macro_rules! unwrap { ($e:expr, $msg:expr) => {{ use $crate::trezorhal::fatal_error::UnwrapOrFatalError; $e.unwrap_or_fatal_error($msg, file!(), line!()) }}; ($expr:expr) => { unwrap!($expr, "unwrap failed") }; } macro_rules! ensure { ($what:expr, $error:expr) => { if !($what) { $crate::trezorhal::fatal_error::__fatal_error($error, file!(), line!()); } }; } macro_rules! fatal_error { ($msg:expr) => {{ $crate::trezorhal::fatal_error::__fatal_error($msg, file!(), line!()); }}; } // from // like `std::format!` it returns a `heapless::String` but uses `uwrite!` // instead of `write!` macro_rules! uformat { // IMPORTANT use `tt` fragments instead of `expr` fragments (i.e. `$($exprs:expr),*`) (@$type:ty, $($tt:tt)*) => {{ let mut s = <$type>::new(); unwrap!(ufmt::uwrite!(&mut s, $($tt)*)); s }}; (len:$len:expr, $($tt:tt)*) => { uformat!(@heapless::String::<$len>, $($tt)*) }; ($($tt:tt)*) => { uformat!(@crate::strutil::ShortString, $($tt)*) }; } #[allow(unused_macros)] // Should be used only for debugging purposes macro_rules! dbg_print { ($($args:tt)*) => { #[cfg(feature = "debug")] ufmt::uwrite!($crate::debug::DebugConsole, $($args)*).ok(); } } #[allow(unused_macros)] // Should be used only for debugging purposes macro_rules! dbg_println { ($($args:tt)*) => { #[cfg(feature = "debug")] ufmt::uwriteln!($crate::debug::DebugConsole, $($args)*).ok(); } }