#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is part of the TREZOR project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Marek Palatinus # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Pavol Rusnak # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Jochen Hoenicke # Copyright (C) 2017 mruddy # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library. If not, see . import base64 import binascii import click import functools import json import sys from trezorlib.client import TrezorClient, TrezorClientVerbose, CallException from trezorlib import messages as proto from trezorlib import protobuf from trezorlib.coins import coins_txapi def get_transport_class_by_name(name): if name == 'usb': from trezorlib.transport_hid import HidTransport return HidTransport if name == 'udp': from trezorlib.transport_udp import UdpTransport return UdpTransport if name == 'pipe': from trezorlib.transport_pipe import PipeTransport return PipeTransport if name == 'bridge': from trezorlib.transport_bridge import BridgeTransport return BridgeTransport raise NotImplementedError('Unknown transport: "%s"' % name) def get_transport(transport_name, path): transport = get_transport_class_by_name(transport_name) dev = transport.find_by_path(path) return dev @click.group() @click.option('-t', '--transport', type=click.Choice(['usb', 'udp', 'pipe', 'bridge']), default='usb', help='Select transport used for communication.') @click.option('-p', '--path', help='Select device by transport-specific path.') @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Show communication messages.') @click.option('-j', '--json', 'is_json', is_flag=True, help='Print result as JSON object') @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, transport, path, verbose, is_json): if ctx.invoked_subcommand == 'list': ctx.obj = transport else: if verbose: ctx.obj = lambda: TrezorClientVerbose(get_transport(transport, path)) else: ctx.obj = lambda: TrezorClient(get_transport(transport, path)) @cli.resultcallback() def print_result(res, transport, path, verbose, is_json): if is_json: if issubclass(res.__class__, protobuf.MessageType): click.echo(json.dumps({res.__class__.__name__: res.__dict__})) else: click.echo(json.dumps(res, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) else: if isinstance(res, list): for line in res: click.echo(line) elif isinstance(res, dict): for k, v in res.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): for kk, vv in v.items(): click.echo('%s.%s: %s' % (k, kk, vv)) else: click.echo('%s: %s' % (k, v)) else: click.echo(res) # # Common functions # @cli.command(name='list', help='List connected TREZOR devices.') @click.pass_obj def ls(transport_name): transport_class = get_transport_class_by_name(transport_name) devices = transport_class.enumerate() return devices @cli.command(help='Show version of trezorctl/trezorlib.') def version(): from trezorlib import __version__ as VERSION return VERSION # # Basic device functions # @cli.command(help='Send ping message.') @click.argument('message') @click.option('-b', '--button-protection', is_flag=True) @click.option('-p', '--pin-protection', is_flag=True) @click.option('-r', '--passphrase-protection', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def ping(connect, message, button_protection, pin_protection, passphrase_protection): return connect().ping(message, button_protection=button_protection, pin_protection=pin_protection, passphrase_protection=passphrase_protection) @cli.command(help='Clear session (remove cached PIN, passphrase, etc.).') @click.pass_obj def clear_session(connect): return connect().clear_session() @cli.command(help='Get example entropy.') @click.argument('size', type=int) @click.pass_obj def get_entropy(connect, size): return binascii.hexlify(connect().get_entropy(size)) @cli.command(help='Retrieve device features and settings.') @click.pass_obj def get_features(connect): return connect().features @cli.command(help='List all supported coin types by the device.') @click.pass_obj def list_coins(connect): return [coin.coin_name for coin in connect().features.coins] # # Device management functions # @cli.command(help='Change new PIN or remove existing.') @click.option('-r', '--remove', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def change_pin(connect, remove): return connect().change_pin(remove) @cli.command(help='Enable passphrase.') @click.pass_obj def enable_passphrase(connect): return connect().apply_settings(use_passphrase=True) @cli.command(help='Disable passphrase.') @click.pass_obj def disable_passphrase(connect): return connect().apply_settings(use_passphrase=False) @cli.command(help='Set new device label.') @click.option('-l', '--label') @click.pass_obj def set_label(connect, label): return connect().apply_settings(label=label) @cli.command(help='Set