from trezor.crypto import base32 def public_key_from_address(address: str) -> bytes: """Extracts public key from an address Stellar address is in format: <1-byte version> <32-bytes ed25519 public key> <2-bytes CRC-16 checksum> """ from trezor.wire import ProcessError b = base32.decode(address) # verify checksum - function deleted as it saved 50 bytes from the binary if _crc16_checksum(b[:-2]) != b[-2:]: raise ProcessError("Invalid address checksum") return b[1:-2] def address_from_public_key(pubkey: bytes) -> str: """Returns the base32-encoded version of public key bytes (G...)""" address = bytearray() address.append(6 << 3) # version -> 'G' address.extend(pubkey) address.extend(_crc16_checksum(bytes(address))) # checksum return base32.encode(address) def _crc16_checksum(data: bytes) -> bytes: """Returns the CRC-16 checksum of bytearray bytes Ported from Java implementation at: Initial value changed to 0x0000 to match Stellar configuration. """ import ustruct crc = 0x0000 polynomial = 0x1021 for byte in data: for i in range(8): bit = (byte >> (7 - i) & 1) == 1 c15 = (crc >> 15 & 1) == 1 crc <<= 1 if c15 ^ bit: crc ^= polynomial return ustruct.pack("