/* * This file is part of the TREZOR project. * * Copyright (C) 2014 Pavol Rusnak * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "layout2.h" #include "storage.h" #include "oled.h" #include "bitmaps.h" #include "string.h" #include "util.h" #include "qr_encode.h" #include "timer.h" #include "bignum.h" #include "secp256k1.h" #include "nem2.h" #include "gettext.h" #define BITCOIN_DIVISIBILITY (8) void *layoutLast = layoutHome; void layoutDialogSwipe(const BITMAP *icon, const char *btnNo, const char *btnYes, const char *desc, const char *line1, const char *line2, const char *line3, const char *line4, const char *line5, const char *line6) { layoutLast = layoutDialogSwipe; layoutSwipe(); layoutDialog(icon, btnNo, btnYes, desc, line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6); } void layoutProgressSwipe(const char *desc, int permil) { if (layoutLast == layoutProgressSwipe) { oledClear(); } else { layoutLast = layoutProgressSwipe; layoutSwipe(); } layoutProgress(desc, permil); } void layoutScreensaver(void) { layoutLast = layoutScreensaver; oledClear(); oledRefresh(); } void layoutHome(void) { if (layoutLast == layoutHome || layoutLast == layoutScreensaver) { oledClear(); } else { layoutSwipe(); } layoutLast = layoutHome; const char *label = storage_isInitialized() ? storage_getLabel() : _("Go to trezor.io/start"); const uint8_t *homescreen = storage_getHomescreen(); if (homescreen) { BITMAP b; b.width = 128; b.height = 64; b.data = homescreen; oledDrawBitmap(0, 0, &b); } else { if (label && strlen(label) > 0) { oledDrawBitmap(44, 4, &bmp_logo48); oledDrawStringCenter(OLED_HEIGHT - 8, label); } else { oledDrawBitmap(40, 0, &bmp_logo64); } } if (storage_needsBackup()) { oledBox(0, 0, 127, 8, false); oledDrawStringCenter(0, "NEEDS BACKUP!"); } oledRefresh(); // Reset lock screen timeout system_millis_lock_start = system_millis; } void layoutConfirmOutput(const CoinType *coin, const TxOutputType *out) { char str_out[32]; bn_format_uint64(out->amount, NULL, coin->has_coin_shortcut ? coin->coin_shortcut : NULL, BITCOIN_DIVISIBILITY, 0, false, str_out, sizeof(str_out)); static char first_half[17 + 1]; strlcpy(first_half, out->address, sizeof(first_half)); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), NULL, _("Confirm sending"), str_out, _("to"), first_half, out->address + 17, NULL ); } void layoutConfirmTx(const CoinType *coin, uint64_t amount_out, uint64_t amount_fee) { char str_out[32], str_fee[32]; bn_format_uint64(amount_out, NULL, coin->has_coin_shortcut ? coin->coin_shortcut : NULL, BITCOIN_DIVISIBILITY, 0, false, str_out, sizeof(str_out)); bn_format_uint64(amount_fee, NULL, coin->has_coin_shortcut ? coin->coin_shortcut : NULL, BITCOIN_DIVISIBILITY, 0, false, str_fee, sizeof(str_fee)); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), NULL, _("Really send"), str_out, _("from your wallet?"), _("Fee included:"), str_fee, NULL ); } void layoutFeeOverThreshold(const CoinType *coin, uint64_t fee) { char str_fee[32]; bn_format_uint64(fee, NULL, coin->has_coin_shortcut ? coin->coin_shortcut : NULL, BITCOIN_DIVISIBILITY, 0, false, str_fee, sizeof(str_fee)); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), NULL, _("Fee"), str_fee, _("is unexpectedly high."), NULL, _("Send anyway?"), NULL ); } // split longer string into 4 rows, rowlen chars each const char **split_message(const uint8_t *msg, uint32_t len, uint32_t rowlen) { static char str[4][32 + 1]; if (rowlen > 32) { rowlen = 32; } memset(str, 0, sizeof(str)); strlcpy(str[0], (char *)msg, rowlen + 1); if (len > rowlen) { strlcpy(str[1], (char *)msg + rowlen, rowlen + 1); } if (len > rowlen * 2) { strlcpy(str[2], (char *)msg + rowlen * 2, rowlen + 1); } if (len > rowlen * 3) { strlcpy(str[3], (char *)msg + rowlen * 3, rowlen + 1); } static