# flake8: noqa: F403,F405 from common import * # isort:skip import unittest from storage import cache_codec, cache_common from trezor import wire from trezor.crypto import bip39 from trezor.wire import context from trezor.wire.codec.codec_context import CodecContext from apps.common.keychain import get_keychain from apps.common.paths import HARDENED if not utils.BITCOIN_ONLY: from ethereum_common import encode_network, make_network from trezor.messages import ( EthereumDefinitions, EthereumGetAddress, EthereumSignMessage, EthereumSignTx, EthereumSignTxEIP1559, EthereumSignTypedData, ) from apps.ethereum import CURVE from apps.ethereum.keychain import ( PATTERNS_ADDRESS, _defs_from_message, _schemas_from_network, _slip44_from_address_n, with_keychain_from_chain_id, with_keychain_from_path, ) from apps.ethereum.networks import UNKNOWN_NETWORK @unittest.skipUnless(not utils.BITCOIN_ONLY, "altcoin") class TestEthereumKeychain(unittest.TestCase): def _check_keychain(self, keychain, slip44_id): # valid address should succeed valid_addresses = ( [44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], [44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 19 | HARDENED], [44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0], [44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 99], [44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0, 0], [44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0, 999], ) for addr in valid_addresses: keychain.derive(addr) # invalid address should fail invalid_addresses = ( [44 | HARDENED], [44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED], [44 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], [42 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], [0 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], [44 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0], [44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 1 | HARDENED, 0], [44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0], [ 44 | HARDENED, slip44_id | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, ], ) for addr in invalid_addresses: self.assertRaises( wire.DataError, keychain.derive, addr, ) def setUpClass(self): context.CURRENT_CONTEXT = CodecContext(None, bytearray(64)) def tearDownClass(self): context.CURRENT_CONTEXT = None def setUp(self): cache_codec.start_session() seed = bip39.seed(" ".join(["all"] * 12), "") cache_codec.get_active_session().set(cache_common.APP_COMMON_SEED, seed) def from_address_n(self, address_n): slip44 = _slip44_from_address_n(address_n) network = make_network(slip44=slip44) schemas = _schemas_from_network(PATTERNS_ADDRESS, network) return await_result(get_keychain(CURVE, schemas)) def test_from_address_n(self): # valid keychain m/44'/60'/0' keychain = self.from_address_n([44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED]) self._check_keychain(keychain, 60) def test_from_address_n_ledger_live_legacy(self): # valid keychain m/44'/60'/0'/0 keychain = self.from_address_n([44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0]) self._check_keychain(keychain, 60) def test_from_address_n_casa45(self): # valid keychain m/45'/60/0 keychain = self.from_address_n([45 | HARDENED, 60, 0, 0, 0]) keychain.derive([45 | HARDENED, 60, 0, 0, 0]) with self.assertRaises(wire.DataError): keychain.derive([45 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0, 0, 0]) def test_with_keychain_from_path_short(self): # check that the keychain will not die when the address_n is too short @with_keychain_from_path(*PATTERNS_ADDRESS) async def handler(msg, keychain, defs): # in this case the network is unknown so the keychain should allow access # to Ethereum and testnet paths self._check_keychain(keychain, 60) self._check_keychain(keychain, 1) self.assertIs(defs.network, UNKNOWN_NETWORK) await_result(handler(EthereumGetAddress(address_n=[]))) await_result(handler(EthereumGetAddress(address_n=[0]))) def test_with_keychain_from_path_builtins(self): @with_keychain_from_path(*PATTERNS_ADDRESS) async def handler(msg, keychain, defs): slip44 = msg.address_n[1] & ~HARDENED self._check_keychain(keychain, slip44) self.assertEqual(defs.network.slip44, slip44) vectors = ( # Ethereum [44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], # Ethereum from Ledger Live legacy path [44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0], # Ethereum Classic [44 | HARDENED, 61 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], ) for