/* * This file is part of the TREZOR project. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Mark Bryars * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "storage.h" #include "bip32.h" #include "layout2.h" #include "usb.h" #include "buttons.h" #include "trezor.h" #include "curves.h" #include "nist256p1.h" #include "rng.h" #include "hmac.h" #include "util.h" #include "u2f/u2f.h" #include "u2f/u2f_hid.h" #include "u2f/u2f_keys.h" #include "u2f_knownapps.h" #include "u2f.h" #define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) // About 1/2 Second according to values used in protect.c #define U2F_TIMEOUT 840000/2 #define U2F_OUT_PKT_BUFFER_LEN 16 // Initialise without a cid static uint32_t cid = CID_BROADCAST; // Circular Output buffer static uint32_t u2f_out_start = 0; static uint32_t u2f_out_end = 0; static uint8_t u2f_out_packets[U2F_OUT_PKT_BUFFER_LEN][HID_RPT_SIZE]; #define U2F_PUBKEY_LEN 65 #define KEY_HANDLE_LEN 64 // Auth/Register request state machine typedef enum { INIT = 0, BTN_NO = 1, BTN_YES = 2, AUTH = 10, AUTH_FAIL = 11, AUTH_PASS = 12, REG = 20, REG_FAIL = 21, REG_PASS = 22 } U2F_STATE; static U2F_STATE last_req_state = INIT; typedef struct { uint8_t reserved; uint8_t appId[U2F_APPID_SIZE]; uint8_t chal[U2F_CHAL_SIZE]; uint8_t keyHandle[KEY_HANDLE_LEN]; uint8_t pubKey[U2F_PUBKEY_LEN]; } U2F_REGISTER_SIG_STR; typedef struct { uint8_t appId[U2F_APPID_SIZE]; uint8_t flags; uint8_t ctr[4]; uint8_t chal[U2F_CHAL_SIZE]; } U2F_AUTHENTICATE_SIG_STR; uint8_t buttonState(void) { buttonUpdate(); if ((button.NoDown > 10) || button.NoUp) return BTN_NO; if ((button.YesDown > 10) || button.YesUp) return BTN_YES; return 0; } char *debugInt(const uint32_t i) { static uint8_t n = 0; static char id[8][9]; uint32hex(i, id[n]); debugLog(0, "", id[n]); char *ret = (char *)id[n]; n = (n + 1) % 8; return ret; } static uint32_t dialog_timeout = 0; void LayoutHomeAfterTimeout(void) { static bool timeoutLock = false; if (timeoutLock || dialog_timeout == 0) return; // Dialog has cleared or already in loop timeoutLock = true; U2F_STATE rs = last_req_state; U2F_STATE bs = INIT; while (dialog_timeout-- && rs == last_req_state && bs == 0) { usbPoll(); // may trigger new request bs = buttonState(); } timeoutLock = false; if (rs != last_req_state) return; // Reset by new request don't clear screen if (dialog_timeout == 0) { last_req_state += BTN_NO; // Timeout is like button no } else { last_req_state += bs; dialog_timeout = 0; } layoutHome(); } uint32_t next_cid(void) { // extremely unlikely but hey do { cid = random32(); } while (cid == 0 || cid == CID_BROADCAST); return cid; } void u2fhid_read(const U2FHID_FRAME *f) { static uint8_t seq, cmd; static uint32_t len; static uint8_t *buf_ptr; static uint8_t buf[57+7*59]; if ((f->cid != CID_BROADCAST) && (f->cid != cid)) { return; // Not for us } if (f->type & TYPE_INIT) { seq = 0; buf_ptr = buf; len = MSG_LEN(*f); cmd = f->type; memcpy(buf_ptr, f->init.data, sizeof(f->init.data)); buf_ptr += sizeof(f->init.data); } else { if (f->cont.seq == seq) { seq++; memcpy(buf_ptr, f->cont.data, sizeof(f->cont.data)); buf_ptr += sizeof(f->cont.data); } else { return send_u2fhid_error(ERR_INVALID_SEQ); } } // Broadcast is reserved for init if (cid == CID_BROADCAST && cmd != U2FHID_INIT) return; // Check length isnt bigger than spec max if (len > sizeof(buf)) return send_u2fhid_error(ERR_INVALID_LEN); // Do we need to wait for more data if ((buf_ptr - buf) < (signed)len) { // debugLog(0, "", "u2fhid_read wait"); return; } // We have all the data switch (cmd) { case U2FHID_PING: u2fhid_ping(buf, len); break; case U2FHID_MSG: u2fhid_msg((APDU *)buf, len); break; case U2FHID_LOCK: u2fhid_lock(buf, len); break; case U2FHID_INIT: u2fhid_init((const U2FHID_INIT_REQ *)buf); break; case U2FHID_WINK: u2fhid_wink(buf, len); break; // case U2FHID_SYNC: // u2fhid_sync(buf, len); break; default: send_u2fhid_error(ERR_INVALID_CMD); break; } } void u2fhid_ping(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { debugLog(0, "", "u2fhid_ping"); send_u2fhid_msg(U2FHID_PING, buf, len); } void u2fhid_wink(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { debugLog(0, "", "u2fhid_wink"); (void)buf; if (len > 0) return send_u2fhid_error(ERR_INVALID_LEN); if (dialog_timeout > 0) dialog_timeout = U2F_TIMEOUT; U2FHID_FRAME f; bzero(&f, sizeof(f)); f.cid = cid; f.init.cmd = U2FHID_WINK; f.init.bcntl = 0; queue_u2f_pkt(&f); } void u2fhid_sync(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { debugLog(0, "", "u2fhid_sync"); (void)buf; if (len > 0) return send_u2fhid_error(ERR_INVALID_LEN); // Abort things. dialog_timeout = 0; } void u2fhid_lock(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { debugLog(0, "", "u2fhid_lock"); (void)buf; (void)len; send_u2fhid_error(ERR_INVALID_CMD); } void u2fhid_init(const U2FHID_INIT_REQ *init_req) { debugLog(0, "", "u2fhid_init"); U2FHID_FRAME f; U2FHID_INIT_RESP *resp = (U2FHID_INIT_RESP *)f.init.data; bzero(&f, sizeof(f)); f.cid = CID_BROADCAST; f.init.cmd = U2FHID_INIT; f.init.bcnth = 0; f.init.bcntl = U2FHID_INIT_RESP_SIZE; memcpy(resp->nonce, init_req->nonce, sizeof(init_req->nonce)); resp->cid = next_cid(); resp->versionInterface = U2FHID_IF_VERSION; resp->versionMajor = VERSION_MAJOR; resp->versionMinor = VERSION_MINOR; resp->versionBuild = VERSION_PATCH; resp->capFlags = CAPFLAG_WINK; queue_u2f_pkt(&f); } void queue_u2f_pkt(const U2FHID_FRAME *u2f_pkt) { // debugLog(0, "", "u2f_write_pkt"); uint32_t next = (u2f_out_end + 1) % U2F_OUT_PKT_BUFFER_LEN; if (u2f_out_start == next) { debugLog(0, "", "u2f_write_pkt full"); return; // Buffer full :( } memcpy(u2f_out_packets[u2f_out_end], u2f_pkt, HID_RPT_SIZE); u2f_out_end = next; } uint8_t *u2f_out_data(void) { if (u2f_out_start == u2f_out_end) return NULL; // No data // debugLog(0, "", "u2f_out_data"); uint32_t t = u2f_out_start; u2f_out_start = (u2f_out_start + 1) % U2F_OUT_PKT_BUFFER_LEN; return u2f_out_packets[t]; } void u2fhid_msg(const APDU *a, uint32_t len) { static bool lock = false; if ((APDU_LEN(*a) + sizeof(APDU)) > len) { debugLog(0, "", "BAD APDU LENGTH"); debugInt(APDU_LEN(*a)); debugInt(len); return; } // Very crude locking, incase another message comes in while we wait. This // actually can probably be removed as no code inside calls usbPoll anymore if (lock) return send_u2fhid_error(ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY); lock = true; switch (a->ins) { case U2F_REGISTER: u2f_register(a); break; case U2F_AUTHENTICATE: u2f_authenticate(a); break; case U2F_VERSION: u2f_version(a); break; default: debugLog(0, "", "u2f unknown cmd"); send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_INS_NOT_SUPPORTED); } lock = false; LayoutHomeAfterTimeout(); } void send_u2fhid_msg(const uint8_t cmd, const uint8_t *data, const uint32_t len) { U2FHID_FRAME f; uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)data; uint32_t l = len; uint32_t psz; uint8_t seq = 0; // debugLog(0, "", "send_u2fhid_msg"); bzero(&f, sizeof(f)); f.cid = cid; f.init.cmd = cmd; f.init.bcnth = len >> 8; f.init.bcntl = len & 0xff; // Init packet psz = MIN(sizeof(f.init.data), l); memcpy(f.init.data, p, psz); queue_u2f_pkt(&f); l -= psz; p += psz; // Cont packet(s) for (; l > 0; l -= psz, p += psz) { // debugLog(0, "", "send_u2fhid_msg con"); bzero(&f.cont.data, sizeof(f.cont.data)); f.cont.seq = seq++; psz = MIN(sizeof(f.cont.data), l); memcpy(f.cont.data, p, psz); queue_u2f_pkt(&f); } if (data + len != p) { debugLog(0, "", "send_u2fhid_msg is bad"); debugInt(data + len - p); } } void send_u2fhid_error(uint8_t err) { U2FHID_FRAME f; bzero(&f, sizeof(f)); f.cid = cid; f.init.cmd = U2FHID_ERROR; f.init.bcntl = 1; f.init.data[0] = err; queue_u2f_pkt(&f); } void u2f_version(const APDU *a) { // INCLUDES SW_NO_ERROR static const uint8_t version_response[] = {'U', '2', 'F', '_', 'V', '2', 0x90, 0x00}; (void)a; debugLog(0, "", "u2f version"); send_u2f_msg(version_response, sizeof(version_response)); } static const char *getReadableAppId(const uint8_t appid[32]) { unsigned int i; static char buf[6+2+6+1]; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(u2f_well_known)/sizeof(U2FWellKnown); i++) { if (memcmp(appid, u2f_well_known[i].appid, 32) == 0) return u2f_well_known[i].appname; } data2hex(appid, 3, &buf[0]); buf[6] = buf[7] = '.'; data2hex(appid+(sizeof(appid)-3), 3, &buf[8]); return buf; } const HDNode *getDerivedNode(uint32_t *address_n, size_t address_n_count) { static HDNode node; if (!storage_getRootNode(&node, NIST256P1_NAME)) { layoutHome(); debugLog(0, "", "ERR: Device not init"); return 0; } if (!address_n || address_n_count == 0) { return &node; } if (hdnode_private_ckd_cached(&node, address_n, address_n_count) == 0) { layoutHome(); debugLog(0, "", "ERR: Derive private failed"); return 0; } return &node; } const HDNode *generateKeyHandle(const uint8_t app_id[], uint8_t key_handle[]) { uint8_t keybase[64]; // Derivation path is m/'U2F/'r/'r/'r/'r/'r/'r/'r/'r uint32_t i, key_path[9]; key_path[0] = U2F_KEY_PATH; for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) { // high bit for hardened keys key_path[i]= 0x80000000 | random32(); } // First half of keyhandle is key_path memcpy(key_handle, &key_path[1], 32); // prepare keypair from /random data const HDNode *node = getDerivedNode(key_path, sizeof(key_path) / sizeof(uint32_t)); // For second half of keyhandle // Signature of app_id and random data memcpy(&keybase[0], app_id, 32); memcpy(&keybase[32], key_handle, 32); hmac_sha256(node->private_key, sizeof(node->private_key), keybase, sizeof(keybase), &key_handle[32]); // Done! return node; } const HDNode *validateKeyHandle(const uint8_t app_id[], const uint8_t key_handle[]) { uint32_t key_path[9]; key_path[0] = U2F_KEY_PATH; memcpy(&key_path[1], key_handle, 32); const HDNode *node = getDerivedNode(key_path, sizeof(key_path) / sizeof(uint32_t)); uint8_t keybase[64]; memcpy(&keybase[0], app_id, 32); memcpy(&keybase[32], key_handle, 32); uint8_t hmac[32]; hmac_sha256(node->private_key, sizeof(node->private_key), keybase, sizeof(keybase), hmac); if (memcmp(&key_handle[32], hmac, 32) != 0) return NULL; // Done! return node; } void u2f_register(const APDU *a) { static U2F_REGISTER_REQ last_req; const U2F_REGISTER_REQ *req = (U2F_REGISTER_REQ *)a->data; // Validate basic request parameters debugLog(0, "", "u2f register"); if (APDU_LEN(*a) != sizeof(U2F_REGISTER_REQ)) { debugLog(0, "", "u2f register - badlen"); send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_WRONG_DATA); return; } // If this request is different from last request, reset state machine if (memcmp(&last_req, req, sizeof(last_req)) != 0) { memcpy(&last_req, req, sizeof(last_req)); last_req_state = INIT; } // First Time request, return not present and display request dialog if (last_req_state == 0) { // wake up crypto system to be ready for signing getDerivedNode(NULL, 0); // error: testof-user-presence is required send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_CONDITIONS_NOT_SATISFIED); buttonUpdate(); // Clear button state layoutDialog(DIALOG_ICON_QUESTION, "Cancel", "Register", NULL, "Register U2F", "security key", "", getReadableAppId(req->appId), "", NULL); dialog_timeout = U2F_TIMEOUT; last_req_state = REG; return; } // Still awaiting Keypress if (last_req_state == REG) { // error: testof-user-presence is required send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_CONDITIONS_NOT_SATISFIED); dialog_timeout = U2F_TIMEOUT; return; } // Buttons said no! if (last_req_state == REG_FAIL) { send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_WRONG_DATA); // error:bad key handle return; } // Buttons said yes if (last_req_state == REG_PASS) { uint8_t data[sizeof(U2F_REGISTER_RESP) + 2]; U2F_REGISTER_RESP *resp = (U2F_REGISTER_RESP *)&data; bzero(data, sizeof(data)); resp->registerId = U2F_REGISTER_ID; resp->keyHandleLen = KEY_HANDLE_LEN; // Generate keypair for this appId const HDNode *node = generateKeyHandle(req->appId, (uint8_t*)&resp->keyHandleCertSig); if (!node) { debugLog(0, "", "getDerivedNode Fail"); send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_WRONG_DATA); // error:bad key handle return; } ecdsa_get_public_key65(node->curve->params, node->private_key, (uint8_t *)&resp->pubKey); memcpy(resp->keyHandleCertSig + resp->keyHandleLen, U2F_ATT_CERT, sizeof(U2F_ATT_CERT)); uint8_t sig[64]; U2F_REGISTER_SIG_STR sig_base; sig_base.reserved = 0; memcpy(sig_base.appId, req->appId, U2F_APPID_SIZE); memcpy(sig_base.chal, req->chal, U2F_CHAL_SIZE); memcpy(sig_base.keyHandle, &resp->keyHandleCertSig, KEY_HANDLE_LEN); memcpy(sig_base.pubKey, &resp->pubKey, U2F_PUBKEY_LEN); ecdsa_sign(&nist256p1, U2F_ATT_PRIV_KEY, (uint8_t *)&sig_base, sizeof(sig_base), sig, NULL); // Where to write the signature in the response uint8_t *resp_sig = resp->keyHandleCertSig + resp->keyHandleLen + sizeof(U2F_ATT_CERT); // Convert to der for the response const uint8_t sig_len = ecdsa_sig_to_der(sig, resp_sig); // Append success bytes memcpy(resp->keyHandleCertSig + resp->keyHandleLen + sizeof(U2F_ATT_CERT) + sig_len, "\x90\x00", 2); int l = 1 /* registerId */ + U2F_PUBKEY_LEN + 1 /* keyhandleLen */ + resp->keyHandleLen + sizeof(U2F_ATT_CERT) + sig_len + 2; send_u2f_msg(data, l); return; } // Didnt expect to get here dialog_timeout = 0; } void u2f_authenticate(const APDU *a) { const U2F_AUTHENTICATE_REQ *req = (U2F_AUTHENTICATE_REQ *)a->data; static U2F_AUTHENTICATE_REQ last_req; if (APDU_LEN(*a) < 64) { /// FIXME: decent value debugLog(0, "", "u2f authenticate - badlen"); send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_WRONG_DATA); return; } if (req->keyHandleLen != KEY_HANDLE_LEN) { debugLog(0, "", "u2f auth - bad keyhandle len"); send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_WRONG_DATA); // error:bad key handle return; } const HDNode *node = validateKeyHandle(req->appId, req->keyHandle); if (!node) { debugLog(0, "", "u2f auth - bad keyhandle len"); send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_WRONG_DATA); // error:bad key handle return; } if (a->p1 == U2F_AUTH_CHECK_ONLY) { debugLog(0, "", "u2f authenticate check"); // This is a success for a good keyhandle // A failed check would have happened earlier // error: testof-user-presence is required send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_CONDITIONS_NOT_SATISFIED); return; } if (a->p1 != U2F_AUTH_ENFORCE) { debugLog(0, "", "u2f authenticate unknown"); // error:bad key handle send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_WRONG_DATA); return; } debugLog(0, "", "u2f authenticate enforce"); if (memcmp(&last_req, req, sizeof(last_req)) != 0) { memcpy(&last_req, req, sizeof(last_req)); last_req_state = INIT; } if (last_req_state == INIT) { // error: testof-user-presence is required send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_CONDITIONS_NOT_SATISFIED); buttonUpdate(); // Clear button state layoutDialog(DIALOG_ICON_QUESTION, "Cancel", "Authenticate", NULL, "Authenticate U2F", "security key", "", getReadableAppId(req->appId), "", NULL); dialog_timeout = U2F_TIMEOUT; last_req_state = AUTH; return; } // Awaiting Keypress if (last_req_state == AUTH) { // error: testof-user-presence is required send_u2f_error(U2F_SW_CONDITIONS_NOT_SATISFIED); dialog_timeout = U2F_TIMEOUT; return; } // Buttons said no! if (last_req_state == AUTH_FAIL) { send_u2f_error( U2F_SW_WRONG_DATA); // error:bad key handle return; } // Buttons said yes if (last_req_state == AUTH_PASS) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(U2F_AUTHENTICATE_RESP) + 2]; U2F_AUTHENTICATE_RESP *resp = (U2F_AUTHENTICATE_RESP *)&buf; const uint32_t ctr = storage_nextU2FCounter(); resp->flags = U2F_AUTH_FLAG_TUP; resp->ctr[0] = ctr >> 24 & 0xff; resp->ctr[1] = ctr >> 16 & 0xff; resp->ctr[2] = ctr >> 8 & 0xff; resp->ctr[3] = ctr & 0xff; // Build and sign response U2F_AUTHENTICATE_SIG_STR sig_base; uint8_t sig[64]; memcpy(sig_base.appId, req->appId, U2F_APPID_SIZE); sig_base.flags = resp->flags; memcpy(sig_base.ctr, resp->ctr, 4); memcpy(sig_base.chal, req->chal, U2F_CHAL_SIZE); ecdsa_sign(&nist256p1, node->private_key, (uint8_t *)&sig_base, sizeof(sig_base), sig, NULL); // Copy DER encoded signature into response const uint8_t sig_len = ecdsa_sig_to_der(sig, resp->sig); // Append OK memcpy(buf + sizeof(U2F_AUTHENTICATE_RESP) - U2F_MAX_EC_SIG_SIZE + sig_len, "\x90\x00", 2); send_u2f_msg(buf, sizeof(U2F_AUTHENTICATE_RESP) - U2F_MAX_EC_SIG_SIZE + sig_len + 2); last_req_state = INIT; } } void send_u2f_error(const uint16_t err) { uint8_t data[2]; data[0] = err >> 8 & 0xFF; data[1] = err & 0xFF; send_u2f_msg(data, 2); } void send_u2f_msg(const uint8_t *data, const uint32_t len) { send_u2fhid_msg(U2FHID_MSG, data, len); }