use crate::{ strutil::TString, trezorhal::{ buffers::{ BufferBlurring, BufferBlurringTotals, BufferJpeg, BufferLine16bpp, BufferLine4bpp, BufferText, }, display, dma2d::{dma2d_setup_4bpp_over_16bpp, dma2d_start_blend, dma2d_wait_for_transfer}, uzlib::UzlibContext, }, ui::{ component::text::TextStyle, constant::{screen, HEIGHT, WIDTH}, display::{ position_buffer, rect_fill_rounded_buffer, set_window, tjpgd::{BufferInput, BufferOutput, JDEC}, Color, Icon, }, geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect}, model_tt::theme, util::icon_text_center, }, }; #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct HomescreenText<'a> { pub text: TString<'a>, pub style: TextStyle, pub offset: Offset, pub icon: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct HomescreenNotification { pub text: TString<'static>, pub icon: Icon, pub color: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct HomescreenTextInfo { pub text_area: Rect, pub text_width: i16, pub text_color: Color, pub icon_area: Option, } pub const HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_WIDTH: i16 = WIDTH; pub const HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_HEIGHT: i16 = HEIGHT; pub const HOMESCREEN_TOIF_SIZE: i16 = 144; pub const HOMESCREEN_TOIF_Y_OFFSET: i16 = 27; pub const HOMESCREEN_TOIF_X_OFFSET: usize = ((WIDTH.saturating_sub(HOMESCREEN_TOIF_SIZE)) / 2) as usize; const HOMESCREEN_MAX_ICON_SIZE: i16 = 20; const NOTIFICATION_HEIGHT: i16 = 36; const NOTIFICATION_BORDER: i16 = 6; const TEXT_ICON_SPACE: i16 = 2; const HOMESCREEN_DIM_HEIGHT: i16 = 35; const HOMESCREEN_DIM_START: i16 = HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_HEIGHT - 42; const HOMESCREEN_DIM: f32 = 0.65; const HOMESCREEN_DIM_BORDER: i16 = theme::BUTTON_SPACING; const LOCKSCREEN_DIM: f32 = 0.55; const LOCKSCREEN_DIM_BG: f32 = 0.0; const LOCKSCREEN_DIM_ALL: bool = true; const BLUR_SIZE: usize = 9; const BLUR_DIV: u32 = ((65536_f32 * (1_f32 - LOCKSCREEN_DIM_BG)) as u32) / ((BLUR_SIZE * BLUR_SIZE) as u32); const DECOMP_LINES: usize = BLUR_SIZE + 1; const BLUR_RADIUS: i16 = (BLUR_SIZE / 2) as i16; const COLORS: usize = 3; const RED_IDX: usize = 0; const GREEN_IDX: usize = 1; const BLUE_IDX: usize = 2; pub trait HomescreenDecompressor { fn get_height(&self) -> i16; fn decompress(&mut self); fn get_data(&mut self) -> &mut BufferJpeg; } pub struct HomescreenJpeg<'i> { pub output: BufferOutput, pub input: BufferInput<'i>, pub jdec: Option>, } impl<'i> HomescreenJpeg<'i> { pub fn new(mut input: BufferInput<'i>, pool: &'i mut [u8]) -> Self { Self { output: BufferOutput::new(WIDTH, 16), jdec: JDEC::new(&mut input, pool).ok(), input, } } } impl<'i> HomescreenDecompressor for HomescreenJpeg<'i> { fn get_height(&self) -> i16 { if let Some(dec) = self.jdec.as_ref() { return dec.mcu_height(); } 1 } fn decompress(&mut self) { self.jdec .as_mut() .map(|dec| dec.decomp(&mut self.input, &mut self.output)); } fn get_data(&mut self) -> &mut BufferJpeg { self.output.buffer() } } pub struct HomescreenToif<'i> { pub output: BufferOutput, pub decomp_context: UzlibContext<'i>, line: i16, } impl<'i> HomescreenToif<'i> { pub fn new(context: UzlibContext<'i>) -> Self { Self { output: BufferOutput::new(WIDTH, 