# Trezor Firmware [!img](https://repository-images.githubusercontent.com/180590388/968e6880-6538-11e9-9da6-4aef78157e94) ## Contribute Inspired by [GitLab Contributing Guide](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/contributing/) ### Security vulnerability disclosure Please report suspected security vulnerabilities in private to [mailto:security@satoshilabs.com](security@satoshilabs.com), also see [the disclosure section on the Trezor.io website](https://trezor.io/security/). Please do NOT create publicly viewable issues for suspected security vulnerabilities. ### Issue Labels #### Priority Label | Meaning (SLA) ----------|-------------- P1 Urgent | The current release + potentially immediate hotfix (30 days) P2 High | The next release (60 days) P3 Medium | Within the next 3 releases (90 days) P4 Low | Anything outside the next 3 releases (120 days) #### Severity Label | Impact ------------|------- S1 Blocker | Outage, broken feature with no workaround S2 Critical | Broken feature, workaround too complex & unacceptable S3 Major | Broken feature, workaround acceptable S4 Low | Functionality inconvenience or cosmetic issue