#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import logging import os import platform import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, TextIO import click import trezorlib.debuglink import trezorlib.device from trezorlib._internal.emulator import CoreEmulator try: import inotify.adapters except Exception: inotify = None HERE = Path(__file__).resolve().parent MICROPYTHON = HERE / "build" / "unix" / "trezor-emu-core" SRC_DIR = HERE / "src" PROFILING_WRAPPER = HERE / "prof" / "prof.py" PROFILE_BASE = Path.home() / ".trezoremu" TREZOR_STORAGE_FILES = ( "trezor.flash", "trezor.sdcard", ) def run_command_with_emulator(emulator: CoreEmulator, command: list[str]) -> int: with emulator: # first start the subprocess process = subprocess.Popen(command) # After the subprocess is started, ignore SIGINT in parent # (so that we don't need to handle KeyboardInterrupts) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # SIGINTs will be sent to all children by the OS, so we should be able to safely # wait for their exit. return process.wait() def run_emulator(emulator: CoreEmulator) -> int: with emulator: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) return emulator.wait() def watch_emulator(emulator: CoreEmulator) -> int: assert inotify is not None watch = inotify.adapters.InotifyTree(str(SRC_DIR)) try: for _, type_names, _, _ in watch.event_gen(yield_nones=False): if "IN_CLOSE_WRITE" in type_names: emulator.restart() except KeyboardInterrupt: emulator.stop() return 0 def run_debugger(emulator: CoreEmulator, gdb_script_file: str | Path | None, valgrind: bool = False, run_command: list[str] = []) -> None: os.chdir(emulator.workdir) env = emulator.make_env() if valgrind: dbg_command = ["valgrind", "-v", "--tool=callgrind", "--read-inline-info=yes", str(emulator.executable)] + emulator.make_args() elif platform.system() == "Darwin": env["PATH"] = "/usr/bin" dbg_command = ["lldb", "-f", str(emulator.executable), "--"] + emulator.make_args() else: # Optionally run a gdb script from a file if gdb_script_file is None: dbg_command = ["gdb"] else: dbg_command = ["gdb", "-x", str(HERE / gdb_script_file)] dbg_command += ["--args", str(emulator.executable)] dbg_command += emulator.make_args() if not run_command: os.execvpe(dbg_command[0], dbg_command, env) else: dbg_process = subprocess.Popen(dbg_command, env=env) run_process = subprocess.Popen(run_command, env=env, shell=True) rc = run_process.wait() dbg_process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) sys.exit(rc) def _from_env(name: str) -> bool: return os.environ.get(name) == "1" @click.command( context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True, allow_interspersed_args=False) ) # fmt: off @click.option("-a", "--disable-animation/--enable-animation", default=_from_env("TREZOR_DISABLE_ANIMATION"), help="Disable animation") @click.option("-c", "--command", "run_command", is_flag=True, help="Run command while emulator is running") @click.option("-d", "--production/--no-production", default=_from_env("PYOPT"), help="Production mode (debuglink disabled)") @click.option("-D", "--debugger", is_flag=True, help="Run emulator in debugger (gdb/lldb)") @click.option("-e", "--erase", is_flag=True, help="Erase profile before running") @click.option("--executable", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), default=os.environ.get("MICROPYTHON"), help="Alternate emulator executable") @click.option("-g", "--profiling/--no-profiling", default=_from_env("TREZOR_PROFILING"), help="Run with profiler wrapper") @click.option("-G", "--alloc-profiling/--no-alloc-profiling", default=_from_env("TREZOR_MEMPERF"), help="Profile memory allocation (requires special micropython build)") @click.option("-h", "--headless", is_flag=True, help="Headless mode (no display, disables animation)") @click.option("--heap-size", metavar="SIZE", default="20M", help="Configure heap size") @click.option("--main", help="Path to python main file") @click.option("--mnemonic", "mnemonics", multiple=True, help="Initialize device with given mnemonic. Specify multiple times for Shamir shares.") @click.option("--log-memory/--no-log-memory", default=_from_env("TREZOR_LOG_MEMORY"), help="Print memory usage after workflows") @click.option("-o", "--output", type=click.File("w"), default="-", help="Redirect emulator output to file") @click.option("-p", "--profile", metavar="NAME", help="Profile name or path") @click.option("-P", "--port", metavar="PORT", type=int, default=int(os.environ.get("TREZOR_UDP_PORT", 0)) or None, help="UDP port number") @click.option("-q", "--quiet", is_flag=True, help="Silence emulator output") @click.option("-r", "--record-dir", help="Directory where to record screen changes") @click.option("-s", "--slip0014", is_flag=True, help="Initialize device with SLIP-14 seed (all all all...)") @click.option("-S", "--script-gdb-file", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), help="Run gdb with an init file") @click.option("-V", "--valgrind", is_flag=True, help="Use valgrind instead of debugger (-D)") @click.option("-t", "--temporary-profile", is_flag=True, help="Create an empty temporary profile") @click.option("-w", "--watch", is_flag=True, help="Restart emulator if sources change") @click.option("-X", "--extra-arg", "extra_args", multiple=True, help="Extra argument to pass to micropython") # fmt: on @click.argument("command", nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) def cli( disable_animation: bool, run_command: bool, production: bool, debugger: bool, erase: bool, executable: str | Path, profiling: bool, alloc_profiling: bool, headless: bool, heap_size: str, main: str, mnemonics: list[str], log_memory: bool, profile: str, port: int, output: TextIO | None, quiet: bool, record_dir: Optional[str], slip0014: bool, script_gdb_file: str | Path | None, valgrind: bool, temporary_profile: bool, watch: bool, extra_args: list[str], command: list[str], ): """Run the trezor-core emulator. If -c is specified, extra arguments are treated as a command that is executed with the running emulator. This command can access the following environment variables: \b TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR - path to storage directory TREZOR_PATH - trezorlib connection string TREZOR_UDP_PORT - UDP port on which the emulator listens TREZOR_FIDO2_UDP_PORT - UDP port for FIDO2 By default, emulator output goes to stdout. If silenced with -q, it is redirected to $TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR/trezor.log. You can also specify a custom path with -o. This emulator is for development purposes only. Any other usage of the emulator is discouraged. Doing so runs the risk of losing funds. It uses a pseudo random number generator, and thus no guarantee on its entropy is made. Security and hardening efforts are only made available on physical Trezor hardware. """ if executable: executable = Path(executable) else: executable = MICROPYTHON if command and not run_command: raise click.ClickException("Extra arguments found. Did you mean to use -c?") if watch and (command or debugger): raise click.ClickException("Cannot use -w together with -c or -D") if watch and inotify is None: raise click.ClickException("inotify module is missing, install with pip") if main and (profiling or alloc_profiling): raise click.ClickException("Cannot use --main and -g together") if slip0014 and mnemonics: raise click.ClickException("Cannot use -s and --mnemonic together") if slip0014: mnemonics = [" ".join(["all"] * 12)] if mnemonics and debugger: raise click.ClickException("Cannot load mnemonics when running in debugger") if mnemonics and production: raise click.ClickException("Cannot load mnemonics in production mode") if profiling or alloc_profiling: main_args = [str(PROFILING_WRAPPER)] elif main: main_args = [main] else: main_args = ["-m", "main"] if profile and temporary_profile: raise click.ClickException("Cannot use -p and -t together") tempdir = None if profile: if "/" in profile: profile_dir = Path(profile) else: profile_dir = PROFILE_BASE / profile elif temporary_profile: tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="trezor-emulator-") profile_dir = Path(tempdir.name) elif "TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR" in os.environ: profile_dir = Path(os.environ["TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR"]) else: profile_dir = Path("/var/tmp") if erase: for entry in TREZOR_STORAGE_FILES: (profile_dir / entry).unlink(missing_ok=True) if quiet: output = None logger = logging.getLogger("trezorlib._internal.emulator") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) emulator = CoreEmulator( executable, profile_dir, logfile=output, port=port, headless=headless, debug=not production, extra_args=extra_args, main_args=main_args, heap_size=heap_size, disable_animation=disable_animation, workdir=SRC_DIR, ) emulator_env = dict( TREZOR_PATH=f"udp:{emulator.port}", TREZOR_PROFILE_DIR=str(profile_dir.resolve()), TREZOR_UDP_PORT=str(emulator.port), TREZOR_FIDO2_UDP_PORT=str(emulator.port + 2), TREZOR_SRC=str(SRC_DIR), ) os.environ.update(emulator_env) for k, v in emulator_env.items(): click.echo(f"{k}={v}") if log_memory: os.environ["TREZOR_LOG_MEMORY"] = "1" if alloc_profiling: os.environ["TREZOR_MEMPERF"] = "1" if debugger or valgrind: run_debugger(emulator, script_gdb_file, valgrind, command) raise RuntimeError("run_debugger should not return") emulator.start() if mnemonics: if slip0014: label = "SLIP-0014" elif profile: label = profile_dir.name else: label = "Emulator" assert emulator.client is not None trezorlib.device.wipe(emulator.client) trezorlib.debuglink.load_device( emulator.client, mnemonics, pin=None, passphrase_protection=False, label=label, ) if record_dir: assert emulator.client is not None trezorlib.debuglink.record_screen( emulator.client, record_dir, report_func=print ) if run_command: ret = run_command_with_emulator(emulator, command) elif watch: ret = watch_emulator(emulator) else: ret = run_emulator(emulator) if tempdir is not None: tempdir.cleanup() sys.exit(ret) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()