ) -> bytes: return session.call( messages.GetOwnershipId( address_n=n, coin_name=coin_name, multisig=multisig, script_type=script_type, ), expect=messages.OwnershipId, ).ownership_id def get_ownership_proof( session: "Session", coin_name: str, n: "Address", multisig: Optional[messages.MultisigRedeemScriptType] = None, script_type: messages.InputScriptType = messages.InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, user_confirmation: bool = False, ownership_ids: Optional[List[bytes]] = None, commitment_data: Optional[bytes] = None, preauthorized: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: if preauthorized: session.call(messages.DoPreauthorized(), expect=messages.PreauthorizedRequest) res = session.call( messages.GetOwnershipProof( address_n=n, coin_name=coin_name, script_type=script_type, multisig=multisig, user_confirmation=user_confirmation, ownership_ids=ownership_ids, commitment_data=commitment_data, ), expect=messages.OwnershipProof, ) return res.ownership_proof, res.signature def sign_message( session: "Session", coin_name: str, n: "Address", message: AnyStr, script_type: messages.InputScriptType = messages.InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, no_script_type: bool = False, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> messages.MessageSignature: return session.call( messages.SignMessage( coin_name=coin_name, address_n=n, message=prepare_message_bytes(message), script_type=script_type, no_script_type=no_script_type, chunkify=chunkify, ), expect=messages.MessageSignature, ) def verify_message( session: "Session", coin_name: str, address: str, signature: bytes, message: AnyStr, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> bool: try: session.call( messages.VerifyMessage( address=address, signature=signature, message=prepare_message_bytes(message), coin_name=coin_name, chunkify=chunkify, ), expect=messages.Success, ) return True except exceptions.TrezorFailure: return False def sign_tx( session: "Session", coin_name: str, inputs: Sequence[messages.TxInputType], outputs: Sequence[messages.TxOutputType], details: Optional[messages.SignTx] = None, prev_txes: Optional["TxCacheType"] = None, payment_reqs: Sequence[messages.TxAckPaymentRequest] = (), preauthorized: bool = False, unlock_path: Optional[List[int]] = None, unlock_path_mac: Optional[bytes] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[Sequence[Optional[bytes]], bytes]: """Sign a Bitcoin-like transaction. Returns a list of signatures (one for each provided input) and the network-serialized transaction. In addition to the required arguments, it is possible to specify additional transaction properties (version, lock time, expiry...). Each additional argument must correspond to a field in the `SignTx` data type. Note that some fields (`inputs_count`, `outputs_count`, `coin_name`) will be inferred from the arguments and cannot be overriden by kwargs. """ if prev_txes is None: prev_txes = {} if details is not None: warnings.warn( "'details' argument is deprecated, use kwargs instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) signtx = details signtx.coin_name = coin_name signtx.inputs_count = len(inputs) signtx.outputs_count = len(outputs) else: signtx = messages.SignTx( coin_name=coin_name, inputs_count=len(inputs), outputs_count=len(outputs), ) for name, value in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(signtx, name): setattr(signtx, name, value) if unlock_path: session.call( messages.UnlockPath(address_n=unlock_path, mac=unlock_path_mac), expect=messages.UnlockedPathRequest, ) elif preauthorized: session.call(messages.DoPreauthorized(), expect=messages.PreauthorizedRequest) res = session.call(signtx, expect=messages.TxRequest) # Prepare structure for signatures signatures: List[Optional[bytes]] = [None] * len(inputs) serialized_tx = b"" def copy_tx_meta(tx: messages.TransactionType) -> messages.TransactionType: tx_copy = copy(tx) # clear fields tx_copy.inputs_cnt = len(tx.inputs) tx_copy.inputs = [] tx_copy.outputs_cnt = len(tx.bin_outputs or tx.outputs) tx_copy.outputs = [] tx_copy.bin_outputs = [] tx_copy.extra_data_len = len(tx.extra_data or b"") tx_copy.extra_data = None return tx_copy this_tx = messages.TransactionType( inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, inputs_cnt=len(inputs), outputs_cnt=len(outputs), # pick either kw-provided or default value from the SignTx request version=signtx.version, ) R = messages.RequestType while True: # If there's some part of signed transaction, let's add it if res.serialized: if res.serialized.serialized_tx: serialized_tx += res.serialized.serialized_tx if res.serialized.signature_index is not None: idx = res.serialized.signature_index sig = res.serialized.signature if signatures[idx] is not None: raise ValueError(f"Signature for index {idx} already filled") signatures[idx] = sig if res.request_type == R.TXFINISHED: break assert res.details is not None, "device did not provide details" # Device asked for one more information, let's process it. if res.details.tx_hash is not None: if res.details.tx_hash not in prev_txes: raise ValueError( f"Previous transaction {res.details.tx_hash.hex()} not available" ) current_tx = prev_txes[res.details.tx_hash] else: current_tx = this_tx if res.request_type == R.TXPAYMENTREQ: assert res.details.request_index is not None msg = payment_reqs[res.details.request_index] res = session.call(msg, expect=messages.TxRequest) else: msg = messages.TransactionType() if res.request_type == R.TXMETA: msg = copy_tx_meta(current_tx) elif res.request_type in (R.TXINPUT, R.TXORIGINPUT): assert res.details.request_index is not None msg.inputs = [current_tx.inputs[res.details.request_index]] elif res.request_type == R.TXOUTPUT: assert res.details.request_index is not None if res.details.tx_hash: msg.bin_outputs = [ current_tx.bin_outputs[res.details.request_index] ] else: msg.outputs = [current_tx.outputs[res.details.request_index]] elif res.request_type == R.TXORIGOUTPUT: assert res.details.request_index is not None msg.outputs = [current_tx.outputs[res.details.request_index]] elif res.request_type == R.TXEXTRADATA: assert res.details.extra_data_offset is not None assert res.details.extra_data_len is not None assert current_tx.extra_data is not None o, l = res.details.extra_data_offset, res.details.extra_data_len msg.extra_data = current_tx.extra_data[o : o + l] else: raise exceptions.TrezorException( f"Unknown request type - {res.request_type}." ) res = session.call(messages.TxAck(tx=msg), expect=messages.TxRequest) for i, sig in zip(inputs, signatures): if i.script_type != messages.InputScriptType.EXTERNAL and sig is None: raise exceptions.TrezorException("Some signatures are missing!") return signatures, serialized_tx def authorize_coinjoin( session: "Session", coordinator: str, max_rounds: int, max_coordinator_fee_rate: int, max_fee_per_kvbyte: int, n: "Address", coin_name: str, script_type: messages.InputScriptType = messages.InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, ) -> str | None: resp = session.call( messages.AuthorizeCoinJoin( coordinator=coordinator, max_rounds=max_rounds, max_coordinator_fee_rate=max_coordinator_fee_rate, max_fee_per_kvbyte=max_fee_per_kvbyte, address_n=n, coin_name=coin_name, script_type=script_type, ), expect=messages.Success, ) return _return_success(resp)