use crate::{ strutil::TString, time::Instant, ui::{ component::{Component, Event, EventCtx, Marquee, Never}, display, geometry::{Offset, Rect}, }, }; use super::super::theme; pub struct Title { area: Rect, title: TString<'static>, marquee: Marquee, needs_marquee: bool, centered: bool, } impl Title { pub fn new(title: TString<'static>) -> Self { Self { title: title.clone(), marquee: Marquee::new(title, theme::FONT_HEADER, theme::FG, theme::BG), needs_marquee: false, area: Rect::zero(), centered: false, } } pub fn with_centered(mut self) -> Self { self.centered = true; self } pub fn get_text(&self) -> &str {|s| s.as_ref()) } pub fn set_text(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, new_text: TString<'static>) { self.title = new_text.clone(); self.marquee.set_text(new_text.clone()); let text_width = theme::FONT_HEADER.text_width(|s| s.as_ref())); self.needs_marquee = text_width > self.area.width(); // Resetting the marquee to the beginning and starting it when necessary. self.marquee.reset(); if self.needs_marquee { self.marquee.start(ctx, Instant::now()); } } /// Display title/header at the top left of the given area. pub fn paint_header_left(title: &TString<'static>, area: Rect) { let text_height = theme::FONT_HEADER.text_height(); let title_baseline = area.top_left() + Offset::y(text_height - 1); display::text_left( title_baseline,|s| s.as_ref()), theme::FONT_HEADER, theme::FG, theme::BG, ); } /// Display title/header centered at the top of the given area. pub fn paint_header_centered(title: &TString<'static>, area: Rect) { let text_height = theme::FONT_HEADER.text_height(); let title_baseline = area.top_center() + Offset::y(text_height - 1); display::text_center( title_baseline,|s| s.as_ref()), theme::FONT_HEADER, theme::FG, theme::BG, ); } } impl Component for Title { type Msg = Never; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { self.area = bounds;; let width = theme::FONT_HEADER.text_width(|s| s.as_ref())); self.needs_marquee = width > self.area.width(); bounds } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { if self.needs_marquee { if !self.marquee.is_animating() { self.marquee.start(ctx, Instant::now()); } return self.marquee.event(ctx, event); } None } fn paint(&mut self) { if self.needs_marquee { self.marquee.paint(); } else if self.centered { Self::paint_header_centered(&self.title, self.area); } else { Self::paint_header_left(&self.title, self.area); } } } // DEBUG-ONLY SECTION BELOW #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for Title { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("Title"); t.string("text",|t| t).into()); } }