import math from common import * from apps.common.cbor import ( IndefiniteLengthArray, OrderedMap, Tagged, decode, encode, encode_chunked, encode_streamed, ) class TestCardanoCbor(unittest.TestCase): def test_cbor_encoding(self): test_vectors = [ # unsigned integers (0, '00'), (1, '01'), (10, '0a'), (23, '17'), (24, '1818'), (25, '1819'), (100, '1864'), (1000, '1903e8'), (1000000, '1a000f4240'), (1000000000000, '1b000000e8d4a51000'), # negative integers (-1, '20'), (-10, '29'), (-24, '37'), (-25, '3818'), (-26, '3819'), (-100, '3863'), (-1000, '3903E7'), (-1000000, '3A000F423F'), (-1000000000000, '3B000000E8D4A50FFF'), # binary strings (b'', '40'), (unhexlify('01020304'), '4401020304'), # text strings ('', '60'), ('Fun', '6346756e'), (u'P\u0159\xed\u0161ern\u011b \u017elu\u0165ou\u010dk\xfd k\u016f\u0148 \xfap\u011bl \u010f\xe1belsk\xe9 \xf3dy z\xe1ke\u0159n\xfd u\u010de\u0148 b\u011b\u017e\xed pod\xe9l z\xf3ny \xfal\u016f', '786550c599c3adc5a165726ec49b20c5be6c75c5a56f75c48d6bc3bd206bc5afc58820c3ba70c49b6c20c48fc3a162656c736bc3a920c3b36479207ac3a16b65c5996ec3bd2075c48d65c5882062c49bc5bec3ad20706f64c3a96c207ac3b36e7920c3ba6cc5af'), # tags (Tagged(1, 1363896240), 'c11a514b67b0'), (Tagged(23, unhexlify('01020304')), 'd74401020304'), # arrays ([], '80'), ([1, 2, 3], '83010203'), ([1, [2, 3], [4, 5]], '8301820203820405'), (list(range(1, 26)), '98190102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718181819'), # maps ({}, 'a0'), ({1: 2, 3: 4}, 'a201020304'), ({3: 4, 1: 2}, 'a201020304'), # indefinite (IndefiniteLengthArray([]), '9fff'), (IndefiniteLengthArray([1, [2, 3], [4, 5]]), '9f01820203820405ff'), (IndefiniteLengthArray([1, [2, 3], IndefiniteLengthArray([4, 5])]), '9f018202039f0405ffff'), # boolean (True, 'f5'), (False, 'f4'), # null (None, 'f6'), ] for val, encoded_hex in test_vectors: encoded = unhexlify(encoded_hex) self.assertEqual(encode(val), encoded) self.assertEqual(decode(encoded), val) def test_cbor_tuples(self): """ Tuples should be encoded as arrays and decoded back as lists. """ test_vectors = [ ([], '80'), ([1, 2, 3], '83010203'), ([1, [2, 3], [4, 5]], '8301820203820405'), (list(range(1, 26)), '98190102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718181819'), ] for val, encoded_hex in test_vectors: value_tuple = tuple(val) encoded = unhexlify(encoded_hex) self.assertEqual(encode(value_tuple), encoded) self.assertEqual(decode(encoded), val) def test_cbor_ordered_map(self): """ OrderedMaps should be encoded as maps without any ordering and decoded back as dicts. """ test_vectors = [ ({}, 'a0'), ([[1, 2], [3, 4]], 'a201020304'), ([[3, 4], [1, 2]], 'a203040102'), ] for val, encoded_hex in test_vectors: ordered_map = OrderedMap() for key, value in val: ordered_map[key] = value encoded = unhexlify(encoded_hex) self.assertEqual(encode(ordered_map), encoded) self.assertEqual(decode(encoded), {k: v for k, v in val}) def test_encode_streamed(self): large_dict = {i: i for i in range(100)} encoded = encode(large_dict) encoded_streamed = [ bytes(item) for item in encode_streamed(large_dict) ] self.assertEqual(b''.join(encoded_streamed), encoded) def test_encode_chunked(self): large_dict = {i: i for i in range(100)} encoded = encode(large_dict) encoded_len = len(encoded) assert encoded_len == 354 arbitrary_encoded_len_factor = 59 arbitrary_power_of_two = 64 larger_than_encoded_len = encoded_len + 1 for max_chunk_size in [ 1, 10, arbitrary_encoded_len_factor, arbitrary_power_of_two, encoded_len, larger_than_encoded_len ]: encoded_chunks = [ bytes(chunk) for chunk in encode_chunked(large_dict, max_chunk_size) ] expected_number_of_chunks = math.ceil(len(encoded) / max_chunk_size) self.assertEqual(len(encoded_chunks), expected_number_of_chunks) # all chunks except the last should be of chunk_size for i in range(len(encoded_chunks) - 1): self.assertEqual(len(encoded_chunks[i]), max_chunk_size) # last chunk should contain the remaining bytes or the whole chunk remaining_bytes = len(encoded) % max_chunk_size expected_last_chunk_size = remaining_bytes if remaining_bytes > 0 else max_chunk_size self.assertEqual(len(encoded_chunks[-1]), expected_last_chunk_size) self.assertEqual(b''.join(encoded_chunks), encoded) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()