device flags.') @click.argument('flags') @click.pass_obj def set_flags(connect, flags): flags = flags.lower() if flags.startswith('0b'): flags = int(flags, 2) elif flags.startswith('0x'): flags = int(flags, 16) else: flags = int(flags) return connect().apply_flags(flags=flags) @cli.command(help='Set new homescreen.') @click.option('-f', '--filename', default=None) @click.pass_obj def set_homescreen(connect, filename): if filename is None: img = b'\x00' elif filename.endswith('.toif'): img = open(filename, 'rb').read() if img[:8] != b'TOIf\x90\x00\x90\x00': raise CallException(types.Failure_DataError, 'File is not a TOIF file with size of 144x144') else: from PIL import Image im = Image.open(filename) if im.size != (128, 64): raise CallException(proto.FailureType.DataError, 'Wrong size of the image') im = im.convert('1') pix = im.load() img = bytearray(1024) for j in range(64): for i in range(128): if pix[i, j]: o = (i + j * 128) img[o // 8] |= (1 << (7 - o % 8)) img = bytes(img) return connect().apply_settings(homescreen=img) @cli.command(help='Set U2F counter.') @click.argument('counter', type=int) @click.pass_obj def set_u2f_counter(connect, counter): return connect().set_u2f_counter(counter) @cli.command(help='Reset device to factory defaults and remove all private data.') @click.pass_obj def wipe_device(connect): return connect().wipe_device() @cli.command(help='Load custom configuration to the device.') @click.option('-m', '--mnemonic') @click.option('-e', '--expand', is_flag=True) @click.option('-x', '--xprv') @click.option('-p', '--pin', default='') @click.option('-r', '--passphrase-protection', is_flag=True) @click.option('-l', '--label', default='') @click.option('-i', '--ignore-checksum', is_flag=True) @click.option('-s', '--slip0014', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def load_device(connect, mnemonic, expand, xprv, pin, passphrase_protection, label, ignore_checksum, slip0014): if not mnemonic and not xprv and not slip0014: raise CallException(proto.FailureType.DataError, 'Please provide mnemonic or xprv') client = connect() if mnemonic: return client.load_device_by_mnemonic( mnemonic, pin, passphrase_protection, label, 'english', ignore_checksum, expand ) if xprv: return client.load_device_by_xprv( xprv, pin, passphrase_protection, label, 'english' ) if slip0014: return client.load_device_by_mnemonic( ' '.join(['all'] * 12), pin, passphrase_protection, 'SLIP-0014' ) @cli.command(help='Start safe recovery workflow.') @click.option('-w', '--words', type=click.Choice(['12', '18', '24']), default='24') @click.option('-e', '--expand', is_flag=True) @click.option('-p', '--pin-protection', is_flag=True) @click.option('-r', '--passphrase-protection', is_flag=True) @click.option('-l', '--label') @click.option('-t', '--type', 'rec_type', type=click.Choice(['scrambled', 'matrix']), default='scrambled') @click.option('-d', '--dry-run', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def recovery_device(connect, words, expand, pin_protection, passphrase_protection, label, rec_type, dry_run): typemap = { 'scrambled': proto.RecoveryDeviceType.ScrambledWords, 'matrix': proto.RecoveryDeviceType.Matrix } return connect().recovery_device( int(words), passphrase_protection, pin_protection, label, 'english', typemap[rec_type], expand, dry_run ) @cli.command(help='Perform device setup and generate new seed.') @click.option('-t', '--strength', type=click.Choice(['128', '192', '256']), default='256') @click.option('-p', '--pin-protection', is_flag=True) @click.option('-r', '--passphrase-protection', is_flag=True) @click.option('-l', '--label') @click.option('-u', '--u2f-counter', default=0) @click.option('-s', '--skip-backup', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def reset_device(connect, strength, pin_protection, passphrase_protection, label, u2f_counter, skip_backup): return connect().reset_device( True, int(strength), passphrase_protection, pin_protection, label, 'english', u2f_counter, skip_backup ) @cli.command(help='Perform device seed backup.') @click.pass_obj def backup_device(connect): return connect().backup_device() # # Firmware update # @cli.command(help='Upload new firmware to device (must be in bootloader mode).') @click.option('-f', '--filename') @click.option('-u', '--url') @click.option('-v', '--version') @click.option('-s', '--skip-check', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def firmware_update(connect, filename, url, version, skip_check): if filename: fp = open(filename, 'rb').read() elif url: import requests click.echo('Downloading from', url) r = requests.get(url) fp = r.content else: import requests r = requests.get('https://wallet.trezor.io/data/firmware/releases.json') releases = r.json() def version_func(r): return r['version'] def version_string(r): return '.'