#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations from pathlib import Path from types import SimpleNamespace from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Protocol, TextIO # for python37 support, is not present in typing there from typing_extensions import TypedDict import click from dominate import document from dominate.tags import * from dominate.util import raw HERE = Path(__file__).resolve().parent if TYPE_CHECKING: class LineAllocData(TypedDict): total_allocs: int total_calls: int avg_allocs: float # {filename:{lineno:LineAllocData}} alloc_data_dict = Dict[str, Dict[int, LineAllocData]] class SharedObject(Protocol): data: alloc_data_dict type: str def parse_alloc_data( alloc_data: TextIO, ) -> alloc_data_dict: parsed_data: alloc_data_dict = {} for line in alloc_data: ident, allocs, calls = line.strip().split(" ") allocs = int(allocs) calls = int(calls) filename, lineno = ident.split(":") lineno = int(lineno) filedata = parsed_data.setdefault(filename, {}) filedata[lineno] = { "total_allocs": allocs, "total_calls": calls, "avg_allocs": allocs / calls, } return parsed_data @click.group() @click.pass_context @click.option("-a", "--alloc-data", type=click.File(), default="src/alloc_data.txt") @click.option("-t", "--type", type=click.Choice(("total", "avg")), default="avg") def cli(ctx: click.Context, alloc_data: TextIO, type: str): shared_obj: SharedObject = SimpleNamespace() # type: ignore shared_obj.data = parse_alloc_data(alloc_data) shared_obj.type = type ctx.obj = shared_obj def _normalize_filename(filename: str) -> str: if filename.startswith("src/"): return filename[4:] return filename @cli.command() @click.pass_obj @click.argument("filename") def annotate(obj: SharedObject, filename: str): filename = _normalize_filename(filename) if obj.type == "total": def alloc_str(line: LineAllocData) -> str: return str(line["total_allocs"]) else: def alloc_str(line: LineAllocData) -> str: return f"{line['avg_allocs']:.2f}" filedata = obj.data[filename] linedata = {lineno: alloc_str(line) for lineno, line in filedata.items()} maxlen = max(len(l) for l in linedata.values()) lineno = 0 for line in open("src/" + filename): lineno += 1 linecount = linedata.get(lineno, "") print(f"{linecount:>{maxlen}} {line}", end="") def _list( obj: SharedObject, sort_by: str = "avg_allocs", reverse: bool = False ) -> list[tuple[str, float, int]]: return sorted( ( ( filename, sum(line["avg_allocs"] for line in lines.values()), sum(line["total_allocs"] for line in lines.values()), ) for filename, lines in obj.data.items() ), key=lambda x: x[1 if sort_by == "avg_allocs" else 2], reverse=reverse, ) @cli.command(name="list") @click.pass_obj @click.option("-r", "--reverse", is_flag=True) def list_function(obj: SharedObject, reverse: bool): if obj.type == "total": field = "total_allocs" def format_num(l: tuple[str, float, int]) -> str: return f"{l[2]}" else: field = "avg_allocs" def format_num(l: tuple[str, float, int]) -> str: return f"{l[1]:.2f}" file_sums = _list(obj, field, reverse) maxlen = max(len(format_num(l)) for l in file_sums) for l in file_sums: num_str = format_num(l) filename = l[0] print(f"{num_str:>{maxlen}} {filename}") def get_biggest_line_allocations( obj: SharedObject, biggest_n: int ) -> list[tuple[str, float]]: all_allocs: dict[str, float] = {} for file, line_stats in obj.data.items(): for line, stats in line_stats.items(): all_allocs[f"{file}:{line}"] = stats["avg_allocs"] return sorted(all_allocs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:biggest_n] def get_biggest_n_lines_for_each_file( obj: SharedObject, biggest_n: int ) -> dict[str, list[int]]: biggest_file_allocs: dict[str, list[int]] = {} for file, line_stats in obj.data.items(): biggest = sorted( line_stats.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["avg_allocs"], reverse=True )[:biggest_n] biggest_file_allocs[file] = [line for line, _stats in biggest] return biggest_file_allocs @cli.command() @click.pass_obj @click.argument("htmldir") def html(obj: SharedObject, htmldir: str): file_sums = _list(obj, "total_allocs", reverse=True) style_grey = "color: grey" style_red = "color: red;" style_blue = "color: blue;" style_right = "text-align: right;" css_smaller_mono = ( "body { font-size: 80%; font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; }" ) n_biggest = 50 biggest_lines = get_biggest_line_allocations(obj, n_biggest) for location, avg_alloc in reversed(biggest_lines): # Prepending core/src so it can be opened via alt+click in VSCode print(f"{avg_alloc:.2f} core/src/{location}") # Create index.html - two tables doc = document(title="Firmware allocations") with doc.head: meta(charset="utf-8") style(css_smaller_mono) with doc: h3(f"{n_biggest} biggest allocations") with table(): with thead(): with tr(): th("alloc", style=style_right) th("file:line") with tbody(): for location, avg_alloc in biggest_lines: filename, lineno = location.split(":") with tr(): td(f"{avg_alloc:.2f}", style=style_right) td( a( location, href=f"{filename}.html#{lineno}", target="_blank", ) ) h3(f"Total allocations: {sum(total_sum for _, _, total_sum in file_sums)}") with table(): with thead(): with tr(): th("avg", style=style_right) th("total", style=style_right) th("file") with tbody(): for filename, avg_sum, total_sum in file_sums: with tr(): td(f"{avg_sum:.2f}", style=style_right) td(total_sum, style=style_right) td( a( filename, href=f"{filename}.html", target="_blank", ) ) with open(f"{htmldir}/index.html", "w") as f: f.write(doc.render()) # So we can highlight biggest allocations in each file biggest_n_lines_for_each_file = get_biggest_n_lines_for_each_file(obj, 5) # Create HTML for each file - one table in each for filename in file_sums: filename = _normalize_filename(filename[0]) htmlfile = Path(htmldir) / filename htmlfile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) doc = document(title=filename) with doc.head: meta(charset="utf-8") style(css_smaller_mono) with doc: with table(): with thead(): with tr(): th("#", style=style_grey) th("avg", style=style_right) th("total", style=style_right) th("") with tbody(): lineno = 0 for line in open(HERE.parent / "src" / filename): lineno += 1 line_info = obj.data[filename].get(lineno, {}) total = line_info.get("total_allocs", 0) avg = line_info.get("avg_allocs", 0) if lineno in biggest_n_lines_for_each_file[filename]: row_style = style_red elif avg > 0: row_style = style_blue else: row_style = None with tr(style=row_style, id=lineno): td(lineno, style=style_grey) td(f"{avg:.2f}", style=style_right) td(total, style=style_right) # Creating nonbreaking space, otherwise prefix # whitespace is stripped td(raw(line.rstrip("\n").replace(" ", " "))) with open(str(htmlfile) + ".html", "w") as f: f.write(doc.render()) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()