import base64 import filecmp from itertools import zip_longest from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional from dominate import document from dominate.tags import a, i, img, table, td, th, tr def report_links( tests: List[Path], reports_path: Path, actual_hashes: Dict[str, str] = None ) -> None: if actual_hashes is None: actual_hashes = {} if not tests: i("None!") return with table(border=1): with tr(): th("Link to report") for test in sorted(tests): with tr(data_actual_hash=actual_hashes.get(test.stem, "")): path = test.relative_to(reports_path) td(a(, href=path)) def write(fixture_test_path: Path, doc: document, filename: str) -> Path: (fixture_test_path / filename).write_text(doc.render()) return fixture_test_path / filename def image_column(src: Path, image_width: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Put image into table as one cell.""" with td(): if src: image_raw(src, image_width) else: i("missing") def image_raw(src: Path, image_width: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Display image on the screen""" # open image file image = src.read_bytes() # encode image as base64 image = base64.b64encode(image) # convert output to str image = image.decode() # img(src=src.relative_to(fixture_test_path)) img( src="data:image/png;base64, " + image, style=f"width: {image_width}px; image-rendering: pixelated;" if image_width else "", ) def diff_table( left_screens: List[Path], right_screens: List[Path], image_width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: for left, right in zip_longest(left_screens, right_screens): if left and right and filecmp.cmp(right, left): background = "white" else: background = "red" with tr(bgcolor=background): image_column(left, image_width) image_column(right, image_width)