# NOTE: for running the tests locally in `nix-shell`, it is necessary # to spawn the `nix-shell` with `fullDeps` argument, so the command is: # `nix-shell --arg fullDeps true` # This will make sure all the python versions are installed. # (it could be beneficial to comment out `bitcoind` in `shell.nix` locally before running it, # as building that from source takes a very long time) [tox] envlist = py{36,37,38,39,310}-{minimal,default,full} [testenv] deps = -rrequirements.txt !minimal: pytest>=3.6 !minimal: pytest-random-order !minimal: importlib-metadata!=0.21 full: -rrequirements-optional.txt commands = # Generate local files python setup.py build # Working in the local directory, try to compile all bytecode python -m compileall src tests # Smoke-test trezorctl trezorctl --help # Run test suite !minimal: pytest --random-order tests