const char *ret[4] = { str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3] }; return ret; } void layoutSignMessage(const uint8_t *msg, uint32_t len) { const char **str = split_message(msg, len, 16); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), _("Sign message?"), str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL, NULL); } void layoutVerifyAddress(const char *address) { const char **str = split_message((const uint8_t *)address, strlen(address), 17); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_info, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), _("Confirm address?"), _("Message signed by:"), str[0], str[1], str[2], NULL, NULL); } void layoutVerifyMessage(const uint8_t *msg, uint32_t len) { const char **str = split_message(msg, len, 16); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_info, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), _("Verified message"), str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL, NULL); } void layoutCipherKeyValue(bool encrypt, const char *key) { const char **str = split_message((const uint8_t *)key, strlen(key), 16); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), encrypt ? _("Encode value of this key?") : _("Decode value of this key?"), str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL, NULL); } void layoutEncryptMessage(const uint8_t *msg, uint32_t len, bool signing) { const char **str = split_message(msg, len, 16); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), signing ? _("Encrypt+Sign message?") : _("Encrypt message?"), str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL, NULL); } void layoutDecryptMessage(const uint8_t *msg, uint32_t len, const char *address) { const char **str = split_message(msg, len, 16); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_info, NULL, _("OK"), address ? _("Decrypted signed message") : _("Decrypted message"), str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL, NULL); } void layoutResetWord(const char *word, int pass, int word_pos, bool last) { layoutLast = layoutResetWord; layoutSwipe(); const char *btnYes; if (last) { if (pass == 1) { btnYes = _("Finish"); } else { btnYes = _("Again"); } } else { btnYes = _("Next"); } const char *action; if (pass == 1) { action = _("Please check the seed"); } else { action = _("Write down the seed"); } char index_str[] = "##th word is:"; if (word_pos < 10) { index_str[0] = ' '; } else { index_str[0] = '0' + word_pos / 10; } index_str[1] = '0' + word_pos % 10; if (word_pos == 1 || word_pos == 21) { index_str[2] = 's'; index_str[3] = 't'; } else if (word_pos == 2 || word_pos == 22) { index_str[2] = 'n'; index_str[3] = 'd'; } else if (word_pos == 3 || word_pos == 23) { index_str[2] = 'r'; index_str[3] = 'd'; } int left = 0; oledClear(); oledDrawBitmap(0, 0, &bmp_icon_info); left = bmp_icon_info.width + 4; oledDrawString(left, 0 * 9, action); oledDrawString(left, 2 * 9, word_pos < 10 ? index_str + 1 : index_str); oledDrawStringDouble(left, 3 * 9, word); oledHLine(OLED_HEIGHT - 13); oledDrawString(OLED_WIDTH - fontCharWidth('\x06') - 1, OLED_HEIGHT - 8, "\x06"); oledDrawString(OLED_WIDTH - oledStringWidth(btnYes) - fontCharWidth('\x06') - 3, OLED_HEIGHT - 8, btnYes); oledInvert(OLED_WIDTH - oledStringWidth(btnYes) - fontCharWidth('\x06') - 4, OLED_HEIGHT - 9, OLED_WIDTH - 1, OLED_HEIGHT - 1); oledRefresh(); } void layoutAddress(const char *address, const char *desc, bool qrcode) { if (layoutLast != layoutAddress) { layoutSwipe(); } else { oledClear(); } layoutLast = layoutAddress; if (qrcode) { static unsigned char bitdata[QR_MAX_BITDATA]; int side = qr_encode(QR_LEVEL_M, 0, address, 0, bitdata); if (side > 0 && side <= 29) { oledInvert(0, 0, (side + 2) * 2, (side + 2) * 2); for (int i = 0; i < side; i++) { for (int j = 0; j< side; j++) { int a = j * side + i; if (bitdata[a / 8] & (1 << (7 - a % 8))) { oledClearPixel(2 + i * 2, 2 + j * 2); oledClearPixel(3 + i * 2, 2 + j * 2); oledClearPixel(2 + i * 2, 3 + j * 2); oledClearPixel(3 + i * 2, 3 + j * 2); } } } } else if (side > 0 && side <= 60) { oledInvert(0, 0, (side + 3), (side + 3)); for (int i = 0; i < side; i++) { for (int j = 0; j< side; j++) { int a = j * side + i; if (bitdata[a / 8] & (1 << (7 - a % 8))) { oledClearPixel(2 + i, 2 + j); } } } } } else { uint32_t addrlen = strlen(address); uint32_t rowlen = addrlen / 2; if (addrlen % 2) { rowlen++; } const char **str = split_message((const uint8_t *)address, addrlen, rowlen); if (desc) { oledDrawString(0, 0 * 9, desc); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { oledDrawString(0, (i + 1) * 9 + 4, str[i]); } } if (!qrcode) { static const char *btnNo = _("QR Code"); oledDrawString(2, OLED_HEIGHT - 8, btnNo); oledInvert(0, OLED_HEIGHT - 9, oledStringWidth(btnNo) + 3, OLED_HEIGHT - 1); } static const char *btnYes = _("Continue"); oledDrawString(OLED_WIDTH - fontCharWidth('\x06') - 1, OLED_HEIGHT - 8, "\x06"); oledDrawString(OLED_WIDTH - oledStringWidth(btnYes) - fontCharWidth('\x06') - 3, OLED_HEIGHT - 8, btnYes); oledInvert(OLED_WIDTH - oledStringWidth(btnYes) - fontCharWidth('\x06') - 4, OLED_HEIGHT - 9, OLED_WIDTH - 1, OLED_HEIGHT - 1); oledRefresh(); } void layoutPublicKey(const uint8_t *pubkey) { char hex[32*2+1], desc[16]; strlcpy(desc, "Public Key: 00", sizeof(desc)); data2hex(pubkey, 1, desc + 12); data2hex(pubkey + 1, 32, hex); const char **str = split_message((const uint8_t *)hex, 32*2, 16); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, NULL, _("Continue"), NULL, desc, str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL); } void layoutSignIdentity(const IdentityType *identity, const char *challenge) { char row_proto[8 + 11 + 1]; char row_hostport[64 + 6 + 1]; char row_user[64 + 8 + 1]; bool is_gpg = (strcmp(identity->proto, "gpg") == 0); if (identity->has_proto && identity->proto[0]) { if (strcmp(identity->proto, "https") == 0) { strlcpy(row_proto, _("Web sign in to:"), sizeof(row_proto)); } else if (is_gpg) { strlcpy(row_proto, _("GPG sign for:"), sizeof(row_proto)); } else { strlcpy(row_proto, identity->proto, sizeof(row_proto)); char *p = row_proto; while (*p) { *p = toupper((int)*p); p++; } strlcat(row_proto, _(" login to:"), sizeof(row_proto)); } } else { strlcpy(row_proto, _("Login to:"), sizeof(row_proto)); } if (identity->has_host && identity->host[0]) { strlcpy(row_hostport, identity->host, sizeof(row_hostport)); if (identity->has_port && identity->port[0]) { strlcat(row_hostport, ":", sizeof(row_hostport)); strlcat(row_hostport, identity->port, sizeof(row_hostport)); } } else { row_hostport[0] = 0; } if (identity->has_user && identity->user[0]) { strlcpy(row_user, _("user: "), sizeof(row_user)); strlcat(row_user, identity->user, sizeof(row_user)); } else { row_user[0] = 0; } if (is_gpg) { // Split "First Last " into 2 lines: // "First Last" // "first@last.com" char *email_start = strchr(row_hostport, '<'); if (email_start) { strlcpy(row_user, email_start + 1, sizeof(row_user)); *email_start = 0; char *email_end = strchr(row_user, '>'); if (email_end) { *email_end = 0; } } } layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), _("Do you want to sign in?"), row_proto[0] ? row_proto : NULL, row_hostport[0] ? row_hostport : NULL, row_user[0] ? row_user : NULL, challenge, NULL, NULL); } void layoutDecryptIdentity(const IdentityType *identity) { char row_proto[8 + 11 + 1]; char row_hostport[64 + 6 + 1]; char row_user[64 + 8 + 1]; if (identity->has_proto && identity->proto[0]) { strlcpy(row_proto, identity->proto, sizeof(row_proto)); char *p = row_proto; while (*p) { *p = toupper((int)*p); p++; } strlcat(row_proto, _(" decrypt for:"), sizeof(row_proto)); } else { strlcpy(row_proto, _("Decrypt for:"), sizeof(row_proto)); } if (identity->has_host && identity->host[0]) { strlcpy(row_hostport, identity->host, sizeof(row_hostport)); if (identity->has_port && identity->port[0]) { strlcat(row_hostport, ":", sizeof(row_hostport)); strlcat(row_hostport, identity->port, sizeof(row_hostport)); } } else { row_hostport[0] = 0; } if (identity->has_user && identity->user[0]) { strlcpy(row_user, _("user: "), sizeof(row_user)); strlcat(row_user, identity->user, sizeof(row_user)); } else { row_user[0] = 0; } layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), _("Do you want to decrypt?"), row_proto[0] ? row_proto : NULL, row_hostport[0] ? row_hostport : NULL, row_user[0] ? row_user : NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } void layoutU2FDialog(const char *verb, const char *appname, const BITMAP *appicon) { if (!appicon) { appicon = &bmp_icon_question; } layoutDialog(appicon, NULL, verb, NULL, verb, _("U2F security key?"), NULL, appname, NULL, NULL); } void layoutNEMDialog(const BITMAP *icon, const char *btnNo, const char *btnYes, const char *desc, const char *line1, const char *address) { static char first_third[NEM_ADDRESS_SIZE / 3 + 1]; strlcpy(first_third, address, sizeof(first_third)); static char second_third[NEM_ADDRESS_SIZE / 3 + 1]; strlcpy(second_third, &address[NEM_ADDRESS_SIZE / 3], sizeof(second_third)); const char *third_third = &address[NEM_ADDRESS_SIZE * 2 / 3]; layoutDialogSwipe(icon, btnNo, btnYes, desc, line1, first_third, second_third, third_third, NULL, NULL); } void layoutNEMTransferXEM(const char *desc, uint64_t quantity, const bignum256 *multiplier, uint64_t fee) { char str_out[32], str_fee[32]; nem_mosaicFormatAmount(NEM_MOSAIC_DEFINITION_XEM, quantity, multiplier, str_out, sizeof(str_out)); nem_mosaicFormatAmount(NEM_MOSAIC_DEFINITION_XEM, fee, NULL, str_fee, sizeof(str_fee)); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Next"), desc, _("Confirm transfer of"), str_out, _("and network fee of"), str_fee, NULL, NULL); } void layoutNEMNetworkFee(const char *desc, bool confirm, const char *fee1_desc, uint64_t fee1, const char *fee2_desc, uint64_t fee2) { char str_fee1[32], str_fee2[32]; nem_mosaicFormatAmount(NEM_MOSAIC_DEFINITION_XEM, fee1, NULL, str_fee1, sizeof(str_fee1)); if (fee2_desc) { nem_mosaicFormatAmount(NEM_MOSAIC_DEFINITION_XEM, fee2, NULL, str_fee2, sizeof(str_fee2)); } layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), confirm ? _("Confirm") : _("Next"), desc, fee1_desc, str_fee1, fee2_desc, fee2_desc ? str_fee2 : NULL, NULL, NULL); } void layoutNEMTransferMosaic(const NEMMosaicDefinition *definition, uint64_t quantity, const bignum256 *multiplier, uint8_t network) { char str_out[32], str_levy[32]; nem_mosaicFormatAmount(definition, quantity, multiplier, str_out, sizeof(str_out)); if (definition->has_levy) { nem_mosaicFormatLevy(definition, quantity, multiplier, network, str_levy, sizeof(str_levy)); } layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Next"), definition->has_name ? definition->name : _("Mosaic"), _("Confirm transfer of"), str_out, definition->has_levy ? _("and levy of") : NULL, definition->has_levy ? str_levy : NULL, NULL, NULL); } void layoutNEMTransferUnknownMosaic(const char *namespace, const char *mosaic, uint64_t quantity, const bignum256 *multiplier) { char mosaic_name[32]; nem_mosaicFormatName(namespace, mosaic, mosaic_name, sizeof(mosaic_name)); char str_out[32]; nem_mosaicFormatAmount(NULL, quantity, multiplier, str_out, sizeof(str_out)); char *decimal = strchr(str_out, '.'); if (decimal != NULL) { *decimal = '\0'; } layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("I take the