.join(map(str, version_func(r))) if version: release = next((r for r in releases if version_string(r) == version)) else: release = max(releases, key=version_func) click.echo('Fetching version: %s' % version_string(release)) click.echo('Firmware fingerprint: %s' % release['fingerprint']) url = 'https://wallet.trezor.io/' + release['url'] click.echo('Downloading from %s' % url) r = requests.get(url) fp = r.content if not skip_check: if fp[:8] == b'54525a52' or fp[:8] == b'54525a56': fp = binascii.unhexlify(fp) if fp[:4] != b'TRZR' and fp[:4] != b'TRZV': raise CallException(proto.FailureType.FirmwareError, 'TREZOR firmware header expected') click.echo('Please confirm action on device...') from io import BytesIO return connect().firmware_update(fp=BytesIO(fp)) @cli.command(help='Perform a self-test.') @click.pass_obj def self_test(connect): return connect().self_test() # # Basic coin functions # @cli.command(help='Get address for specified path.') @click.option('-c', '--coin', default='Bitcoin') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/0'/0'/0/0") @click.option('-t', '--script-type', type=click.Choice(['address', 'segwit', 'p2shsegwit']), default='address') @click.option('-d', '--show-display', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def get_address(connect, coin, address, script_type, show_display): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) typemap = { 'address': proto.OutputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, 'segwit': proto.OutputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS, 'p2shsegwit': proto.OutputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS, } script_type = typemap[script_type] return client.get_address(coin, address_n, show_display, script_type=script_type) @cli.command(help='Get public node of given path.') @click.option('-c', '--coin', default='Bitcoin') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/0'/0'") @click.option('-e', '--curve') @click.option('-d', '--show-display', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def get_public_node(connect, coin, address, curve, show_display): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) result = client.get_public_node(address_n, ecdsa_curve_name=curve, show_display=show_display, coin_name=coin) return { 'node': { 'depth': result.node.depth, 'fingerprint': "%08x" % result.node.fingerprint, 'child_num': result.node.child_num, 'chain_code': binascii.hexlify(result.node.chain_code), 'public_key': binascii.hexlify(result.node.public_key), }, 'xpub': result.xpub } # # Signing options # @cli.command(help='Sign transaction.') @click.option('-c', '--coin', default='Bitcoin') # @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/0'/0'/0/0") # @click.option('-t', '--script-type', type=click.Choice(['address', 'segwit', 'p2shsegwit']), default='address') # @click.option('-o', '--output', required=True, help='Transaction output') # @click.option('-f', '--fee', required=True, help='Transaction fee (sat/B)') @click.pass_obj def sign_tx(connect, coin): client = connect() if coin in coins_txapi: txapi = coins_txapi[coin] else: click.echo('Coin "%s" is not recognized.' % coin, err=True) click.echo('Supported coin types: %s' % ', '.join(coins_txapi.keys()), err=True) sys.exit(1) client.set_tx_api(txapi) if sys.version_info.major < 3: input = raw_input inputs = [] while True: click.echo() prev = input('Input (prevhash:previndex, empty to move on): ').strip() if prev == '': break prev_in_hash, prev_in_vout = prev.split(':') addrn = input("Node path to sign with (e.g.- %s/0'/0/0): " % coin).strip() inputs.append(proto.TxInputType( prev_hash=binascii.unhexlify(prev_in_hash), prev_index=int(prev_in_vout, 10), address_n=client.expand_path(addrn) )) outputs = [] while True: click.echo() out_addr = input('Pay to address (empty to move on): ').strip() if out_addr == '': break out_amount = input('Amount (in satoshis): ').strip() outputs.append(proto.TxOutputType( amount=int(out_amount, 10), script_type=proto.OutputScriptType.PAYTOADDRESS, address=out_addr )) (signatures, serialized_tx) = client.sign_tx(coin, inputs, outputs) client.close() click.echo() click.echo('Signed Transaction:') click.echo(binascii.hexlify(serialized_tx)) click.echo() click.echo('Use the following form to broadcast it to the network:') click.echo(txapi.url.replace('/api/', '/tx/send')) # # Message functions # @cli.command(help='Sign message using address of given path.') @click.option('-c', '--coin', default='Bitcoin') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/0'/0'/0/0") @click.option('-t', '--script-type', type=click.Choice(['address', 'segwit', 'p2shsegwit']), default='address') @click.argument('message') @click.pass_obj def sign_message(connect, coin, address, message, script_type): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) typemap = { 'address': proto.InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, 'segwit': proto.InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS, 'p2shsegwit': proto.InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS, } script_type = typemap[script_type] res = client.sign_message(coin, address_n, message, script_type) return { 'message': message, 'address': res.address, 'signature': base64.b64encode(res.signature) } @cli.command(help='Verify message.') @click.option('-c', '--coin', default='Bitcoin') @click.argument('address') @click.argument('signature') @click.argument('message') @click.pass_obj def verify_message(connect, coin, address, signature, message): signature = base64.b64decode(signature) return connect().verify_message(coin, address, signature, message) @cli.command(help='Sign message with Ethereum address.') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/60'/0'/0/0") @click.argument('message') @click.pass_obj def ethereum_sign_message(connect, address, message): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) ret = client.ethereum_sign_message(address_n, message) output = { 'message': message, 'address': '0x%s' % binascii.hexlify(ret.address).decode(), 'signature': '0x%s' % binascii.hexlify(ret.signature).decode() } return output def ethereum_decode_hex(value): if value.startswith('0x') or value.startswith('0X'): return value[2:].decode('hex') else: return value.decode('hex') @cli.command(help='Verify message signed with Ethereum address.') @click.argument('address') @click.argument('signature') @click.argument('message') @click.pass_obj def ethereum_verify_message(connect, address, signature, message): address = ethereum_decode_hex(address) signature = ethereum_decode_hex(signature) return connect().ethereum_verify_message(address, signature, message) @cli.command(help='Encrypt value by given key and path.') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/10016'/0") @click.argument('key') @click.argument('value') @click.pass_obj def encrypt_keyvalue(connect, address, key, value): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) res = client.encrypt_keyvalue(address_n, key, value) return binascii.hexlify(res) @cli.command(help='Decrypt value by given key and path.') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/10016'/0") @click.argument('key') @click.argument('value') @click.pass_obj def decrypt_keyvalue(connect, address, key, value): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) return client.decrypt_keyvalue(address_n, key, value.decode('hex')) @cli.command(help='Encrypt message.') @click.option('-c', '--coin', default='Bitcoin') @click.option('-d', '--display-only', is_flag=True) @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/0'/0'/0/0") @click.argument('pubkey') @click.argument('message') @click.pass_obj def encrypt_message(connect, coin, display_only, address, pubkey, message): client = connect() pubkey = binascii.unhexlify(pubkey) address_n = client.expand_path(address) res = client.encrypt_message(pubkey, message, display_only, coin, address_n) return { 'nonce': binascii.hexlify(res.nonce), 'message': binascii.hexlify(res.message), 'hmac': binascii.hexlify(res.hmac), 'payload': base64.b64encode(res.nonce + res.message + res.hmac), } @cli.command(help='Decrypt message.') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/0'/0'/0/0") @click.argument('payload') @click.pass_obj def decrypt_message(connect, address, payload): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) payload = base64.b64decode(payload) nonce, message, msg_hmac = payload[:33], payload[33:-8], payload[-8:] return client.decrypt_message(address_n, nonce, message, msg_hmac) # # Ethereum functions # @cli.command(help='Get Ethereum address in hex encoding.') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/60'/0'/0/0") @click.option('-d', '--show-display', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def ethereum_get_address(connect, address, show_display): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) address = client.ethereum_get_address(address_n, show_display) return '0x%s' % binascii.hexlify(address).decode() @cli.command(help='Sign (and optionally publish) Ethereum transaction. Use TO as destination address or set TO to "" for contract creation.') @click.option('-a', '--host', default='localhost:8545', help='RPC port of ethereum node for automatic gas/nonce estimation and publishing') @click.option('-c', '--chain-id', type=int, help='EIP-155 chain id (replay protection)') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path to source address, e.g., m/44'/60'/0'/0/0") @click.option('-v', '--value', default='0', help='Ether amount to transfer, e.g. "100 milliether"') @click.option('-g', '--gas-limit', type=int, help='Gas limit - Required for