from typing import * from trezor import utils from trezorui_api import * # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def confirm_emphasized( *, title: str, items: Iterable[str | tuple[bool, str]], verb: str | None = None, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm formatted text that has been pre-split in python. For tuples the first component is a bool indicating whether this part is emphasized.""" # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def confirm_address( *, title: str, data: str | bytes, description: str | None, verb: str | None = "CONFIRM", extra: str | None, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm address. Similar to `confirm_blob` but has corner info button and allows left swipe which does the same thing as the button.""" # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def flow_confirm_set_new_pin( *, title: str, description: str, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm new PIN setup with an option to cancel action.""" # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def confirm_total( *, title: str, items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], info_button: bool = False, cancel_arrow: bool = False, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Transaction summary. Always hold to confirm.""" # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def confirm_more( *, title: str, button: str, items: Iterable[tuple[int, str]], ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm long content with the possibility to go back from any page. Meant to be used with confirm_with_info.""" # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def flow_prompt_backup() -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Prompt a user to create backup with an option to skip.""" # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def flow_get_address( *, address: str | bytes, title: str, description: str | None, extra: str | None, chunkify: bool, address_qr: str | None, case_sensitive: bool, account: str | None, path: str | None, xpubs: list[tuple[str, str]], title_success: str, br_code: ButtonRequestType, br_name: str, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Get address / receive funds.""" # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def flow_warning_hi_prio( *, title: str, description: str, value: str = "", verb_cancel: str | None = None, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Warning modal with multiple steps to confirm.""" # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def flow_confirm_output( *, title: str | None, subtitle: str | None, message: str, amount: str | None, chunkify: bool, text_mono: bool, account: str | None, account_path: str | None, br_code: ButtonRequestType, br_name: str, address: str | None, address_title: str | None, summary_items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, fee_items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, summary_title: str | None = None, summary_br_code: ButtonRequestType | None = None, summary_br_name: str | None = None, cancel_text: str | None = None, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm the recipient, (optionally) confirm the amount and (optionally) confirm the summary and present a Hold to Sign page.""" # rust/src/ui/model_mercury/ def flow_confirm_summary( *, title: str, items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], account_items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], account_items_title: str | None, fee_items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], br_code: ButtonRequestType, br_name: str, cancel_text: str | None = None, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Total summary and hold to confirm.""" from trezor import utils from trezorui_api import * # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def confirm_address( *, title: str, data: str, description: str | None, # unused on TR extra: str | None, # unused on TR verb: str = "CONFIRM", chunkify: bool = False, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm address.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def confirm_backup() -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Strongly recommend user to do backup.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def show_address_details( *, address: str, case_sensitive: bool, account: str | None, path: str | None, xpubs: list[tuple[str, str]], ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Show address details - QR code, account, path, cosigner xpubs.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def confirm_joint_total( *, spending_amount: str, total_amount: str, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm total if there are external inputs.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def confirm_output_address( *, address: str, address_label: str, address_title: str, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm output address.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def confirm_output_amount( *, amount: str, amount_title: str, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm output amount.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def confirm_total( *, total_amount: str, fee_amount: str, fee_rate_amount: str | None, account_label: str | None, total_label: str, fee_label: str, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm summary of a transaction.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def altcoin_tx_summary( *, amount_title: str, amount_value: str, fee_title: str, fee_value: str, items_title: str, items: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], cancel_cross: bool = False, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm details about altcoin transaction.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def multiple_pages_texts( *, title: str, verb: str, items: list[str], ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Show multiple texts, each on its own page.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tr/ def confirm_more( *, title: str, button: str, items: Iterable[tuple[int, str | bytes]], ) -> object: """Confirm long content with the possibility to go back from any page. Meant to be used with confirm_with_info.""" from trezor import utils from trezorui_api import * # rust/src/ui/model_tt/ def confirm_emphasized( *, title: str, items: Iterable[str | tuple[bool, str]], verb: str | None = None, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm formatted text that has been pre-split in python. For tuples the first component is a bool indicating whether this part is emphasized.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tt/ def confirm_address( *, title: str, data: str | bytes, description: str | None, verb: str | None = "CONFIRM", extra: str | None, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm address. Similar to `confirm_blob` but has corner info button and allows left swipe which does the same thing as the button.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tt/ def show_address_details( *, qr_title: str, address: str, case_sensitive: bool, details_title: str, account: str | None, path: str | None, xpubs: list[tuple[str, str]], ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Show address details - QR code, account, path, cosigner xpubs.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tt/ def confirm_total( *, title: str, items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], info_button: bool = False, cancel_arrow: bool = False, ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Transaction summary. Always hold to confirm.""" # rust/src/ui/model_tt/ def confirm_more( *, title: str, button: str, button_style_confirm: bool = False, items: Iterable[tuple[int, str | bytes]], ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: """Confirm long content with the possibility to go back from any page. Meant to be used with confirm_with_info."""