syntax = "proto2";
package hw.trezor.messages.monero;

// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageMonero";

enum MoneroNetworkType {
    MAINNET = 0;
    TESTNET = 1;
    STAGENET = 2;
    FAKECHAIN = 3;

 * Structure representing Monero transaction source entry, UTXO
 * @embed
message MoneroTransactionSourceEntry {
    repeated MoneroOutputEntry outputs = 1;  // all outputs including decoys (forms the ring)
    optional uint64 real_output = 2;  // index denoting which item in `outputs` is our real output (not a decoy)
    optional bytes real_out_tx_key = 3;  // tx key located in the real output's tx
    repeated bytes real_out_additional_tx_keys = 4;  // additional tx keys if applicable
    optional uint64 real_output_in_tx_index = 5;  // index of our real output in the tx (aka which output was it in the transaction)
    optional uint64 amount = 6;
    optional bool rct = 7;  // is RingCT used (true for newer UTXOs)
    optional bytes mask = 8;
    optional MoneroMultisigKLRki multisig_kLRki = 9;
    optional uint32 subaddr_minor = 10;  // minor subaddr index UTXO was sent to
    message MoneroOutputEntry {
        optional uint64 idx = 1;
        optional MoneroRctKeyPublic key = 2;
        message MoneroRctKeyPublic {
            required bytes dest = 1;
            required bytes commitment = 2;
    message MoneroMultisigKLRki {
        optional bytes K = 1;
        optional bytes L = 2;
        optional bytes R = 3;
        optional bytes ki = 4;

 * Structure representing Monero transaction destination entry
 * @embed
message MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry {
    optional uint64 amount = 1;
    optional MoneroAccountPublicAddress addr = 2;
    optional bool is_subaddress = 3;
    optional bytes original = 4;
    optional bool is_integrated = 5;
     * Structure representing Monero public address
    message MoneroAccountPublicAddress {
        optional bytes spend_public_key = 1;
        optional bytes view_public_key = 2;

 * Range sig parameters / data.
 * @embed
message MoneroTransactionRsigData {
    optional uint32 rsig_type = 1;  // range signature (aka proof) type
    optional uint32 offload_type = 2;
    repeated uint64 grouping = 3;  // aggregation scheme for BP

    optional bytes mask = 4;       // mask vector
    optional bytes rsig = 5;       // range sig data, all of it or partial (based on rsig_parts)
    repeated bytes rsig_parts = 6;
    optional uint32 bp_version = 7;  // Bulletproof version

 * Request: Ask device for public address derived from seed and address_n
 * @start
 * @next MoneroAddress
 * @next Failure
message MoneroGetAddress {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;          // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional bool show_display = 2;         // Optionally show on display before sending the result
    optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 3 [default=MAINNET]; // Network type
    optional uint32 account = 4;            // Major subaddr index
    optional uint32 minor = 5;              // Minor subaddr index
    optional bytes payment_id = 6;          // Payment ID for integrated address
    optional bool chunkify = 7;             // display the address in chunks of 4 characters

 * Response: Contains Monero watch-only credentials derived from device private seed
 * @end
message MoneroAddress {
    required bytes address = 1;

 * Request: Ask device for watch only credentials
 * @start
 * @next MoneroWatchKey
 * @next Failure
message MoneroGetWatchKey {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;          // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 2 [default=MAINNET]; // Network type

 * Response: Contains Monero watch-only credentials derived from device private seed
 * @end
message MoneroWatchKey {
    required bytes watch_key = 1;
    required bytes address = 2;

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Initializes transaction signing.
 * @start
 * @next MoneroTransactionInitAck
message MoneroTransactionInitRequest {
    optional uint32 version = 1;
    repeated uint32 address_n = 2;
    optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 3 [default=MAINNET]; // Network type
    optional MoneroTransactionData tsx_data = 4;
     * Structure representing Monero initial transaction information
    message MoneroTransactionData {
        optional uint32 version = 1;
        optional bytes payment_id = 2;
        optional uint64 unlock_time = 3;
        repeated MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry outputs = 4;
        optional MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry change_dts = 5;
        optional uint32 num_inputs = 6;
        optional uint32 mixin = 7;
        optional uint64 fee = 8;
        optional uint32 account = 9;
        repeated uint32 minor_indices = 10;
        optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 11;
        repeated uint32 integrated_indices = 12;
        optional uint32 client_version = 13;  // connected client version
        optional uint32 hard_fork = 14;       // transaction hard fork number
        optional bytes monero_version = 15;   // monero software version
        optional bool chunkify = 16;          // display the address in chunks of 4 characters

