from trezor import wire from trezor.messages import InputScriptType as I from apps.common import coininfo from apps.common.keychain import get_keychain from apps.common.paths import PATTERN_BIP44, PathSchema from .common import BITCOIN_NAMES if False: from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar from typing_extensions import Protocol from trezor.messages.TxInputType import EnumTypeInputScriptType from apps.common.keychain import Keychain, MsgOut, Handler from apps.common.paths import Bip32Path from .authorization import CoinJoinAuthorization class MsgWithCoinName(Protocol): coin_name = ... # type: str class MsgWithAddressScriptType(Protocol): # XXX should be Bip32Path but that fails address_n = ... # type: List[int] script_type = ... # type: EnumTypeInputScriptType MsgIn = TypeVar("MsgIn", bound=MsgWithCoinName) HandlerWithCoinInfo = Callable[..., Awaitable[MsgOut]] # BIP-45 for multisig: PATTERN_BIP45 = "m/45'/[0-100]/change/address_index" # Electrum Purpose48. See docs/misc/ # Electrum does not seem to use the raw script type, it is included here for completeness. PATTERN_PURPOSE48_RAW = "m/48'/coin_type'/account'/0'/change/address_index" PATTERN_PURPOSE48_P2SHSEGWIT = "m/48'/coin_type'/account'/1'/change/address_index" PATTERN_PURPOSE48_SEGWIT = "m/48'/coin_type'/account'/2'/change/address_index" # BIP-49 for segwit-in-P2SH: PATTERN_BIP49 = "m/49'/coin_type'/account'/change/address_index" # BIP-84 for segwit: PATTERN_BIP84 = "m/84'/coin_type'/account'/change/address_index" # compatibility patterns, will be removed in the future PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_A = "m/[1,4]/address_index" PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_B = "m/3'/[1-100]'/[1,4]/address_index" PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_SIGN_A = "m/1195487518" PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_SIGN_B = "m/1195487518/6/address_index" PATTERN_CASA = "m/49/coin_type/account/change/address_index" def validate_path_against_script_type( coin: coininfo.CoinInfo, msg: MsgWithAddressScriptType = None, address_n: Bip32Path = None, script_type: EnumTypeInputScriptType = None, multisig: bool = False, ) -> bool: patterns = [] if msg is not None: assert address_n is None and script_type is None address_n = msg.address_n script_type = msg.script_type or I.SPENDADDRESS multisig = bool(getattr(msg, "multisig", False)) else: assert address_n is not None and script_type is not None if script_type == I.SPENDADDRESS and not multisig: patterns.append(PATTERN_BIP44) if coin.coin_name in BITCOIN_NAMES: patterns.append(PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_A) patterns.append(PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_B) elif script_type in (I.SPENDADDRESS, I.SPENDMULTISIG) and multisig: patterns.append(PATTERN_BIP45) patterns.append(PATTERN_PURPOSE48_RAW) if coin.coin_name in BITCOIN_NAMES: patterns.append(PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_A) patterns.append(PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_B) elif coin.segwit and script_type == I.SPENDP2SHWITNESS: patterns.append(PATTERN_BIP49) if multisig: patterns.append(PATTERN_PURPOSE48_P2SHSEGWIT) if coin.coin_name in BITCOIN_NAMES: patterns.append(PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_A) patterns.append(PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_B) patterns.append(PATTERN_CASA) elif coin.segwit and script_type == I.SPENDWITNESS: patterns.append(PATTERN_BIP84) if multisig: patterns.append(PATTERN_PURPOSE48_SEGWIT) if coin.coin_name in BITCOIN_NAMES: patterns.append(PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_A) patterns.append(PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_B) return any( PathSchema(pattern, coin.slip44).match(address_n) for pattern in patterns ) def get_schemas_for_coin(coin: coininfo.CoinInfo) -> Iterable[PathSchema]: # basic patterns patterns = [ PATTERN_BIP44, PATTERN_BIP45, PATTERN_PURPOSE48_RAW, ] # compatibility patterns if coin.coin_name in BITCOIN_NAMES: patterns.extend( ( PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_A, PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_B, PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_SIGN_A, PATTERN_GREENADDRESS_SIGN_B, PATTERN_CASA, ) ) # segwit patterns if coin.segwit: patterns.extend( ( PATTERN_BIP49, PATTERN_BIP84, PATTERN_PURPOSE48_P2SHSEGWIT, PATTERN_PURPOSE48_SEGWIT, ) ) schemas = [PathSchema(pattern, coin.slip44) for pattern in patterns] # some wallets such as Electron-Cash (BCH) store coins on Bitcoin paths # we can allow spending these coins from Bitcoin paths if the coin has # implemented strong replay protection via SIGHASH_FORKID if coin.fork_id is not None: schemas.extend(PathSchema(pattern, 0) for pattern in patterns) return schemas def get_coin_by_name(coin_name: Optional[str]) -> coininfo.CoinInfo: if coin_name is None: coin_name = "Bitcoin" try: return coininfo.by_name(coin_name) except ValueError: raise wire.DataError("Unsupported coin type") async def get_keychain_for_coin( ctx: wire.Context, coin_name: Optional[str] ) -> Tuple[Keychain, coininfo.CoinInfo]: coin = get_coin_by_name(coin_name) schemas = get_schemas_for_coin(coin) slip21_namespaces = [[b"SLIP-0019"]] keychain = await get_keychain(ctx, coin.curve_name, schemas, slip21_namespaces) return keychain, coin def with_keychain(func: HandlerWithCoinInfo[MsgOut]) -> Handler[MsgIn, MsgOut]: async def wrapper( ctx: wire.Context, msg: MsgIn, authorization: Optional[CoinJoinAuthorization] = None, ) -> MsgOut: if authorization: keychain = authorization.keychain coin = get_coin_by_name(msg.coin_name) return await func(ctx, msg, keychain, coin, authorization) else: keychain, coin = await get_keychain_for_coin(ctx, msg.coin_name) with keychain: return await func(ctx, msg, keychain, coin) return wrapper