from __future__ import annotations import ast import json from pathlib import Path from typing import Any HERE = Path(__file__).parent CORE = HERE.parent.parent CORE_SRC = CORE / "src" KEY_PREFIX = "" MAPPING_FILE = HERE / "mapping_upy.json" IGNORE_FILE = HERE / "ignore_upy.json" if IGNORE_FILE.exists(): content = json.loads(IGNORE_FILE.read_text()) IGNORE_SET: set[str] = set(content.keys()) else: IGNORE_SET = set() # type: ignore def find_all_strings(filename: str | Path) -> list[str]: with open(filename, "r") as file: file_content = tree = ast.parse(file_content) strings: list[str] = [] class StringVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): def visit_Str(self, node: ast.Str): strings.append(node.s) def visit_JoinedStr(self, node: ast.JoinedStr): for value in node.values: if isinstance(value, ast.Str): strings.append(value.s) visitor = StringVisitor() visitor.visit(tree) return strings def find_strings_to_ignore(filename: str | Path) -> list[str]: with open(filename, "r") as file: file_content = tree = ast.parse(file_content) strings: list[str] = [] def ignore_func(func_name: str) -> bool: if not func_name: return True substrs = ["Error", "Exception", "wire.", "log.", "ensure", "mem_trace"] if any(substr in func_name for substr in substrs): return True if func_name in ( "_log", "info", "warning", "debug", "Success", "SdCardUnavailable", "NotInitialized", "ActionCancelled", "UnexpectedMessage", "NotEnoughFunds", "Failure", "PinCancelled", "TypeVar", "getattr", "_validate_public_key", "check_mem", "halt", "pack", "mem_trace", ): return True return False def get_final_attribute_name(node: ast.AST) -> str: """Recursively extracts the final attribute name from a nested attribute expression.""" if isinstance(node, ast.Name): return elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute): return get_final_attribute_name(node.value) + "." + node.attr return "" def include_all_strings(arg: ast.expr) -> None: if isinstance(arg, ast.Str): strings.append(arg.s) elif isinstance(arg, ast.JoinedStr): for value in arg.values: if isinstance(value, ast.Str): strings.append(value.s) elif isinstance(value, ast.FormattedValue): # This part is an expression inside an f-string expr_as_str = ast.dump(value.value, annotate_fields=False) strings.append(expr_as_str) class IgnoreStringVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call): func_name = get_final_attribute_name(node.func) if ignore_func(func_name): for arg in node.args + [kw.value for kw in node.keywords]: include_all_strings(arg) # Continue visiting the children of this node (!!!Necessary!!!) self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Assert(self, node: ast.Assert): error_message = node.msg if error_message: include_all_strings(error_message) self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign): ignore_variables = [ "msg_wire", "msg_type", ] for target in node.targets: if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and in ignore_variables: value = node.value include_all_strings(value) self.generic_visit(node) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef): for arg in node.args.args: annotation = arg.annotation if annotation: include_all_strings(annotation) return_annotation = node.returns if return_annotation: include_all_strings(return_annotation) self.generic_visit(node) def visit_AsyncFunctionDef(self, node: ast.AsyncFunctionDef) -> Any: for arg in node.args.args: annotation = arg.annotation if annotation: include_all_strings(annotation) return_annotation = node.returns if return_annotation: include_all_strings(return_annotation) self.generic_visit(node) def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign): annotation = node.annotation include_all_strings(annotation) self.generic_visit(node) visitor = IgnoreStringVisitor() visitor.visit(tree) # get all the top-level string comments for node in tree.body: if isinstance(node, ast.Expr) and isinstance( node.value, (ast.Str, ast.JoinedStr) ): strings.append(node.value.s) # type: ignore return strings def find_docstrings(filename: str | Path) -> list[str]: with open(filename, "r") as file: file_content = tree = ast.parse(file_content) functions = [ f for f in ast.walk(tree) if isinstance(f, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef)) ] function_docs = [ast.get_docstring(f) for f in functions] classes = [c for c in ast.walk(tree) if isinstance(c, ast.ClassDef)] class_docs = [ast.get_docstring(c) for c in classes] all_docstrings = function_docs + class_docs module_docstring = ast.get_docstring(tree) if module_docstring: all_docstrings.append(module_docstring) return [doc for doc in all_docstrings if doc] def check_file(file: str | Path) -> list[str]: all_strings = find_all_strings(file) def is_docstring(string: str) -> bool: return "\n " in string or (string.startswith("\n") and string.endswith("\n")) all_strings = [string for string in all_strings if not is_docstring(string)] ignore_strings = find_strings_to_ignore(file) docstrings = find_docstrings(file) # Remove duplicates all_strings = list(set(all_strings)) ignore_strings = set(ignore_strings) docstrings = set(docstrings) to_ignore = ignore_strings | docstrings # Remove strings that are passed to error and other non-translatable functions return [s for s in all_strings if s not in to_ignore] def check_file_report(file: str | Path) -> None: all_files = {str(file): check_file(file)} report_all_files(all_files) def check_folder_resursive_report( folder: str | Path, ignore_files: list[str] | None = None ) -> None: if ignore_files is None: ignore_files = [] all_files: dict[str, list[str]] = {} for file in Path(folder).rglob("*.py"): if in ignore_files: continue file_strings = check_file(file) all_files[str(file)] = file_strings report_all_files(all_files) def report_all_files(all_files: dict[str, list[str]]) -> None: str_mapping: dict[str, str] = {} for _file, strings in all_files.items(): for string in strings: if "_" in string: continue str_id = ( string.lower() .strip() .replace(" ", "_") .replace("-", "_") .replace(":", "") .replace("?", "") ) if KEY_PREFIX: str_id = f"{KEY_PREFIX}__{str_id}" if str_id in IGNORE_SET: continue str_mapping[str_id] = string MAPPING_FILE.write_text(json.dumps(str_mapping, indent=4)) if __name__ == "__main__": ignore_files = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ] # folder = CORE_SRC / "apps" # folder = CORE_SRC / "trezor" folder = CORE_SRC check_folder_resursive_report(folder, ignore_files=ignore_files) # file = CORE_SRC / "trezor/ui/layouts/tt_v2/" # KEY_PREFIX = "TR.reset" # type: ignore # check_file_report(file)