import ubinascii from trezor import ui, utils from trezor.crypto import random from trezor.messages import BackupType, ButtonRequestType from trezor.ui.button import Button, ButtonDefault from trezor.ui.checklist import Checklist from import InfoConfirm from trezor.ui.loader import LoadingAnimation from trezor.ui.num_input import NumInput from trezor.ui.scroll import Paginated from trezor.ui.text import Text from apps.common.confirm import confirm, hold_to_confirm, require_confirm from apps.common.layout import show_success if __debug__: from apps import debug async def show_internal_entropy(ctx, entropy: bytes): entropy_str = ubinascii.hexlify(entropy).decode() lines = utils.chunks(entropy_str, 16) text = Text("Internal entropy", ui.ICON_RESET) text.mono(*lines) await require_confirm(ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice) async def confirm_backup(ctx): # First prompt text = Text("Success", ui.ICON_CONFIRM, ui.GREEN, new_lines=False) text.bold("New wallet created") text.bold("successfully!") text.br_half() text.normal("You should back up your") text.normal("new wallet right now.") if await confirm( ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, cancel="Skip", confirm="Back up", major_confirm=True, ): return True # If the user selects Skip, ask again text = Text("Warning", ui.ICON_WRONG, ui.RED, new_lines=False) text.bold("Are you sure you want") text.bold("to skip the backup?") text.br_half() text.normal("You can back up your") text.normal("Trezor once, at any time.") return await confirm( ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, cancel="Skip", confirm="Back up", major_confirm=True, ) async def _show_share_words(ctx, share_words, share_index=None, group_index=None): first, chunks, last = _split_share_into_pages(share_words) if share_index is None: header_title = "Recovery seed" elif group_index is None: header_title = "Recovery share #%s" % (share_index + 1) else: header_title = "Group %s - Share %s" % ((group_index + 1), (share_index + 1)) header_icon = ui.ICON_RESET pages = [] # ui page components shares_words_check = [] # check we display correct data # first page text = Text(header_title, header_icon) text.bold("Write down these") text.bold("%s words:" % len(share_words)) text.br_half() for index, word in first: text.mono("%s. %s" % (index + 1, word)) shares_words_check.append(word) pages.append(text) # middle pages for chunk in chunks: text = Text(header_title, header_icon) for index, word in chunk: text.mono("%s. %s" % (index + 1, word)) shares_words_check.append(word) pages.append(text) # last page text = Text(header_title, header_icon) for index, word in last: text.mono("%s. %s" % (index + 1, word)) shares_words_check.append(word) text.br_half() text.bold("I wrote down all %s" % len(share_words)) text.bold("words in order.") pages.append(text) # pagination paginated = Paginated(pages) if __debug__: word_pages = [first] + chunks + [last] def export_displayed_words(): # export currently displayed mnemonic words into debuglink words = [w for _, w in word_pages[]] debug.reset_current_words.publish(words) paginated.on_change = export_displayed_words export_displayed_words() # make sure we display correct data utils.ensure(share_words == shares_words_check) # confirm the share await hold_to_confirm(ctx, paginated, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice) def _split_share_into_pages(share_words): share = list(enumerate(share_words)) # we need to keep track of the word indices first = share[:2] # two words on the first page length = len(share_words) if length == 12 or length == 20 or length == 24: middle = share[2:-2] last = share[-2:] # two words on the last page elif length == 33: middle = share[2:] last = [] # no words at the last page, because it does not add up else: # Invalid number of shares. SLIP-39 allows 20 or 33 words, BIP-39 12 or 24 raise RuntimeError chunks = utils.chunks(middle, 4) # 4 words on the middle pages return first, list(chunks), last async def _confirm_share_words(ctx, share_index, share_words, group_index=None): # divide list into thirds, rounding up, so that chunking by `third` always yields # three parts (the last one might be shorter) third = (len(share_words) + 2) // 3 offset = 0 count = len(share_words) for part in utils.chunks(share_words, third): if not await _confirm_word(ctx, share_index, part, offset, count, group_index): return