risk"), _("Unknown Mosaic"), _("Confirm transfer of"), str_out, _("raw units of"), mosaic_name, NULL, NULL); } void layoutNEMTransferPayload(const uint8_t *payload, size_t length, bool encrypted) { if (payload[0] == 0xFE) { char encoded[(length - 1) * 2 + 1]; data2hex(&payload[1], length - 1, encoded); const char **str = split_message((uint8_t *) encoded, sizeof(encoded) - 1, 16); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Next"), encrypted ? _("Encrypted hex data") : _("Unencrypted hex data"), str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL, NULL); } else { const char **str = split_message(payload, length, 16); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Next"), encrypted ? _("Encrypted message") : _("Unencrypted message"), str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL, NULL); } } void layoutNEMMosaicDescription(const char *description) { const char **str = split_message((uint8_t *) description, strlen(description), 16); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Next"), _("Mosaic Description"), str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL, NULL); } void layoutNEMLevy(const NEMMosaicDefinition *definition, uint8_t network) { const NEMMosaicDefinition *mosaic; if (nem_mosaicMatches(definition, definition->levy_namespace, definition->levy_mosaic, network)) { mosaic = definition; } else { mosaic = nem_mosaicByName(definition->levy_namespace, definition->levy_mosaic, network); } char mosaic_name[32]; if (mosaic == NULL) { nem_mosaicFormatName(definition->levy_namespace, definition->levy_mosaic, mosaic_name, sizeof(mosaic_name)); } char str_out[32]; switch (definition->levy) { case NEMMosaicLevy_MosaicLevy_Percentile: bn_format_uint64(definition->fee, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, false, str_out, sizeof(str_out)); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Next"), _("Percentile Levy"), _("Raw levy value is"), str_out, _("in"), mosaic ? (mosaic == definition ? _("the same mosaic") : mosaic->name) : mosaic_name, NULL, NULL); break; case NEMMosaicLevy_MosaicLevy_Absolute: default: nem_mosaicFormatAmount(mosaic, definition->fee, NULL, str_out, sizeof(str_out)); layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Next"), _("Absolute Levy"), _("Levy is"), str_out, mosaic ? (mosaic == definition ? _("in the same mosaic") : NULL) : _("in raw units of"), mosaic ? NULL : mosaic_name, NULL, NULL); break; } } static inline bool is_slip18(const uint32_t *address_n, size_t address_n_count) { return address_n_count == 2 && address_n[0] == (0x80000000 + 10018) && (address_n[1] & 0x80000000) && (address_n[1] & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 9; } void layoutCosiCommitSign(const uint32_t *address_n, size_t address_n_count, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t len, bool final_sign) { char *desc = final_sign ? _("CoSi sign message?") : _("CoSi commit message?"); char desc_buf[32]; if (is_slip18(address_n, address_n_count)) { if (final_sign) { strlcpy(desc_buf, _("CoSi sign index #?"), sizeof(desc_buf)); desc_buf[16] = '0' + (address_n[1] & 0x7FFFFFFF); } else { strlcpy(desc_buf, _("CoSi commit index #?"), sizeof(desc_buf)); desc_buf[18] = '0' + (address_n[1] & 0x7FFFFFFF); } desc = desc_buf; } char str[4][17]; if (len == 32) { data2hex(data , 8, str[0]); data2hex(data + 8, 8, str[1]); data2hex(data + 16, 8, str[2]); data2hex(data + 24, 8, str[3]); } else { strlcpy(str[0], "Data", sizeof(str[0])); strlcpy(str[1], "of", sizeof(str[1])); strlcpy(str[2], "unsupported", sizeof(str[2])); strlcpy(str[3], "length", sizeof(str[3])); } layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_question, _("Cancel"), _("Confirm"), desc, str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], NULL, NULL); }