offline signing') @click.option('-t', '--gas-price', help='Gas price, e.g. "20 nanoether" - Required for offline signing') @click.option('-i', '--nonce', type=int, help='Transaction counter - Required for offline signing') @click.option('-d', '--data', default='', help='Data as hex string, e.g. 0x12345678') @click.option('-p', '--publish', is_flag=True, help='Publish transaction via RPC') @click.argument('to') @click.pass_obj def ethereum_sign_tx(connect, host, chain_id, address, value, gas_limit, gas_price, nonce, data, publish, to): from ethjsonrpc import EthJsonRpc import rlp ether_units = { 'wei': 1, 'kwei': 1000, 'babbage': 1000, 'femtoether': 1000, 'mwei': 1000000, 'lovelace': 1000000, 'picoether': 1000000, 'gwei': 1000000000, 'shannon': 1000000000, 'nanoether': 1000000000, 'nano': 1000000000, 'szabo': 1000000000000, 'microether': 1000000000000, 'micro': 1000000000000, 'finney': 1000000000000000, 'milliether': 1000000000000000, 'milli': 1000000000000000, 'ether': 1000000000000000000, 'eth': 1000000000000000000, } if ' ' in value: value, unit = value.split(' ', 1) if unit.lower() not in ether_units: raise CallException(proto.Failure_DataError, 'Unrecognized ether unit %r' % unit) value = int(value) * ether_units[unit.lower()] else: value = int(value) if gas_price is not None: if ' ' in gas_price: gas_price, unit = gas_price.split(' ', 1) if unit.lower() not in ether_units: raise CallException(proto.Failure_DataError, 'Unrecognized gas price unit %r' % unit) gas_price = int(gas_price) * ether_units[unit.lower()] else: gas_price = int(gas_price) if gas_limit is not None: gas_limit = int(gas_limit) to_address = ethereum_decode_hex(to) client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) address = '0x%s' % (binascii.hexlify(client.ethereum_get_address(address_n)),) if gas_price is None or gas_limit is None or nonce is None: host, port = host.split(':') eth = EthJsonRpc(host, int(port)) if not data: data = '' data = ethereum_decode_hex(data) if gas_price is None: gas_price = eth.eth_gasPrice() if gas_limit is None: gas_limit = eth.eth_estimateGas( to_address=to, from_address=address, value=('0x%x' % value), data='0x' + data) if nonce is None: nonce = eth.eth_getTransactionCount(address) sig = client.ethereum_sign_tx( n=address_n, nonce=nonce, gas_price=gas_price, gas_limit=gas_limit, to=to_address, value=value, data=data, chain_id=chain_id) transaction = rlp.encode( (nonce, gas_price, gas_limit, to_address, value, data) + sig) tx_hex = '0x%s' % binascii.hexlify(transaction) if publish: tx_hash = eth.eth_sendRawTransaction(tx_hex) return 'Transaction published with ID: %s' % tx_hash else: return 'Signed raw transaction: %s' % tx_hex # # NEM functions # @cli.command(help='Get NEM address for specified path.') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/0'/43'/0/0") @click.option('-N', '--network', type=int, default=0x68) @click.option('-d', '--show-display', is_flag=True) @click.pass_obj def nem_get_address(connect, address, network, show_display): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) return client.nem_get_address(address_n, network, show_display) @cli.command(help='Sign (and optionally broadcast) NEM transaction.') @click.option('-n', '--address', help='BIP-32 path to signing key') @click.option('-f', '--file', type=click.File('r'), default='-', help='Transaction in NIS (RequestPrepareAnnounce) format') @click.option('-b', '--broadcast', help='NIS to announce transaction to') @click.pass_obj def nem_sign_tx(connect, address, file, broadcast): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) transaction = client.nem_sign_tx(address_n, json.load(file)) payload = { "data": binascii.hexlify(transaction.data).decode(), "signature": binascii.hexlify(transaction.signature).decode() } if broadcast: import requests return requests.post("{}/transaction/announce".format(broadcast), json=payload).json() else: return payload # # CoSi functions # @cli.command(help='Ask device to commit to CoSi signing.') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/0'/0'/0/0") @click.argument('data') @click.pass_obj def cosi_commit(connect, address, data): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) return client.cosi_commit(address_n, binascii.unhexlify(data)) @cli.command(help='Ask device to sign using CoSi.') @click.option('-n', '--address', required=True, help="BIP-32 path, e.g. m/44'/0'/0'/0/0") @click.argument('data') @click.argument('global_commitment') @click.argument('global_pubkey') @click.pass_obj def cosi_sign(connect, address, data, global_commitment, global_pubkey): client = connect() address_n = client.expand_path(address) return client.cosi_sign(address_n, binascii.unhexlify(data), binascii.unhexlify(global_commitment), binascii.unhexlify(global_pubkey)) # # Main # if __name__ == '__main__': cli()