use super::{event::TouchEvent, theme}; use crate::ui::{ component::{Component, Event, EventCtx, Map}, display::{self, Color, Font}, geometry::{Grid, Insets, Offset, Rect}, }; pub enum ButtonMsg { Pressed, Released, Clicked, } pub struct Button { area: Rect, content: ButtonContent, styles: ButtonStyleSheet, state: State, } impl Button { /// Standard height in pixels. pub const HEIGHT: i32 = 38; /// Offsets the baseline of the button text either up (negative) or down /// (positive). pub const BASELINE_OFFSET: i32 = -3; pub fn new(area: Rect, content: ButtonContent) -> Self { Self { area, content, styles: theme::button_default(), state: State::Initial, } } pub fn with_text(area: Rect, text: T) -> Self { Self::new(area, ButtonContent::Text(text)) } pub fn with_icon(area: Rect, image: &'static [u8]) -> Self { Self::new(area, ButtonContent::Icon(image)) } pub fn styled(mut self, styles: ButtonStyleSheet) -> Self { self.styles = styles; self } pub fn enable(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.set(ctx, State::Initial) } pub fn disable(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.set(ctx, State::Disabled) } pub fn enabled(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, enabled: bool) { if enabled { self.enable(ctx); } else { self.disable(ctx); } } pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.state, State::Initial | State::Pressed | State::Released ) } pub fn is_disabled(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.state, State::Disabled) } pub fn content(&self) -> &ButtonContent { &self.content } fn style(&self) -> &ButtonStyle { match self.state { State::Initial | State::Released => self.styles.normal, State::Pressed =>, State::Disabled => self.styles.disabled, } } fn set(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, state: State) { if self.state != state { self.state = state; ctx.request_paint(); } } } impl Component for Button where T: AsRef<[u8]>, { type Msg = ButtonMsg; fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { match event { Event::Touch(TouchEvent::TouchStart(pos)) => { match self.state { State::Disabled => { // Do nothing. } _ => { // Touch started in our area, transform to `Pressed` state. if self.area.contains(pos) { self.set(ctx, State::Pressed); return Some(ButtonMsg::Pressed); } } } } Event::Touch(TouchEvent::TouchMove(pos)) => { match self.state { State::Released if self.area.contains(pos) => { // Touch entered our area, transform to `Pressed` state. self.set(ctx, State::Pressed); return Some(ButtonMsg::Pressed); } State::Pressed if !self.area.contains(pos) => { // Touch is leaving our area, transform to `Released` state. self.set(ctx, State::Released); return Some(ButtonMsg::Released); } _ => { // Do nothing. } } } Event::Touch(TouchEvent::TouchEnd(pos)) => { match self.state { State::Initial | State::Disabled => { // Do nothing. } State::Pressed if self.area.contains(pos) => { // Touch finished in our area, we got clicked. self.set(ctx, State::Initial); return Some(ButtonMsg::Clicked); } _ => { // Touch finished outside our area. self.set(ctx, State::Initial); } } } _ => {} }; None } fn paint(&mut self) { let style =; if style.border_width > 0 { // Paint the border and a smaller background on top of it. display::rect_fill_rounded( self.area, style.border_color, style.background_color, style.border_radius, ); display::rect_fill_rounded( self.area.inset(Insets::uniform(style.border_width)), style.button_color, style.border_color, style.border_radius, ); } else { // We do not need to draw an explicit border in this case, just a // bigger background. display::rect_fill_rounded( self.area, style.button_color, style.background_color, style.border_radius, ); } match &self.content { ButtonContent::Text(text) => { let text = text.as_ref(); let width = style.font.text_width(text); let height = style.font.text_height(); let start_of_baseline = + Offset::new(-width / 2, height / 2) + Offset::y(Self::BASELINE_OFFSET); display::text( start_of_baseline, text, style.font, style.text_color, style.button_color, ); } ButtonContent::Icon(icon) => { display::icon(, icon, style.text_color, style.button_color, ); } } } fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { sink(self.area) } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for Button where T: AsRef<[u8]> + crate::trace::Trace, { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) {"Button"); match &self.content { ButtonContent::Text(text) => t.field("text", text), ButtonContent::Icon(_) => t.symbol("icon"), } t.close(); } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] enum State { Initial, Pressed, Released, Disabled, } pub enum ButtonContent { Text(T), Icon(&'static [u8]), } pub struct ButtonStyleSheet { pub normal: &'static ButtonStyle, pub active: &'static ButtonStyle, pub disabled: &'static ButtonStyle, } pub struct ButtonStyle { pub font: Font, pub text_color: Color, pub button_color: Color, pub background_color: Color, pub border_color: Color, pub border_radius: u8, pub border_width: i32, } impl Button { pub fn array2( area: Rect, left: impl FnOnce(Rect) -> Button, left_map: F0, right: impl FnOnce(Rect) -> Button, right_map: F1, ) -> (Map, Map) where F0: Fn(ButtonMsg) -> Option, F1: Fn(ButtonMsg) -> Option, T: AsRef<[u8]>, { const BUTTON_SPACING: i32 = 6; let grid = Grid::new(area, 1, 3).with_spacing(BUTTON_SPACING); let left = left(grid.row_col(0, 0)); let right = right(Rect::new( grid.row_col(0, 1).top_left(), grid.row_col(0, 2).bottom_right(), )); (Map::new(left, left_map), Map::new(right, right_map)) } }