import math import utime from micropython import const from trezorui import Display from trezor import io, loop, res, utils, workflow if False: from typing import Any, Generator, Iterable, Tuple, TypeVar Pos = Tuple[int, int] Area = Tuple[int, int, int, int] display = Display() # in debug mode, display an indicator in top right corner if __debug__: def debug_display_refresh() -> None: - 8, 0, 8, 8, 0xF800) display.refresh() if utils.SAVE_SCREEN:"refresh") loop.after_step_hook = debug_display_refresh # in both debug and production, emulator needs to draw the screen explicitly elif utils.EMULATOR: loop.after_step_hook = display.refresh # re-export constants from modtrezorui NORMAL = Display.FONT_NORMAL BOLD = Display.FONT_BOLD MONO = Display.FONT_MONO MONO_BOLD = Display.FONT_MONO_BOLD SIZE = Display.FONT_SIZE WIDTH = Display.WIDTH HEIGHT = Display.HEIGHT # viewport margins VIEWX = const(6) VIEWY = const(9) def lerpi(a: int, b: int, t: float) -> int: return int(a + t * (b - a)) def rgb(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> int: return ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | ((b & 0xF8) >> 3) def blend(ca: int, cb: int, t: float) -> int: return rgb( lerpi((ca >> 8) & 0xF8, (cb >> 8) & 0xF8, t), lerpi((ca >> 3) & 0xFC, (cb >> 3) & 0xFC, t), lerpi((ca << 3) & 0xF8, (cb << 3) & 0xF8, t), ) # import style later to avoid circular dep from trezor.ui import style # isort:skip # import style definitions into namespace from import * # isort:skip # noqa: F401,F403 def pulse(delay: int) -> float: # normalize sin from interval -1:1 to 0:1 return 0.5 + 0.5 * math.sin(utime.ticks_us() / delay) async def click() -> Pos: touch = loop.wait(io.TOUCH) while True: ev, *pos = await touch if ev == io.TOUCH_START: break while True: ev, *pos = await touch if ev == io.TOUCH_END: break return pos # type: ignore def backlight_fade(val: int, delay: int = 14000, step: int = 15) -> None: if __debug__: if utils.DISABLE_FADE: display.backlight(val) return current = display.backlight() if current > val: step = -step for i in range(current, val, step): display.backlight(i) utime.sleep_us(delay) def header( title: str, icon: str = style.ICON_DEFAULT, fg: int = style.FG, bg: int = style.BG, ifg: int = style.GREEN, ) -> None: if icon is not None: display.icon(14, 15, res.load(icon), ifg, bg) display.text(44, 35, title, BOLD, fg, bg) def header_warning(message: str, clear: bool = True) -> None: # TODO: review: is the clear=True really needed?, 0, WIDTH, 30, style.YELLOW) display.text_center(WIDTH // 2, 22, message, BOLD, style.BLACK, style.YELLOW) if clear:, 30, WIDTH, HEIGHT - 30, style.BG) def header_error(message: str, clear: bool = True) -> None: # TODO: review: as above, 0, WIDTH, 30, style.RED) display.text_center(WIDTH // 2, 22, message, BOLD, style.WHITE, style.RED) if clear:, 30, WIDTH, HEIGHT - 30, style.BG) def grid( i: int, n_x: int = 3, n_y: int = 5, start_x: int = VIEWX, start_y: int = VIEWY, end_x: int = (WIDTH - VIEWX), end_y: int = (HEIGHT - VIEWY), cells_x: int = 1, cells_y: int = 1, spacing: int = 0, ) -> Area: w = (end_x - start_x) // n_x h = (end_y - start_y) // n_y x = (i % n_x) * w y = (i // n_x) * h return (x + start_x, y + start_y, (w - spacing) * cells_x, (h - spacing) * cells_y) def in_area(area: Area, x: int, y: int) -> bool: ax, ay, aw, ah = area return ax <= x <= ax + aw and ay <= y <= ay + ah # render events RENDER = const(-255) REPAINT = const(-256) class Control: def dispatch(self, event: int, x: int, y: int) -> None: if event is RENDER: self.on_render() elif event is io.TOUCH_START: self.on_touch_start(x, y) elif event is io.TOUCH_MOVE: self.on_touch_move(x, y) elif event is io.TOUCH_END: self.on_touch_end(x, y) elif event is REPAINT: self.repaint = True def on_render(self) -> None: pass def on_touch_start(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: pass def on_touch_move(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: pass def on_touch_end(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: pass _RENDER_DELAY_US = const(10000) # 10 msec class LayoutCancelled(Exception): pass if False: ResultValue = TypeVar("ResultValue") class Result(Exception): def __init__(self, value: ResultValue) -> None: self.value = value class Layout(Control): """ """ async def __iter__(self) -> ResultValue: value = None try: if workflow.layout_signal.task is not None: workflow.layout_signal.send(LayoutCancelled()) workflow.onlayoutstart(self) while True: layout_tasks = self.create_tasks() await loop.spawn(workflow.layout_signal, *layout_tasks) except Result as result: value = result.value finally: workflow.onlayoutclose(self) return value def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, Any, ResultValue]: return self.__iter__() # type: ignore def create_tasks(self) -> Iterable[loop.Task]: return self.handle_input(), self.handle_rendering() def handle_input(self) -> loop.Task: # type: ignore touch = loop.wait(io.TOUCH) while True: event, x, y = yield touch self.dispatch(event, x, y) self.dispatch(RENDER, 0, 0) def handle_rendering(self) -> loop.Task: # type: ignore backlight_fade(style.BACKLIGHT_DIM) display.clear() self.dispatch(REPAINT, 0, 0) self.dispatch(RENDER, 0, 0) display.refresh() backlight_fade(style.BACKLIGHT_NORMAL) sleep = loop.sleep(_RENDER_DELAY_US) while True: self.dispatch(RENDER, 0, 0) yield sleep