16), decomp_context: context, line: 0, } } } impl<'i> HomescreenDecompressor for HomescreenToif<'i> { fn get_height(&self) -> i16 { 1 } fn decompress(&mut self) { // SAFETY: Aligning to u8 slice is safe, because the original slice is aligned // to 16 bits, therefore there are also no residuals (prefix/suffix). // The data in the slices are integers, so these are valid for both u16 // and u8. if self.line >= HOMESCREEN_TOIF_Y_OFFSET && self.line < HOMESCREEN_TOIF_Y_OFFSET + HOMESCREEN_TOIF_SIZE { let (_, workbuf, _) = unsafe { self.output.buffer().buffer.align_to_mut::() }; let result = self.decomp_context.uncompress( &mut workbuf[2 * HOMESCREEN_TOIF_X_OFFSET ..2 * HOMESCREEN_TOIF_X_OFFSET + 2 * HOMESCREEN_TOIF_SIZE as usize], ); if result.is_err() { self.output.buffer().buffer.fill(0); } else { for i in 0..HOMESCREEN_TOIF_SIZE as usize { workbuf.swap( 2 * HOMESCREEN_TOIF_X_OFFSET + 2 * i, 2 * HOMESCREEN_TOIF_X_OFFSET + 2 * i + 1, ); } } } else { self.output.buffer().buffer.fill(0); } self.line += 1; } fn get_data(&mut self) -> &mut BufferJpeg { self.output.buffer() } } fn homescreen_get_fg_text( y_tmp: i16, text_info: HomescreenTextInfo, text_buffer: &BufferText, fg_buffer: &mut BufferLine4bpp, ) -> bool { if y_tmp >= text_info.text_area.y0 && y_tmp < text_info.text_area.y1 { let y_pos = y_tmp - text_info.text_area.y0; position_buffer( &mut fg_buffer.buffer, &text_buffer.buffer[(y_pos * WIDTH / 2) as usize..((y_pos + 1) * WIDTH / 2) as usize], 4, text_info.text_area.x0, text_info.text_width, ); } y_tmp == (text_info.text_area.y1 - 1) } fn homescreen_get_fg_icon( y_tmp: i16, text_info: HomescreenTextInfo, icon_data: &[u8], fg_buffer: &mut BufferLine4bpp, ) { if let Some(icon_area) = text_info.icon_area { let icon_size = icon_area.size(); if y_tmp >= icon_area.y0 && y_tmp < icon_area.y1 { let y_pos = y_tmp - icon_area.y0; position_buffer( &mut fg_buffer.buffer, &icon_data [(y_pos * icon_size.x / 2) as usize..((y_pos + 1) * icon_size.x / 2) as usize], 4, icon_area.x0, icon_size.x, ); } } } fn homescreen_position_text( text: &HomescreenText, buffer: &mut BufferText, icon_buffer: &mut [u8], ) -> HomescreenTextInfo { let text_width = text .text .map(|t| display::text_width(t,; let font_max_height = display::text_max_height(; let font_baseline = display::text_baseline(; let text_width_clamped = text_width.clamp(0, screen().width()); let icon_size = if let Some(icon) = text.icon { let size = icon.toif.size(); assert!(size.x <= HOMESCREEN_MAX_ICON_SIZE); assert!(size.y <= HOMESCREEN_MAX_ICON_SIZE); icon.toif.uncompress(icon_buffer); size } else { Offset::zero() }; let text_top = screen().y0 + text.offset.y - font_max_height + font_baseline; let text_bottom = screen().y0 + text.offset.y + font_baseline; let total_width = text_width_clamped + icon_size.x + TEXT_ICON_SPACE; let icon_left = screen().center().x + text.offset.x - total_width / 2; let text_left = icon_left + icon_size.x + TEXT_ICON_SPACE; let text_right = screen().center().x + text.offset.x + total_width / 2; let text_area = Rect::new( Point::new(text_left, text_top), Point::new(text_right, text_bottom), ); let icon_area = if text.icon.is_some() { Some(Rect::from_top_left_and_size( Point::new(icon_left, text_bottom - icon_size.y - font_baseline), icon_size, )) } else { None }; text.text .map(|t| display::text_into_buffer(t,, buffer, 0)); HomescreenTextInfo { text_area, text_width, text_color:, icon_area, } } #[inline(always)] fn homescreen_dim_area(x: i16, y: i16) -> bool { y >= HOMESCREEN_DIM_START && (y > HOMESCREEN_DIM_START + 1 && y < (HOMESCREEN_DIM_START + HOMESCREEN_DIM_HEIGHT - 1) && x > HOMESCREEN_DIM_BORDER && x < WIDTH - HOMESCREEN_DIM_BORDER) || (y > HOMESCREEN_DIM_START && y < (HOMESCREEN_DIM_START + HOMESCREEN_DIM_HEIGHT) && x > HOMESCREEN_DIM_BORDER + 1 && x < WIDTH - (HOMESCREEN_DIM_BORDER + 1)) || ((HOMESCREEN_DIM_START..=(HOMESCREEN_DIM_START + HOMESCREEN_DIM_HEIGHT)).contains(&y) && x > HOMESCREEN_DIM_BORDER + 2 && x < WIDTH - (HOMESCREEN_DIM_BORDER + 2)) } fn homescreen_line_blurred( icon_data: &[u8], text_buffer: &mut BufferText, fg_buffer: &mut BufferLine4bpp, img_buffer: &mut BufferLine16bpp, text_info: HomescreenTextInfo, blurring: &BlurringContext, y: i16, ) -> bool { fg_buffer.buffer.fill(0); for x in 0..HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_WIDTH { let c = if LOCKSCREEN_DIM_ALL { let x = x as usize; let coef = (65536_f32 * LOCKSCREEN_DIM) as u32; let r = (blurring.totals.buffer[RED_IDX][x] as u32 * BLUR_DIV) >> 16; let g = (blurring.totals.buffer[GREEN_IDX][x] as u32 * BLUR_DIV) >> 16; let b = (blurring.totals.buffer[BLUE_IDX][x] as u32 * BLUR_DIV) >> 16; let r = (((coef * r) >> 8) & 0xF800) as u16; let g = (((coef * g) >> 13) & 0x07E0) as u16; let b = (((coef * b) >> 19) & 0x001F) as u16; r | g | b } else { let x = x as usize; let r = (((blurring.totals.buffer[RED_IDX][x] as u32 * BLUR_DIV) >> 8) & 0xF800) as u16; let g = (((blurring.totals.buffer[GREEN_IDX][x] as u32 * BLUR_DIV) >> 13) & 0x07E0) as u16; let b = (((blurring.totals.buffer[BLUE_IDX][x] as u32 * BLUR_DIV) >> 19) & 0x001F) as u16; r | g | b }; let j = (2 * x) as usize; img_buffer.buffer[j + 1] = (c >> 8) as u8; img_buffer.buffer[j] = (c & 0xFF) as u8; } let done = homescreen_get_fg_text(y, text_info, text_buffer, fg_buffer); homescreen_get_fg_icon(y, text_info, icon_data, fg_buffer); dma2d_wait_for_transfer(); dma2d_setup_4bpp_over_16bpp(text_info.text_color.into()); unsafe { dma2d_start_blend(&fg_buffer.buffer, &img_buffer.buffer, WIDTH); } done } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn homescreen_line( icon_data: &[u8], text_buffer: &mut BufferText, text_info: HomescreenTextInfo, data_buffer: &mut BufferJpeg, fg_buffer: &mut BufferLine4bpp, img_buffer: &mut BufferLine16bpp, mcu_height: i16, y: i16, ) -> bool { let image_data = get_data(data_buffer, y, mcu_height); fg_buffer.buffer.fill(0); for x in 0..HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_WIDTH { let d = image_data[x as usize]; let c = if homescreen_dim_area(x, y) { let coef = (65536_f32 * HOMESCREEN_DIM) as u32; let r = (d & 0xF800) >> 8; let g = (d & 0x07E0) >> 3; let b = (d & 0x001F) << 3; let r = (((coef * r as u32) >> 8) & 0xF800) as u16; let g = (((coef * g as u32) >> 13) & 0x07E0) as u16; let b = (((coef * b as u32) >> 19) & 0x001F) as u16; r | g | b } else { d }; let j = 2 * x as usize; img_buffer.buffer[j + 1] = (c >> 8) as