#!/usr/bin/env python3 # script used to generate core/embed/gfx/fonts/font_*_*.c from __future__ import annotations import unicodedata from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import TextIO import click import json # pip install freetype-py import freetype from foreign_chars import all_languages def _normalize(s: str) -> str: return unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", s) HERE = Path(__file__).parent CORE_ROOT = HERE.parent.parent FONTS_DIR = HERE / "fonts" OUT_DIR = HERE / ".." / ".." / "embed" / "gfx" / "fonts" C_FONTS_DEST = CORE_ROOT / "embed" / "gfx" / "fonts" JSON_FONTS_DEST = CORE_ROOT / "translations" / "fonts" MIN_GLYPH = ord(" ") MAX_GLYPH = ord("~") WRITE_WIDTHS = False # characters for which bearingX is negative, but we choose to make it zero and modify # advance instead MODIFY_BEARING_X = [ _normalize(c) for c in ( "Ä", "À", "Â", "Ã", "Æ", "Î", "Ï", "Ì", "î", "ï", "ì", "ÿ", "Ý", "Ÿ", "Á", "ý", "A", "X", "Y", "j", "x", "y", "}", ")", ",", "/", "_", ) ] # metrics explanation: https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/glyphs/metrics.png def process_bitmap_buffer( buf: list[int], bpp: int, width: int, height: int ) -> list[int]: res = buf[:] if bpp == 1: if len(res) % 8 != 0: # add padding if needed for _ in range(8 - len(res) % 8): res.append(0) res = [ ( (a & 0x80) | ((b & 0x80) >> 1) | ((c & 0x80) >> 2) | ((d & 0x80) >> 3) | ((e & 0x80) >> 4) | ((f & 0x80) >> 5) | ((g & 0x80) >> 6) | ((h & 0x80) >> 7) ) for a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h in [ res[i : i + 8] for i in range(0, len(res), 8) ] ] elif bpp == 2: if len(res) % 4 != 0: # add padding if needed for _ in range(4 - len(res) % 4): res.append(0) res = [ ((a & 0xC0) | ((b & 0xC0) >> 2) | ((c & 0xC0) >> 4) | ((d & 0xC0) >> 6)) for a, b, c, d in [res[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(res), 4)] ] elif bpp == 4: res: list[int] = [] for y in range(0, height): row = buf[y * width : (y + 1) * width] for a, b in zip(row[::2], row[1::2]): res.append(((b & 0xF0) | (a >> 4))) if width & 1 != 0: res.append(row[-1] >> 4) elif bpp == 8: pass else: raise ValueError return res def drop_left_columns(buf: list[int], width: int, drop: int) -> list[int]: res: list[int] = [] for i in range(len(buf)): if i % width >= drop: res.append(buf[i]) return res @dataclass class Glyph: char: str width: int rows: int advance: int bearingX: int bearingY: int buf: list[int] num_grays: int inverse_colors: bool = False @classmethod def from_face( cls, face: freetype.Face, c: str, shaveX: int, inverse_colors: bool = False ) -> Glyph: assert len(c) == 1 bitmap = face.glyph.bitmap metrics = face.glyph.metrics assert metrics.width // 64 == bitmap.width assert metrics.height // 64 == bitmap.rows assert metrics.width % 64 == 0 assert metrics.height % 64 == 0 assert metrics.horiAdvance % 64 == 0 assert metrics.horiBearingX % 64 == 0 assert metrics.horiBearingY % 64 == 0 assert bitmap.width == bitmap.pitch assert len(bitmap.buffer) == bitmap.pitch * bitmap.rows width = bitmap.width rows = bitmap.rows advance = metrics.horiAdvance // 64 bearingX = metrics.horiBearingX // 64 remove_left = shaveX # discard space on the left side if shaveX > 0: diff = min(advance, bearingX, shaveX) advance -= diff bearingX -= diff remove_left -= diff # the following code is here just for some letters (listed at start) # not using negative bearingX makes life so much easier; add it to advance instead if bearingX < 0: if c in MODIFY_BEARING_X: advance += -bearingX bearingX = 0 else: raise ValueError(f"Negative bearingX for character '{c}'") bearingY = metrics.horiBearingY // 64 assert advance >= 0 and advance <= 255 assert bearingX >= 0 and bearingX <= 255 if bearingY < 0: # HACK print(f"normalizing bearingY {bearingY} for '{c}'") bearingY = 0 assert bearingY >= 0 and bearingY <= 255 buf = list(bitmap.buffer) # discard non-space pixels on the left side if remove_left > 0 and width > 0: assert bearingX == 0 buf = drop_left_columns(buf, width, remove_left) assert width > remove_left width -= remove_left assert advance > remove_left advance -= remove_left print(f'Glyph "{c}": removed {remove_left} pixel columns from the left') return Glyph( char=c, width=width, rows=rows, advance=advance, bearingX=bearingX, bearingY=bearingY, buf=buf, num_grays=bitmap.num_grays, inverse_colors=inverse_colors, ) def print_metrics(self) -> None: print( f'Loaded glyph "{self.char}" ... {self.width} x {self.rows} @ {self.num_grays} grays ({len(self.buf)} bytes, metrics: {self.advance}, {self.bearingX}, {self.bearingY})' ) def process_byte(self, b: int) -> int: if self.inverse_colors: return b ^ 0xFF else: return b def get_definition_line( self, name_style_size: str, bpp: int, i: int | str, static: bool = True, ) -> str: numbers = ", ".join(str(n) for n in self.to_bytes(bpp)) comment = f"/* {self.char} */" const_name = f"Font_{name_style_size}_glyph_{i}" if static: modifier = "static const" else: modifier = "const" return f"{comment} {modifier} uint8_t {const_name}[] = {{ {numbers} }};\n" def to_bytes(self, bpp: int) -> bytes: infos = [ self.width, self.rows, self.advance, self.bearingX, self.bearingY, ] if self.buf: data = [ self.process_byte(x) for x in process_bitmap_buffer(self.buf, bpp, self.width, self.rows) ] return bytes(infos + data) else: return bytes(infos) class FaceProcessor: def __init__( self, name: str, style: str, size: int, bpp: int = 4, shaveX: int = 0, ext: str = "ttf", gen_normal: bool = True, # generate font with all the letters gen_upper: bool = False, # generate font with only upper-cased letters ): if gen_normal is False and gen_upper is False: raise ValueError( "At least one must be selected from normal glyphs or only uppercased glyphs." ) print(f"Processing ... {name} {style} {size}") self.name = name self.style = style self.size = size self.bpp = bpp self.shaveX = shaveX self.ext = ext self.gen_normal = gen_normal self.gen_upper = gen_upper self.face = freetype.Face(str(FONTS_DIR / f"{name}-{style}.{ext}")) self.face.set_pixel_sizes(0, size) # type: ignore self.fontname = f"{name.lower()}_{style.lower()}_{size}" self.font_ymin = 0 self.font_ymax = 0 @property def _name_style_size(self) -> str: return f"{self.name}_{self.style}_{self.size}" @property def _c_file_name(self) -> Path: return C_FONTS_DEST / f"font_{self.fontname}.c" @property def _h_file_name(self) -> Path: return C_FONTS_DEST / f"font_{self.fontname}.h" def write_files(self) -> None: self.write_c_files() if self.gen_normal: self.write_foreign_json(upper_cased=False) if self.gen_upper: self.write_foreign_json(upper_cased=True) if WRITE_WIDTHS: self.write_char_widths_files() def write_c_files(self) -> None: self._write_c_file() self._write_h_file() def write_foreign_json(self, upper_cased=False) -> None: for lang, language_chars in all_languages.items(): fontdata = {} for item in language_chars: c = _normalize(item) map_from = c if c.islower() and upper_cased and c != "ß": # FIXME not sure how to properly handle