from common import * from trezor.crypto import random from trezor.crypto.curve import ed25519 class TestCryptoEd25519Cosi(unittest.TestCase): def test_cosi(self): for N in range(1, 11): # generate random message to be signed msg = random.bytes(128) # phase 0: create priv/pubkeys and combine pubkeys keys = [None] * N pubkeys = [None] * N for j in range(N): keys[j] = ed25519.generate_secret() pubkeys[j] = ed25519.publickey(keys[j]) pubkey = ed25519.cosi_combine_publickeys(pubkeys) # phase 1: create nonces, commitments (R values) and combine commitments nonces = [None] * N Rs = [None] * N for j in range(N): nonces[j], Rs[j] = ed25519.cosi_commit() R = ed25519.cosi_combine_publickeys(Rs) # phase 2: sign and combine signatures sigs = [None] * N for j in range(N): sigs[j] = ed25519.cosi_sign(keys[j], msg, nonces[j], R, pubkey) sig = ed25519.cosi_combine_signatures(R, sigs) # check signature using normal ed25519.verify res = ed25519.verify(pubkey, sig, msg) self.assertTrue(res) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()