python-trezor ============= [![image](]( [![image](]( Python library and commandline client for communicating with TREZOR Hardware Wallet See for more information Install ------- Python-trezor requires Python 3.3 or higher, and libusb 1.0. The easiest way to install it is with `pip`. The rest of this guide assumes you have a working `pip`; if not, you can refer to [this guide]( ### Trezor T only On a typical Linux / Mac / BSD system, you already have all you need. Install `trezor` with: ```sh pip3 install --upgrade setuptools pip3 install trezor ``` On Windows, you also need to install [libusb]( and the appropriate [drivers]( This is, unfortunately, a topic bigger than this README. ### Trezor One support In addition to the above, you need to install development headers for HIDAPI. On a Debian or Ubuntu based system, you can install these: ```sh sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip cython3 libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev ``` When installing the trezor library, you need to specify that you want `hidapi`: ```sh pip3 install --upgrade setuptools pip3 install trezor[hidapi] ``` ### Ethereum support Ethereum requires additional python packages. Instead of `pip3 install trezor`, specify `pip3 install trezor[ethereum]`. You can combine it with the above, to get both HIDAPI and Ethereum support: ```sh pip3 install trezor[ethereum,hidapi] ``` ### FreeBSD On FreeBSD you can install the packages: ```sh pkg install security/py-trezor ``` or build via ports: ```sh cd /usr/ports/security/py-trezor make install clean ``` Command line client (trezorctl) ------------------------------ The included `trezorctl` python script can perform various tasks such as changing setting in the Trezor, signing transactions, retrieving account info and addresses. See the [docs/](docs/) sub folder for detailed examples and options. NOTE: An older version of the `trezorctl` command is [available for Debian Stretch]( (and comes pre-installed on [Tails OS]( Python Library -------------- You can use this python library to interact with a Bitcoin Trezor and use its capabilities in your application. See examples here in the [tools/](tools/) sub folder. PIN Entering ------------ When you are asked for PIN, you have to enter scrambled PIN. Follow the numbers shown on TREZOR display and enter the their positions using the numeric keyboard mapping:
Example: your PIN is **1234** and TREZOR is displaying the following:
You have to enter: **3795** Contributing ------------ Python-trezor pulls coins info and protobuf messages from [trezor-common]( repository. If you are developing new features for Trezor, you will want to start there. Once your changes are accepted to `trezor-common`, you can make a PR against this repository. Don't forget to update the submodule with: ```sh git submodule update --init --remote ``` Then, rebuild the protobuf messages and get `coins.json` by running: ```sh python3 prebuild ``` To get support for BTC-like coins, these steps are enough and no further changes to the library are necessary.