u8; img_buffer.buffer[j] = (c & 0xFF) as u8; } let done = homescreen_get_fg_text(y, text_info, text_buffer, fg_buffer); homescreen_get_fg_icon(y, text_info, icon_data, fg_buffer); dma2d_wait_for_transfer(); dma2d_setup_4bpp_over_16bpp(text_info.text_color.into()); unsafe { dma2d_start_blend(&fg_buffer.buffer, &img_buffer.buffer, WIDTH); } done } fn homescreen_next_text( texts: &[HomescreenText], text_buffer: &mut BufferText, icon_data: &mut [u8], text_info: HomescreenTextInfo, text_idx: usize, ) -> (HomescreenTextInfo, usize) { let mut next_text_idx = text_idx; let mut next_text_info = text_info; if next_text_idx < texts.len() { if let Some(txt) = texts.get(next_text_idx) { text_buffer.buffer.fill(0); next_text_info = homescreen_position_text(txt, text_buffer, icon_data); next_text_idx += 1; } } (next_text_info, next_text_idx) } #[inline(always)] fn update_accs_add(data: &[u16], idx: usize, acc_r: &mut u16, acc_g: &mut u16, acc_b: &mut u16) { let d = data[idx]; let r = (d & 0xF800) >> 8; let g = (d & 0x07E0) >> 3; let b = (d & 0x001F) << 3; *acc_r += r; *acc_g += g; *acc_b += b; } #[inline(always)] fn update_accs_sub(data: &[u16], idx: usize, acc_r: &mut u16, acc_g: &mut u16, acc_b: &mut u16) { let d = data[idx]; let r = (d & 0xF800) >> 8; let g = (d & 0x07E0) >> 3; let b = (d & 0x001F) << 3; *acc_r -= r; *acc_g -= g; *acc_b -= b; } struct BlurringContext { mem: BufferBlurring, pub totals: BufferBlurringTotals, line_num: i16, add_idx: usize, rem_idx: usize, } impl BlurringContext { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { mem: BufferBlurring::get_cleared(), totals: BufferBlurringTotals::get_cleared(), line_num: 0, add_idx: 0, rem_idx: 0, } } fn clear(&mut self) { let lines = &mut self.mem.buffer[0..DECOMP_LINES]; for (i, total) in self.totals.buffer.iter_mut().enumerate() { for line in lines.iter_mut() { line[i].fill(0); } total.fill(0); } } // computes color averages for one line of image data fn compute_line_avgs(&mut self, buffer: &mut BufferJpeg, mcu_height: i16) { let lines = &mut self.mem.buffer[0..DECOMP_LINES]; let mut acc_r = 0; let mut acc_g = 0; let mut acc_b = 0; let data = get_data(buffer, self.line_num, mcu_height); for i in -BLUR_RADIUS..=BLUR_RADIUS { let ic = i.clamp(0, HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_WIDTH - 1) as usize; update_accs_add(data, ic, &mut acc_r, &mut acc_g, &mut acc_b); } for i in 0..HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_WIDTH { lines[self.add_idx][RED_IDX][i as usize] = acc_r; lines[self.add_idx][GREEN_IDX][i as usize] = acc_g; lines[self.add_idx][BLUE_IDX][i as usize] = acc_b; // clamping handles left and right edges let ic = (i - BLUR_RADIUS).clamp(0, HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_WIDTH - 1) as usize; let ic2 = (i + BLUR_SIZE as i16 - BLUR_RADIUS).clamp(0, HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_WIDTH - 1) as usize; update_accs_add(data, ic2, &mut acc_r, &mut acc_g, &mut acc_b); update_accs_sub(data, ic, &mut acc_r, &mut acc_g, &mut acc_b); } self.line_num += 1; } // adds one line of averages to sliding total averages fn vertical_avg_add(&mut self) { let lines = &mut self.mem.buffer[0..DECOMP_LINES]; for i in 0..HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_WIDTH as usize { self.totals.buffer[RED_IDX][i] += lines[self.add_idx][RED_IDX][i]; self.totals.buffer[GREEN_IDX][i] += lines[self.add_idx][GREEN_IDX][i]; self.totals.buffer[BLUE_IDX][i] += lines[self.add_idx][BLUE_IDX][i]; } } // adds one line and removes one line of averages to/from sliding total averages fn vertical_avg(&mut self) { let lines = &mut self.mem.buffer[0..DECOMP_LINES]; for i in 0..HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_WIDTH as usize { self.totals.buffer[RED_IDX][i] += lines[self.add_idx][RED_IDX][i]; self.totals.buffer[GREEN_IDX][i] += lines[self.add_idx][GREEN_IDX][i]; self.totals.buffer[BLUE_IDX][i] += lines[self.add_idx][BLUE_IDX][i]; self.totals.buffer[RED_IDX][i] -= lines[self.rem_idx][RED_IDX][i]; self.totals.buffer[GREEN_IDX][i] -= lines[self.rem_idx][GREEN_IDX][i]; self.totals.buffer[BLUE_IDX][i] -= lines[self.rem_idx][BLUE_IDX][i]; } } fn inc_add(&mut self) { self.add_idx += 1; if self.add_idx >= DECOMP_LINES { self.add_idx = 0; } } fn inc_rem(&mut self) { self.rem_idx += 1; if self.rem_idx >= DECOMP_LINES { self.rem_idx = 0; } } fn get_line_num(&self) -> i16 { self.line_num } } #[inline(always)] fn get_data(buffer: &mut BufferJpeg, line_num: i16, mcu_height: i16) -> &mut [u16] { let data_start = ((line_num % mcu_height) * WIDTH) as usize; let data_end = (((line_num % mcu_height) + 1) * WIDTH) as usize; &mut buffer.buffer[data_start..data_end] } pub fn homescreen_blurred(data: &mut dyn HomescreenDecompressor, texts: &[HomescreenText]) { let mut icon_data = [0_u8; (HOMESCREEN_MAX_ICON_SIZE * HOMESCREEN_MAX_ICON_SIZE / 2) as usize]; let mut text_buffer = BufferText::get_cleared(); let mut fg_buffer_0 = BufferLine4bpp::get_cleared(); let mut img_buffer_0 = BufferLine16bpp::get_cleared(); let mut fg_buffer_1 = BufferLine4bpp::get_cleared(); let mut img_buffer_1 = BufferLine16bpp::get_cleared(); let mut next_text_idx = 1; let mut text_info = homescreen_position_text(unwrap!(texts.first()), &mut text_buffer, &mut icon_data); let mcu_height = data.get_height(); data.decompress(); set_window(screen()); let mut blurring = BlurringContext::new(); // handling top edge case: preload the edge value N+1 times blurring.compute_line_avgs(data.get_data(), mcu_height); for _ in 0..=BLUR_RADIUS { blurring.vertical_avg_add(); } blurring.inc_add(); // load enough values to be able to compute first line averages for _ in 0..BLUR_RADIUS { blurring.compute_line_avgs(data.get_data(), mcu_height); blurring.vertical_avg_add(); blurring.inc_add(); if (blurring.get_line_num() % mcu_height) == 0 { data.decompress(); } } for y in 0..HEIGHT { // several lines have been already decompressed before this loop, adjust for // that if y < HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_HEIGHT - (BLUR_RADIUS + 1) { blurring.compute_line_avgs(data.get_data(), mcu_height); } let done = if y % 2 == 0 { homescreen_line_blurred( &icon_data, &mut text_buffer, &mut fg_buffer_0, &mut img_buffer_0, text_info, &blurring, y, ) } else { homescreen_line_blurred( &icon_data, &mut text_buffer, &mut fg_buffer_1, &mut img_buffer_1, text_info, &blurring, y, ) }; if done { (text_info, next_text_idx) = homescreen_next_text( texts, &mut