#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import json def get_tokens(): tokens = [] for s, i in networks: try: files = os.scandir('defs/ethereum/tokens/tokens/%s' % s) except FileNotFoundError: continue for f in files: if not f.path.endswith('.json'): continue print('Processing', f.path) data = json.load(open(f.path, 'r')) data['chain'] = s data['chain_id'] = i tokens.append(data) return tokens def print_tokens(tokens, python=False): for t in sorted(tokens, key=lambda x: x['chain'] + x['symbol'].upper()): address, name, symbol, decimal, chain, chain_id = t['address'], t['name'], t['symbol'], int(t['decimals']), t['chain'], t['chain_id'] address = '\\x'.join([address[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(address), 2)])[2:].lower() if python: print(" (%d, b'%s', '%s', %d), # %s / %s" % (chain_id, address, symbol, decimal, chain, name)) else: print('\t{%2d, "%s", " %s", %d}, // %s / %s' % (chain_id, address, symbol, decimal, chain, name)) return len(tokens) # disabled are networks with no tokens defined in ethereum-lists/tokens repo networks = [ ('eth', 1), ('exp', 2), # ('rop', 3), # ('rin', 4), ('ubq', 8), # ('rsk', 30), # ('kov', 42), ('etc', 61), ] def generate_c(tokens): count = print_tokens(tokens) print('-' * 32) print('#define TOKENS_COUNT %d' % count) def generate_python(tokens): print('tokens = [') print_tokens(tokens, python=True) print(']') if __name__ == '__main__': tokens = get_tokens() if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--python': generate_python(tokens) else: generate_c(tokens)