use core::{marker::PhantomData, mem::MaybeUninit, ops::Deref, ptr, slice}; use crate::{ error::Error, micropython::{obj::Obj, qstr::Qstr}, }; use super::{ffi, runtime::catch_exception}; pub type Map = ffi::mp_map_t; pub type MapElem = ffi::mp_map_elem_t; impl Map { pub const fn from_fixed_static(table: &'static [MapElem; N]) -> Self { // We can't use the regular accessors generated by bindgen for us, as they are // not `const`. Instead, we build the bitfield manually. // micropython/py/obj.h MP_DEFINE_CONST_DICT // .all_keys_are_qstrs = 1, // .is_fixed = 1, // .is_ordered = 1, // .used = MP_ARRAY_SIZE(table_name), // .alloc = MP_ARRAY_SIZE(table_name), let bits = 0b111 | N << 3; let bitfield = ffi::__BindgenBitfieldUnit::new(bits.to_ne_bytes()); Self { _bitfield_align_1: [], _bitfield_1: bitfield, alloc: N, table: table.as_ptr() as *mut MapElem, } } pub const fn at(key: Qstr, value: Obj) -> MapElem { MapElem { key: key.to_obj(), value, } } } impl Map { pub fn from_fixed(table: &[MapElem]) -> MapRef { let mut map = MaybeUninit::uninit(); // SAFETY: `mp_map_init_fixed_table` completely initializes all fields of `map`. unsafe { // EXCEPTION: Does not raise. ffi::mp_map_init_fixed_table(map.as_mut_ptr(), table.len(), table.as_ptr().cast()); MapRef::new(map.assume_init()) } } pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Result { let mut map = MaybeUninit::uninit(); // SAFETY: `mp_map_init` completely initializes all fields of `map`, allocating // the backing storage for `capacity` items on the heap. unsafe { // EXCEPTION: Will raise if allocation fails. catch_exception(|| { ffi::mp_map_init(map.as_mut_ptr(), capacity); })?; Ok(map.assume_init()) } } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.used() } pub fn elems(&self) -> &[MapElem] { // SAFETY: `self.table` should always point to an array of `MapElem` of // `self.len()` items valid at least for the lifetime of `self`. unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.table, self.len()) } } pub fn contains_key(&self, index: impl Into) -> bool { self.get_obj(index.into()).is_ok() } pub fn get(&self, index: impl Into) -> Result { self.get_obj(index.into()) } pub fn get_obj(&self, index: Obj) -> Result { // SAFETY: // - `mp_map_lookup` returns either NULL or a pointer to a `mp_map_elem_t` // value with a lifetime valid for the whole lifetime of the passed immutable // ref of `map`. // - with `_mp_map_lookup_kind_t_MP_MAP_LOOKUP`, `map` stays unmodified and the // cast to mut ptr is therefore safe. unsafe { let map = self as *const Self as *mut Self; // EXCEPTION: Does not raise for MP_MAP_LOOKUP. let elem = ffi::mp_map_lookup(map, index, ffi::_mp_map_lookup_kind_t_MP_MAP_LOOKUP) .as_ref() .ok_or(Error::KeyError(index))?; Ok(elem.value) } } pub fn set(&mut self, index: impl Into, value: impl Into) -> Result<(), Error> { self.set_obj(index.into(), value.into()) } pub fn set_obj(&mut self, index: Obj, value: Obj) -> Result<(), Error> { // SAFETY: // - `mp_map_lookup` with `_mp_map_lookup_kind_t_MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND // returns a pointer to a `mp_map_elem_t` value with a lifetime valid for the // whole lifetime of `&mut self`. // - adding an element is an allocation, so it might raise. // - the original `elem.value` might be an `Obj` that will get GCd when we // replace it. unsafe { let map = self as *mut Self; // EXCEPTION: Will raise if allocation fails. let elem = catch_exception(|| { ffi::mp_map_lookup( map, index, ffi::_mp_map_lookup_kind_t_MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND, ) })? .as_mut() .unwrap(); // `MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND` should always return a non-null pointer. elem.value = value; } Ok(()) } pub fn delete(&mut self, index: impl Into) { self.delete_obj(index.into()) } pub fn delete_obj(&mut self, index: Obj) { unsafe { let map = self as *mut Self; // EXCEPTION: Does not raise for MP_MAP_LOOKUP_REMOVE_IF_FOUND. ffi::mp_map_lookup( map, index, ffi::_mp_map_lookup_kind_t_MP_MAP_LOOKUP_REMOVE_IF_FOUND, ); } } } impl Map { pub fn try_clone(&self) -> Result { let mut map = Self::with_capacity(self.len())?; unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.table, map.table, self.len()); } map.set_used(self.used()); map.set_all_keys_are_qstrs(self.all_keys_are_qstrs()); map.set_is_ordered(self.is_ordered()); map.set_is_fixed(0); Ok(map) } } // SAFETY: We are in a single-threaded environment. unsafe impl Sync for Map {} unsafe impl Sync for MapElem {} /// Wrapper over a private `Map` value with element lifetime `'a`. /// /// `Map` itself does not have any lifetime parameter, so it can effectively /// only reference element tables with `'static` lifetime. `MapRef` is tying a /// private `Map` value to a lifetime `'a`, exposing it only by-ref within the /// `'a` lifetime. It's not possible to move the value out from the reference, /// and because `Map` is not `Clone`, it is also impossible to clone it. All /// this only holds for immutable ref, therefore we only impl `Deref`, not /// `DerefMut`. // // TODO: Better solution would be to make Map a wrapper type instead of a type // alias and add a lifetime parameter. pub struct MapRef<'a> { map: Map, _phantom: PhantomData<&'a Map>, } impl<'a> MapRef<'a> { fn new(map: Map) -> Self { Self { map, _phantom: PhantomData, } } } impl<'a> Deref for MapRef<'a> { type Target = Map; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { & } }