#!/usr/bin/env python3 import io import json import re import sys import os import glob import click import coin_defs try: import mako import mako.template from munch import Munch CAN_RENDER = True except ImportError: CAN_RENDER = False try: import requests except ImportError: requests = None try: from hashlib import sha256 import ed25519 from PIL import Image from trezorlib.protobuf import dump_message from coindef import CoinDef CAN_BUILD_DEFS = True except ImportError: CAN_BUILD_DEFS = False # ======= Jinja2 management ====== def c_str_filter(b): if b is None: return "NULL" def hexescape(c): return r"\x{:02x}".format(c) if isinstance(b, bytes): return '"' + "".join(map(hexescape, b)) + '"' else: return json.dumps(b) def ascii_filter(s): return re.sub("[^ -\x7e]", "_", s) MAKO_FILTERS = {"c_str": c_str_filter, "ascii": ascii_filter} def render_file(filename, coins, support_info): """Opens `filename.j2`, renders the template and stores the result in `filename`.""" template = mako.template.Template(filename=filename + ".mako") result = template.render(support_info=support_info, **coins, **MAKO_FILTERS) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(result) # ====== validation functions ====== def check_support(defs, support_data): check_passed = True for key, support in support_data.items(): errors = coin_defs.validate_support(support) if errors: check_passed = False print("ERR:", "invalid definition for", key) print("\n".join(errors)) expected_coins = set(coin["key"] for coin in defs["coins"] + defs["misc"]) # detect missing support info for expected for coin in expected_coins: if coin not in support_data: check_passed = False print("ERR: Missing support info for", coin) # detect non-matching support info coin_list = sum(defs.values(), []) coin_set = set(coin["key"] for coin in coin_list) for key in support_data: # detect non-matching support info if key not in coin_set: check_passed = False print("ERR: Support info found for unknown coin", key) # detect override - info only, doesn't fail check if key not in expected_coins: print("INFO: Override present for coin", key) return check_passed def check_btc(coins): check_passed = True for coin in coins: errors = coin_defs.validate_btc(coin) if errors: check_passed = False print("ERR:", "invalid definition for", coin["name"]) print("\n".join(errors)) collisions = coin_defs.find_address_collisions(coins) # warning only for key, dups in collisions.items(): if dups: print("WARN: collisions found in", key) for k, v in dups.items(): print("-", k, ":", ", ".join(map(str, v))) return check_passed def check_backends(coins): check_passed = True for coin in coins: genesis_block = coin.get("hash_genesis_block") if not genesis_block: continue backends = coin.get("blockbook", []) + coin.get("bitcore", []) for backend in backends: print("checking", backend, "... ", end="", flush=True) try: j = requests.get(backend + "/block-index/0").json() if j["blockHash"] != genesis_block: raise RuntimeError("genesis block mismatch") except Exception as e: print(e) check_passed = False else: print("OK") return check_passed # ====== click command handlers ====== @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.command() @click.option( "--backend-check/--no-backend-check", "-b", help="Also check blockbook/bitcore responses", ) def check(backend_check): """Validate coin definitions. Checks that every btc-like coin is properly filled out, reports address collisions and missing support information. """ if backend_check and requests is None: raise click.ClickException("You must install requests for backend check") defs = coin_defs.get_all() all_checks_passed = True print("Checking BTC-like coins...") if not check_btc(defs["coins"]): all_checks_passed = False print("Checking support data...") if not check_support(defs, coin_defs.get_support_data()): all_checks_passed = False if backend_check: print("Checking backend responses...") if not check_backends(defs["coins"]): all_checks_passed = False if not all_checks_passed: print("Some checks failed.") sys.exit(1) else: print("Everything is OK.") @cli.command() @click.option("-o", "--outfile", type=click.File(mode="w"), default="./coins.json") def coins_json(outfile): """Generate coins.json for consumption in python-trezor and Connect/Wallet""" defs = coin_defs.get_all() coins = defs["coins"] support_info = coin_defs.support_info(coins) by_name = {} for coin in coins: coin["support"] = support_info[coin["key"]] by_name[coin["name"]] = coin with outfile: json.dump(by_name, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) @cli.command() @click.argument("paths", metavar="[path]...", nargs=-1) def render(paths): """Generate source code from Jinja2 templates. For every "foo.bar.j2" filename passed, runs the template and saves the result as "foo.bar". For every directory name passed, processes all ".j2" files found in that directory. If no arguments are given, processes the current directory. """ if not CAN_RENDER: raise click.ClickException("Please install 'mako' and 'munch'") if not paths: paths = ["."] files = [] for path in paths: if not os.path.exists(path): click.echo("Path {} does not exist".format(path)) elif os.path.isdir(path): files += glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.mako")) else: files.append(path) defs = coin_defs.get_all() all_coins = sum(defs.values(), []) versions = coin_defs.latest_releases() support_info = coin_defs.support_info(all_coins, erc20_versions=versions) # munch dicts - make them attribute-accessable for key, value in defs.items(): defs[key] = [Munch(coin) for coin in value] for key, value in support_info.items(): support_info[key] = Munch(value) for file in files: if not file.endswith(".mako"): click.echo("File {} does not end with .mako".format(file)) else: target = file[: -len(".mako")] click.echo("Rendering {} => {}".format(file, target)) try: render_file(target, defs, support_info) except Exception as e: click.echo("Error occured: {}".format(e)) raise if __name__ == "__main__": cli()