the german "ß" c = c.upper() assert len(c) == 1 assert len(map_from) == 1 self._load_char(c) glyph = Glyph.from_face(self.face, c, self.shaveX) glyph.print_metrics() fontdata[map_from] = glyph.to_bytes(self.bpp).hex() file = ( JSON_FONTS_DEST / f"font_{self.fontname}{'_upper' if upper_cased else ''}_{lang}.json" ) json_content = json.dumps(fontdata, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) file.write_text(json_content + "\n") def write_char_widths_files(self) -> None: chars: set[str] = set() widths: dict[str, int] = {} # "normal" ASCII characters for i in range(MIN_GLYPH, MAX_GLYPH + 1): c = chr(i) if c.islower() and not self.gen_normal: c = c.upper() chars.add(c) # foreign language data for _lang, lang_chars in all_languages.items(): for c in lang_chars: chars.add(c) for c in sorted(chars): self._load_char(c) glyph = Glyph.from_face(self.face, c, self.shaveX) widths[c] = glyph.advance filename = f"font_widths_{self.fontname}.json" with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json_content = json.dumps(widths, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) f.write(json_content + "\n") def _write_c_file(self) -> None: with open(OUT_DIR / self._c_file_name, "wt") as f: self._write_c_file_header(f) self._write_c_file_content(f) def _write_c_file_content(self, f: TextIO) -> None: # Write "normal" ASCII characters for i in range(MIN_GLYPH, MAX_GLYPH + 1): if chr(i).islower() and not self.gen_normal: continue self._write_char_definition(f, chr(i), i) # Write nonprintable glyph f.write("\n") nonprintable = self._get_nonprintable_definition_line() f.write(nonprintable) # Write array of all glyphs if self.gen_normal: f.write("\n") f.write( f"static const uint8_t * const Font_{self._name_style_size}[{MAX_GLYPH} + 1 - {MIN_GLYPH}] = {{\n" ) for i in range(MIN_GLYPH, MAX_GLYPH + 1): f.write(f" Font_{self._name_style_size}_glyph_{i},\n") f.write("};\n") # Write array of all glyphs for _upper version if self.gen_upper: f.write("\n") f.write( f"static const uint8_t * const Font_{self._name_style_size}_upper[{MAX_GLYPH} + 1 - {MIN_GLYPH}] = {{\n" ) for i in range(MIN_GLYPH, MAX_GLYPH + 1): comment = "" if chr(i).islower(): c_from = chr(i) c_to = c_from.upper() i = ord(c_to) comment = f" // {c_from} -> {c_to}" f.write(f" Font_{self._name_style_size}_glyph_{i},{comment}\n") f.write("};\n") # Write font info structure if self.gen_normal: self._write_font_info_structure(f) if self.gen_upper: self._write_font_info_structure(f, is_upper=True) def _write_char_definition(self, f: TextIO, c: str, i: int) -> None: self._load_char(c) glyph = Glyph.from_face(self.face, c, self.shaveX) glyph.print_metrics() definition_line = glyph.get_definition_line(self._name_style_size, self.bpp, i) f.write(definition_line) # Update mix/max metrics yMin = glyph.bearingY - glyph.rows yMax = yMin + glyph.rows self.font_ymin = min(self.font_ymin, yMin) self.font_ymax = max(self.font_ymax, yMax) def _write_c_file_header(self, f: TextIO) -> None: f.write("// This file is generated by core/tools/codegen/gen_font.py\n\n") f.write("#include \n") f.write('#include "fonts.h"\n\n') f.write("// clang-format off\n\n") f.write("// - the first two bytes are width and height of the glyph\n") f.write( "// - the third, fourth and fifth bytes are advance, bearingX and bearingY of the horizontal metrics of the glyph\n" ) f.write(f"// - the rest is packed {self.bpp}-bit glyph data\n\n") # Write font info structure to instantiate font_info_t defined in fonts.h def _write_font_info_structure(self, f: TextIO, is_upper: bool = False): suffix = "_upper" if is_upper else "" f.write("\n") f.write(f"const font_info_t Font_{self._name_style_size}{suffix}_info = {{\n") f.write(f" .height = {self.size},\n") f.write(f" .max_height = {self.font_ymax - self.font_ymin},\n") f.write(f" .baseline = {-self.font_ymin},\n") f.write(f" .glyph_data = Font_{self._name_style_size}{suffix},\n") f.write( f" .glyph_nonprintable = Font_{self._name_style_size}_glyph_nonprintable,\n" ) f.write("};\n") def _get_nonprintable_definition_line(self) -> str: c = "?" self._load_char(c) glyph = Glyph.from_face(self.face, c, self.shaveX, inverse_colors=True) return glyph.get_definition_line( self._name_style_size, self.bpp, "nonprintable", static=True ) def _load_char(self, c: str) -> None: self.face.load_char(c, freetype.FT_LOAD_RENDER | freetype.FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL) # type: ignore def _write_h_file(self) -> None: with open(OUT_DIR / self._h_file_name, "wt") as f: f.write("// This file is generated by core/tools/codegen/gen_font.py\n\n") f.write("#include \n") f.write('#include "fonts.h"\n\n') f.write(f"#if TREZOR_FONT_BPP != {self.bpp}\n") f.write(f"#error Wrong TREZOR_FONT_BPP (expected {self.bpp})\n") f.write("#endif\n\n") if self.gen_normal: f.write( f"extern const font_info_t Font_{self._name_style_size}_info;\n" ) if self.gen_upper: f.write( f"extern const font_info_t Font_{self._name_style_size}_upper_info;\n" ) def gen_layout_bolt(): FaceProcessor("Roboto", "Regular", 20).write_files() FaceProcessor("Roboto", "Bold", 20).write_files() FaceProcessor("TTHoves", "Regular", 21, ext="otf").write_files() FaceProcessor("TTHoves", "DemiBold", 21, ext="otf").write_files() FaceProcessor( "TTHoves", "Bold", 17, ext="otf", gen_normal=False, gen_upper=True ).write_files() FaceProcessor("RobotoMono", "Medium", 20).write_files() def gen_layout_caesar(): FaceProcessor( "PixelOperator", "Regular", 8, bpp=1, shaveX=1, gen_normal=True, gen_upper=True, ).write_files() FaceProcessor( "PixelOperator", "Bold", 8, bpp=1, shaveX=1, gen_normal=True, gen_upper=True, ).write_files() FaceProcessor("PixelOperatorMono", "Regular", 8, bpp=1, shaveX=1).write_files() FaceProcessor("Unifont", "Regular", 16, bpp=1, shaveX=1, ext="otf").write_files() # NOTE: Unifont Bold does not seem to have czech characters FaceProcessor("Unifont", "Bold", 16, bpp=1, shaveX=1, ext="otf").write_files() def gen_layout_delizia(): FaceProcessor("TTSatoshi", "DemiBold", 42, ext="otf").write_files() FaceProcessor("TTSatoshi", "DemiBold", 21, ext="otf").write_files() FaceProcessor("TTSatoshi", "DemiBold", 18, ext="otf").write_files() FaceProcessor("RobotoMono", "Medium", 21).write_files() LAYOUTS = { "bolt": gen_layout_bolt, "caesar": gen_layout_caesar, "delizia": gen_layout_delizia, } @click.command() @click.option( "--layout", "-l", help="Generate fonts only for specified layout", type=click.Choice(list(LAYOUTS.keys())), ) @click.option( "--write-widths", "-w", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Generate character width files", ) def main(layout: str | None, write_widths: bool): """Generate font files for Trezor firmware.""" global WRITE_WIDTHS WRITE_WIDTHS = write_widths if layout: click.echo(f"Generating fonts for layout: {layout}") LAYOUTS[layout]() else: click.echo("Generating all fonts") for layout_name, layout_func in LAYOUTS.items(): click.echo(f"\nGenerating {layout_name} layout:") layout_func() if __name__ == "__main__": main()