text_buffer, &mut icon_data, text_info, next_text_idx, ); } blurring.vertical_avg(); // handling bottom edge case: stop incrementing counter, adding the edge value // for the rest of image // the extra -1 is to indicate that this was the last decompressed line, // in the next pass the docompression and compute_line_avgs won't happen if y < HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_HEIGHT - (BLUR_RADIUS + 1) - 1 { blurring.inc_add(); } if y == HOMESCREEN_IMAGE_HEIGHT { // reached end of image, clear avgs (display black) blurring.clear(); } // only start incrementing remove index when enough lines have been loaded if y >= (BLUR_RADIUS) { blurring.inc_rem(); } if (blurring.get_line_num() % mcu_height) == 0 && (blurring.get_line_num() < HEIGHT) { data.decompress(); } } dma2d_wait_for_transfer(); } pub fn homescreen( data: &mut dyn HomescreenDecompressor, texts: &[HomescreenText], notification: Option, notification_only: bool, ) { let mut icon_data = [0_u8; (HOMESCREEN_MAX_ICON_SIZE * HOMESCREEN_MAX_ICON_SIZE / 2) as usize]; let mut text_buffer = BufferText::get_cleared(); let mut fg_buffer_0 = BufferLine4bpp::get_cleared(); let mut img_buffer_0 = BufferLine16bpp::get_cleared(); let mut fg_buffer_1 = BufferLine4bpp::get_cleared(); let mut img_buffer_1 = BufferLine16bpp::get_cleared(); let mut next_text_idx = 0; let mut text_info = if let Some(notification) = notification { rect_fill_rounded_buffer( Rect::from_top_left_and_size( Point::new(NOTIFICATION_BORDER, 0), Offset::new(WIDTH - NOTIFICATION_BORDER * 2, NOTIFICATION_HEIGHT), ), 2, &mut text_buffer, ); let area = Rect::new( Point::new(0, NOTIFICATION_BORDER), Point::new(WIDTH, NOTIFICATION_HEIGHT + NOTIFICATION_BORDER), ); HomescreenTextInfo { text_area: area, text_width: WIDTH, text_color: notification.color, icon_area: None, } } else { next_text_idx += 1; homescreen_position_text(unwrap!(texts.first()), &mut text_buffer, &mut icon_data) }; set_window(screen()); let mcu_height = data.get_height(); for y in 0..HEIGHT { if (y % mcu_height) == 0 { data.decompress(); } let done = if y % 2 == 0 { homescreen_line( &icon_data, &mut text_buffer, text_info, data.get_data(), &mut fg_buffer_0, &mut img_buffer_0, mcu_height, y, ) } else { homescreen_line( &icon_data, &mut text_buffer, text_info, data.get_data(), &mut fg_buffer_1, &mut img_buffer_1, mcu_height, y, ) }; if done { if notification.is_some() && next_text_idx == 0 { //finished notification area, let interrupt and draw the text let notification = unwrap!(notification); let style = TextStyle { background_color: notification.color, ..theme::TEXT_BOLD }; dma2d_wait_for_transfer(); drop(fg_buffer_0); drop(fg_buffer_1); icon_text_center(, notification.icon, 8, notification.text, style, Offset::new(1, -2), ); fg_buffer_0 = BufferLine4bpp::get_cleared(); fg_buffer_1 = BufferLine4bpp::get_cleared(); set_window( screen() .split_top(NOTIFICATION_HEIGHT + NOTIFICATION_BORDER) .1, ); } if notification_only && next_text_idx == 0 { dma2d_wait_for_transfer(); return; } (text_info, next_text_idx) = homescreen_next_text( texts, &mut text_buffer, &mut icon_data, text_info, next_text_idx, ); } } dma2d_wait_for_transfer(); }