 * Response: Response to transaction signing initialization.
 * @next MoneroTransactionSetInputRequest
message MoneroTransactionInitAck {
    repeated bytes hmacs = 1;
    optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 2;

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends one UTXO to device
 * @next MoneroTransactionSetInputAck
message MoneroTransactionSetInputRequest {
    optional MoneroTransactionSourceEntry src_entr = 1;

 * Response: Response to setting UTXO for signature. Contains sealed values needed for further protocol steps.
 * @next MoneroTransactionSetInputAck
 * @next MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest
message MoneroTransactionSetInputAck {
    optional bytes vini = 1;      // xmrtypes.TxinToKey
    optional bytes vini_hmac = 2;
    optional bytes pseudo_out = 3;
    optional bytes pseudo_out_hmac = 4;
    optional bytes pseudo_out_alpha = 5;
    optional bytes spend_key = 6;

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends one UTXO to device together with sealed values.
 * @next MoneroTransactionInputViniAck
message MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest {
    optional MoneroTransactionSourceEntry src_entr = 1;
    optional bytes vini = 2;      // xmrtypes.TxinToKey
    optional bytes vini_hmac = 3;
    optional bytes pseudo_out = 4;
    optional bytes pseudo_out_hmac = 5;
    optional uint32 orig_idx = 6;  // original sort index, before sorting by key-images

 * Response: Response to setting UTXO to the device
 * @next MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest
 * @next MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetRequest
message MoneroTransactionInputViniAck {

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sent after all inputs have been sent. Useful for rangeisg offloading.
 * @next MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetAck
message MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetRequest {

 * Response: Response to after all inputs have been set.
 * @next MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest
message MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetAck {
    optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 1;

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends one transaction destination to device (HMACed)
 * @next MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck
message MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest {
    optional MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry dst_entr = 1;
    optional bytes dst_entr_hmac = 2;
    optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 3;
    optional bool is_offloaded_bp = 4;  // Extra message, with offloaded BP.

 * Response: Response to setting transaction destination. Contains sealed values needed for further protocol steps.
 * @next MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest
 * @next MoneroTransactionAllOutSetRequest
message MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck {
    optional bytes tx_out = 1;  // xmrtypes.TxOut
    optional bytes vouti_hmac = 2;
    optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 3;
    optional bytes out_pk = 4;
    optional bytes ecdh_info = 5;

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sent after all outputs are sent.
 * @next MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck
message MoneroTransactionAllOutSetRequest {
    optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 1;

 * Response: After all outputs are sent the initial RCT signature fields are sent.
 * @next MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest
message MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck {
    optional bytes extra = 1;
    optional bytes tx_prefix_hash = 2;
    optional MoneroRingCtSig rv = 4;  // xmrtypes.RctSig
    optional bytes full_message_hash = 5;

     * Structure represents initial fields of the Monero RCT signature
    message MoneroRingCtSig {
        optional uint64 txn_fee = 1;
        optional bytes message = 2;
        optional uint32 rv_type = 3;

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends UTXO for the signing.
 * @next MoneroTransactionSignInputAck
message MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest {
    optional MoneroTransactionSourceEntry src_entr = 1;
    optional bytes vini = 2;     // xmrtypes.TxinToKey
    optional bytes vini_hmac = 3;
    optional bytes pseudo_out = 4;
    optional bytes pseudo_out_hmac = 5;
    optional bytes pseudo_out_alpha = 6;
    optional bytes spend_key = 7;
    optional uint32 orig_idx = 8;  // original sort index, before sorting by key-images

 * Response: Contains full MG signature of the UTXO + multisig data if applicable.
 * @next MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest
 * @next MoneroTransactionFinalRequest
message MoneroTransactionSignInputAck {
    optional bytes signature = 1;
    optional bytes pseudo_out = 2;  // updated pseudo-out after mask correction

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Final message of the procol after all UTXOs are signed
 * @next MoneroTransactionFinalAck
message MoneroTransactionFinalRequest {

 * Response: Contains transaction metadata and encryption keys needed for further transaction operations (e.g. multisig, send proof).
 * @end
message MoneroTransactionFinalAck {
    optional bytes cout_key = 1;
    optional bytes salt = 2;
    optional bytes rand_mult = 3;
    optional bytes tx_enc_keys = 4;
    optional bytes opening_key = 5;  // enc master key to decrypt CLSAGs after protocol finishes correctly