False offset += len(part) return True async def _confirm_word(ctx, share_index, share_words, offset, count, group_index=None): # remove duplicates non_duplicates = list(set(share_words)) # shuffle list random.shuffle(non_duplicates) # take top NUM_OF_CHOICES words choices = non_duplicates[: MnemonicWordSelect.NUM_OF_CHOICES] # select first of them checked_word = choices[0] # find its index checked_index = share_words.index(checked_word) + offset # shuffle again so the confirmed word is not always the first choice random.shuffle(choices) if __debug__: debug.reset_word_index.publish(checked_index) # let the user pick a word select = MnemonicWordSelect(choices, share_index, checked_index, count, group_index) if __debug__: selected_word = await ctx.wait(select, debug.input_signal()) else: selected_word = await ctx.wait(select) # confirm it is the correct one return selected_word == checked_word async def _show_confirmation_success( ctx, share_index=None, num_of_shares=None, group_index=None ): if share_index is None: # it is a BIP39 backup subheader = ("You have finished", "verifying your", "recovery seed.") text = [] elif share_index == num_of_shares - 1: if group_index is None: subheader = ("You have finished", "verifying your", "recovery shares.") else: subheader = ( "You have finished", "verifying your", "recovery shares", "for group %s." % (group_index + 1), ) text = [] else: if group_index is None: subheader = ( "Recovery share #%s" % (share_index + 1), "checked successfully.", ) text = ["Continue with share #%s." % (share_index + 2)] else: subheader = ( "Group %s - Share %s" % ((group_index + 1), (share_index + 1)), "checked successfully.", ) text = ("Continue with the next ", "share.") return await show_success(ctx, text, subheader=subheader) async def _show_confirmation_failure(ctx, share_index): if share_index is None: text = Text("Recovery seed", ui.ICON_WRONG, ui.RED) else: text = Text("Recovery share #%s" % (share_index + 1), ui.ICON_WRONG, ui.RED) text.bold("That is the wrong word.") text.normal("Please check again.") await require_confirm( ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, confirm="Check again", cancel=None ) async def show_backup_warning(ctx, slip39=False): text = Text("Caution", ui.ICON_NOCOPY) if slip39: text.normal( "Never make a digital", "copy of your recovery", "shares and never upload", "them online!", ) else: text.normal( "Never make a digital", "copy of your recovery", "seed and never upload", "it online!", ) await require_confirm( ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, "I understand", cancel=None ) async def show_backup_success(ctx): text = ("Use your backup", "when you need to", "recover your wallet.") await show_success(ctx, text, subheader=["Your backup is done."]) # BIP39 # === async def bip39_show_and_confirm_mnemonic(ctx, mnemonic: str): # warn user about mnemonic safety await show_backup_warning(ctx) words = mnemonic.split() while True: # display paginated mnemonic on the screen await _show_share_words(ctx, share_words=words) # make the user confirm some words from the mnemonic if await _confirm_share_words(ctx, None, words): await _show_confirmation_success(ctx) break # this share is confirmed, go to next one else: await _show_confirmation_failure(ctx, None) # SLIP39 # === async def slip39_show_checklist(ctx, step: int, backup_type: BackupType) -> None: checklist = Checklist("Backup checklist", ui.ICON_RESET) if backup_type is BackupType.Slip39_Basic: checklist.add("Set number of shares") checklist.add("Set threshold") checklist.add(("Write down and check", "all recovery shares")) elif backup_type is BackupType.Slip39_Advanced: checklist.add("Set number of groups") checklist.add("Set group threshold") checklist.add(("Set size and threshold", "for each group")) return await confirm( ctx, checklist, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, cancel=None, confirm="Continue" ) async def slip39_prompt_threshold(ctx, num_of_shares, group_id=None): count = num_of_shares // 2 + 1 # min value of share threshold is 2 unless the number of shares is 1 # number of shares 1 is possible in advnaced slip39 min_count = min(2, num_of_shares) max_count = num_of_shares while True: shares = Slip39NumInput( Slip39NumInput.SET_THRESHOLD, count, min_count, max_count, group_id ) confirmed = await