#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Use TREZOR as a hardware key for opening EncFS filesystem! Usage: encfs --standard --extpass=./encfs_aes_getpass.py ~/.crypt ~/crypt ''' import os import sys import json import hashlib import binascii from trezorlib.client import TrezorClient from trezorlib.transport import enumerate_devices def wait_for_devices(): devices = enumerate_devices() while not len(devices): sys.stderr.write("Please connect TREZOR to computer and press Enter...") input() devices = enumerate_devices() return devices def choose_device(devices): if not len(devices): raise RuntimeError("No TREZOR connected!") if len(devices) == 1: try: return devices[0] except IOError: raise RuntimeError("Device is currently in use") i = 0 sys.stderr.write("----------------------------\n") sys.stderr.write("Available devices:\n") for d in devices: try: client = TrezorClient(d) except IOError: sys.stderr.write("[-] \n") continue if client.features.label: sys.stderr.write("[%d] %s\n" % (i, client.features.label)) else: sys.stderr.write("[%d] \n" % i) client.close() i += 1 sys.stderr.write("----------------------------\n") sys.stderr.write("Please choose device to use:") try: device_id = int(input()) return devices[device_id] except Exception: raise ValueError("Invalid choice, exiting...") def main(): if 'encfs_root' not in os.environ: sys.stderr.write('\nThis is not a standalone script and is not meant to be run independently.\n') sys.stderr.write('\nUsage: encfs --standard --extpass=./encfs_aes_getpass.py ~/.crypt ~/crypt\n') sys.exit(1) devices = wait_for_devices() transport = choose_device(devices) client = TrezorClient(transport) rootdir = os.environ['encfs_root'] # Read "man encfs" for more passw_file = os.path.join(rootdir, 'password.dat') if not os.path.exists(passw_file): # New encfs drive, let's generate password sys.stderr.write('Please provide label for new drive: ') label = input() sys.stderr.write('Computer asked TREZOR for new strong password.\n') sys.stderr.write('Please confirm the action on your device ...\n') # 32 bytes, good for AES trezor_entropy = client.get_entropy(32) urandom_entropy = os.urandom(32) passw = hashlib.sha256(trezor_entropy + urandom_entropy).digest() if len(passw) != 32: raise ValueError("32 bytes password expected") bip32_path = [10, 0] passw_encrypted = client.encrypt_keyvalue(bip32_path, label, passw, False, True) data = {'label': label, 'bip32_path': bip32_path, 'password_encrypted_hex': binascii.hexlify(passw_encrypted).decode()} json.dump(data, open(passw_file, 'w')) # Let's load password data = json.load(open(passw_file, 'r')) sys.stderr.write('Please confirm the action on your device ...\n') passw = client.decrypt_keyvalue(data['bip32_path'], data['label'], binascii.unhexlify(data['password_encrypted_hex']), False, True) print(passw) if __name__ == '__main__': main()