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroKeyImageSync. Initializing key image sync.
 * @start
 * @next MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck
message MoneroKeyImageExportInitRequest {
    required uint64 num = 1;
    required bytes hash = 2;
    repeated uint32 address_n = 3;               // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 4 [default=MAINNET]; // network type
    repeated MoneroSubAddressIndicesList subs = 5;
     * Structure representing Monero list of sub-addresses
    message MoneroSubAddressIndicesList {
        required uint32 account = 1;
        repeated uint32 minor_indices = 2;

 * Response: Response to key image sync initialization.
 * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest
message MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck {

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroKeyImageSync. Contains batch of the UTXO to export key image for.
 * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncStepAck
message MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest {
    repeated MoneroTransferDetails tdis = 1;
     * Structure representing Monero UTXO for key image sync
    message MoneroTransferDetails {
        required bytes out_key = 1;
        required bytes tx_pub_key = 2;
        repeated bytes additional_tx_pub_keys = 3;
        required uint64 internal_output_index = 4;
        optional uint32 sub_addr_major = 5;
        optional uint32 sub_addr_minor = 6;

 * Response: Response to key image sync step. Contains encrypted exported key image.
 * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest
 * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalRequest
message MoneroKeyImageSyncStepAck {
    repeated MoneroExportedKeyImage kis = 1;
     * Structure representing Monero encrypted exported key image
    message MoneroExportedKeyImage {
        optional bytes iv = 1;
        optional bytes blob = 3;

 * Request: Sub request of MoneroKeyImageSync. Final message of the sync protocol.
 * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck
message MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalRequest {

 * Response: Response to key image sync step. Contains encryption keys for exported key images.
 * @end
message MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck {
    optional bytes enc_key = 1;

 * Request: Decrypt tx private keys blob
 * @next MoneroGetTxKeyAck
message MoneroGetTxKeyRequest {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;          // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 2 [default=MAINNET]; // network type

    required bytes salt1 = 3;
    required bytes salt2 = 4;
    required bytes tx_enc_keys = 5;
    required bytes tx_prefix_hash = 6;
    optional uint32 reason = 7;  // reason to display for user. e.g., tx_proof
    optional bytes view_public_key = 8;   // addr for derivation

 * Response: Response with the re-encrypted private keys and derivations blob under view key
 * @end
message MoneroGetTxKeyAck {
    optional bytes salt = 1;
    optional bytes tx_keys = 2;
    optional bytes tx_derivations = 3;

 * Request: Starts live refresh flow. Asks user permission, switches state
 * @next MoneroLiveRefreshStartAck
message MoneroLiveRefreshStartRequest {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;          // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 2 [default=MAINNET]; // network type

 * Response after user gave permission
 * @next MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest
 * @next MoneroLiveRefreshFinalRequest
message MoneroLiveRefreshStartAck {


 * Request: Request to compute a single key image during live sync
 * @next MoneroLiveRefreshStepAck
message MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest {
    required bytes out_key = 1;
    required bytes recv_deriv = 2;
    required uint64 real_out_idx = 3;
    required uint32 sub_addr_major = 4;
    required uint32 sub_addr_minor = 5;

 * Response: Response with the encrypted key image + signature
 * @next MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest
 * @next MoneroLiveRefreshFinishedRequest
message MoneroLiveRefreshStepAck {
    optional bytes salt = 1;
    optional bytes key_image = 2;

 * Request: Request terminating live refresh mode.
 * @next MoneroLiveRefreshFinishedAck
message MoneroLiveRefreshFinalRequest {


 * Response: Response on termination of live refresh mode.
 * @end
message MoneroLiveRefreshFinalAck {


 * Request: Universal Monero protocol implementation diagnosis request.
 * @start
 * @next DebugMoneroDiagAck
message DebugMoneroDiagRequest {
    optional uint64 ins = 1;
    optional uint64 p1 = 2;
    optional uint64 p2 = 3;
    repeated uint64 pd = 4;
    optional bytes data1 = 5;
    optional bytes data2 = 6;

 * Response: Response to Monero diagnosis protocol.
 * @end
message DebugMoneroDiagAck {
    optional uint64 ins = 1;
    optional uint64 p1 = 2;
    optional uint64 p2 = 3;
    repeated uint64 pd = 4;
    optional bytes data1 = 5;
    optional bytes data2 = 6;