confirm( ctx, shares, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, cancel="Info", confirm="Continue", major_confirm=True, cancel_style=ButtonDefault, ) count = shares.input.count if confirmed: break text = "The threshold sets the number of shares " if group_id is None: text += "needed to recover your wallet. " text += "Set it to %s and you will need " % count if num_of_shares == 1: text += "1 share." elif num_of_shares == count: text += "all %s of your %s shares." % (count, num_of_shares) else: text += "any %s of your %s shares." % (count, num_of_shares) else: text += "needed to form a group. " text += "Set it to %s and you will " % count if num_of_shares == 1: text += "need 1 share " elif num_of_shares == count: text += "need all %s of %s shares " % (count, num_of_shares) else: text += "need any %s of %s shares " % (count, num_of_shares) text += "to form Group %s." % (group_id + 1) info = InfoConfirm(text) await info return count async def slip39_prompt_number_of_shares(ctx, group_id=None): count = 5 min_count = 1 max_count = 16 while True: shares = Slip39NumInput( Slip39NumInput.SET_SHARES, count, min_count, max_count, group_id ) confirmed = await confirm( ctx, shares, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, cancel="Info", confirm="Continue", major_confirm=True, cancel_style=ButtonDefault, ) count = shares.input.count if confirmed: break if group_id is None: info = InfoConfirm( "Each recovery share is a " "sequence of 20 words. " "Next you will choose " "how many shares you " "need to recover your " "wallet." ) else: info = InfoConfirm( "Each recovery share is a " "sequence of 20 words. " "Next you will choose " "the threshold number of " "shares needed to form " "Group %s." % (group_id + 1) ) await info return count async def slip39_basic_show_and_confirm_shares(ctx, shares): # warn user about mnemonic safety await show_backup_warning(ctx, slip39=True) for index, share in enumerate(shares): share_words = share.split(" ") while True: # display paginated share on the screen await _show_share_words(ctx, share_words, index) # make the user confirm words from the share if await _confirm_share_words(ctx, index, share_words): await _show_confirmation_success( ctx, share_index=index, num_of_shares=len(shares) ) break # this share is confirmed, go to next one else: await _show_confirmation_failure(ctx, index) async def slip39_advanced_prompt_number_of_groups(ctx): count = 5 min_count = 2 max_count = 16 while True: shares = Slip39NumInput(Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUPS, count, min_count, max_count) confirmed = await confirm( ctx, shares, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, cancel="Info", confirm="Continue", major_confirm=True, cancel_style=ButtonDefault, ) count = shares.input.count if confirmed: break info = InfoConfirm( "Each group has a set " "number of shares and " "its own threshold. In the " "next steps you will set " "the numbers of shares " "and the thresholds." ) await info return count async def slip39_advanced_prompt_group_threshold(ctx, num_of_groups): count = num_of_groups // 2 + 1 min_count = 1 max_count = num_of_groups while True: shares = Slip39NumInput( Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUP_THRESHOLD, count, min_count, max_count ) confirmed = await confirm( ctx, shares, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, cancel="Info", confirm="Continue", major_confirm=True, cancel_style=ButtonDefault, ) count = shares.input.count if confirmed: break else: info = InfoConfirm( "The group threshold " "specifies the number of " "groups required to " "recover your wallet. " ) await info return count async def slip39_advanced_show_and_confirm_shares(ctx, shares): # warn user about mnemonic safety await show_backup_warning(ctx, slip39=True) for group_index, group in enumerate(shares): for share_index, share in enumerate(group): share_words = share.split(" ") while True: # display paginated share on the screen await _show_share_words(ctx, share_words, share_index, group_index) # make the user confirm words from the share if await _confirm_share_words( ctx, share_index, share_words, group_index ): await _show_confirmation_success( ctx, share_index=share_index, num_of_shares=len(shares), group_index=group_index, ) break # this share is confirmed, go to next one else: await _show_confirmation_failure(ctx, share_index) class Slip39NumInput(ui.Component): SET_SHARES = object() SET_THRESHOLD = object() SET_GROUPS = object() SET_GROUP_THRESHOLD = object() def __init__(self, step, count, min_count, max_count, group_id=None): self.step = step self.input = NumInput(count, min_count=min_count, max_count=max_count) self.input.on_change = self.on_change self.repaint = True self.group_id = group_id def dispatch(self, event, x, y): self.input.dispatch(event, x, y) if event is ui.RENDER: self.on_render() def on_render(self): if self.repaint: count = self.input.count # render the headline if self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_SHARES: header = "Set num. of shares" elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_THRESHOLD: header = "Set threshold" elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUPS: header = "Set num. of groups" elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUP_THRESHOLD: header = "Set group threshold" ui.header(header, ui.ICON_RESET, ui.TITLE_GREY, ui.BG, ui.ORANGE_ICON) # render the counter if self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_SHARES: if self.group_id is None: if count == 1: first_line_text = "Only one share will" second_line_text = "be created." else: first_line_text = "%s people or locations" % count second_line_text = "will each hold one share." else: first_line_text = "Set the total number of" second_line_text = "shares in Group %s." % (self.group_id + 1) ui.display.text( 12, 130, first_line_text, ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG, ui.WIDTH - 12 ) ui.display.text( 12, 156, second_line_text, ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG, ui.WIDTH - 12 ) elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_THRESHOLD: if self.group_id is None: first_line_text = "For recovery you need" if count == 1: second_line_text = "1 share." elif count == self.input.max_count: second_line_text = "all %s of the shares." % count else: second_line_text = "any %s of the shares." % count else: first_line_text = "The required number of " second_line_text = "shares to form Group %s." % (self.group_id + 1) ui.display.text(12, 130, first_line_text, ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG) ui.display.text( 12, 156, second_line_text, ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG, ui.WIDTH - 12 ) elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUPS: ui.display.text( 12, 130, "A group is made up of", ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG ) ui.display.text( 12, 156, "recovery shares.", ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG, ui.WIDTH - 12 ) elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUP_THRESHOLD: ui.display.text( 12, 130, "The required number of", ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG ) ui.display.text( 12, 156, "groups for recovery.", ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG, ui.WIDTH - 12, ) self.repaint = False def on_change(self, count): self.repaint = True class MnemonicWordSelect(ui.Layout): NUM_OF_CHOICES = 3 def __init__(self, words, share_index, word_index, count, group_index=None): self.words = words self.share_index = share_index self.word_index = word_index self.buttons = [] for i, word in enumerate(words): area = ui.grid(i + 2, n_x=1) btn = Button(area, word) btn.on_click = self.buttons.append(btn) if share_index is None: self.text = Text("Check seed") elif group_index is None: self.text = Text("Check share #%s" % (share_index + 1)) else: self.text = Text( "Check G%s - Share %s" % ((group_index + 1), (share_index + 1)) ) self.text.normal("Select word %d of %d:" % (word_index + 1, count)) def dispatch(self, event, x, y): for btn in self.buttons: btn.dispatch(event, x, y) self.text.dispatch(event, x, y) def select(self, word): def fn(): raise ui.Result(word) return fn async def show_reset_device_warning(ctx, backup_type: BackupType = BackupType.Bip39): text = Text("Create new wallet", ui.ICON_RESET, new_lines=False) if backup_type == BackupType.Slip39_Basic: text.bold("Create a new wallet") text.bold("with Shamir Backup?") elif backup_type == BackupType.Slip39_Advanced: text.bold("Create a new wallet") text.bold("with Super Shamir?") else: text.bold("Do you want to create") text.bold("a new wallet?") text.br_half() text.normal("By continuing you agree") text.normal("to") text.bold("") await require_confirm(ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, major_confirm=True) await LoadingAnimation()