address_n in vectors: await_result(handler(EthereumGetAddress(address_n=address_n))) with self.assertRaises(wire.DataError): await_result( handler( # unknown network EthereumGetAddress( address_n=[44 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED] ), ) ) def test_with_keychain_from_path_external(self): FORBIDDEN_SYMBOL = "forbidden name" @with_keychain_from_path(*PATTERNS_ADDRESS) async def handler(msg, keychain, defs): slip44 = msg.address_n[1] & ~HARDENED self._check_keychain(keychain, slip44) self.assertEqual(defs.network.slip44, slip44) self.assertNotEqual(defs.network.name, FORBIDDEN_SYMBOL) vectors_valid = ( # slip44, network_def # invalid network is ignored when there is a builtin (60, b"hello"), # valid network is ignored when there is a builtin (60, encode_network(slip44=60, symbol=FORBIDDEN_SYMBOL)), # valid network is accepted for unknown slip44 ids (33333, encode_network(slip44=33333)), ) for slip44, encoded_network in vectors_valid: await_result( handler( EthereumGetAddress( address_n=[44 | HARDENED, slip44 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], encoded_network=encoded_network, ), ) ) vectors_invalid = ( # slip44, network_def # invalid network is rejected (30000, b"hello"), # invalid network does not prove mismatched slip44 id (30000, encode_network(slip44=666)), ) for slip44, encoded_network in vectors_invalid: with self.assertRaises(wire.DataError): await_result( handler( EthereumGetAddress( address_n=[44 | HARDENED, slip44 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], encoded_network=encoded_network, ), ) ) def test_with_keychain_from_chain_id_builtin(self): @with_keychain_from_chain_id async def handler_chain_id(msg, keychain, defs): slip44_id = msg.address_n[1] & ~HARDENED # standard tests self._check_keychain(keychain, slip44_id) # provided address should succeed too keychain.derive(msg.address_n) self.assertEqual(defs.network.chain_id, msg.chain_id) vectors = ( # chain_id, address_n # Ethereum (1, [44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED]), # Ethereum from Ledger Live legacy path (1, [44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED, 0]), # Ethereum Classic (61, [44 | HARDENED, 61 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED]), # ETH slip44, ETC chain_id # (known networks are allowed to use eth slip44 for cross-signing) (61, [44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED]), ) for chain_id, address_n in vectors: await_result( # Ethereum handler_chain_id( EthereumSignTx( address_n=address_n, chain_id=chain_id, gas_price=b"", gas_limit=b"", ), ) ) with self.assertRaises(wire.DataError): await_result( # chain_id and network mismatch handler_chain_id( EthereumSignTx( address_n=[44 | HARDENED, 61 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], chain_id=2, gas_price=b"", gas_limit=b"", ), ) ) def test_with_keychain_from_chain_id_external(self): FORBIDDEN_SYMBOL = "forbidden name" @with_keychain_from_chain_id async def handler_chain_id(msg, keychain, defs): slip44_id = msg.address_n[1] & ~HARDENED # standard tests self._check_keychain(keychain, slip44_id) # provided address should succeed too keychain.derive(msg.address_n) self.assertEqual(defs.network.chain_id, msg.chain_id) self.assertNotEqual(defs.network.name, FORBIDDEN_SYMBOL) vectors_valid = ( # chain_id, address_n, encoded_network # invalid network is ignored when there is a builtin (1, [44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], b"hello"), # valid network is ignored when there is a builtin ( 1, [44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], encode_network(slip44=60, symbol=FORBIDDEN_SYMBOL), ), # valid network is accepted for unknown chain ids ( 33333, [44 | HARDENED, 33333 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], encode_network(slip44=33333, chain_id=33333), ), # valid network is allowed to cross-sign for Ethereum slip44 ( 33333, [44 | HARDENED, 60 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], encode_network(slip44=33333, chain_id=33333), ), # valid network where slip44 and chain_id are different ( 44444, [44 | HARDENED, 33333 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], encode_network(slip44=33333, chain_id=44444), ), ) for chain_id, address_n, encoded_network in vectors_valid: await_result( handler_chain_id( EthereumSignTx( address_n=address_n, chain_id=chain_id, gas_price=b"", gas_limit=b"", definitions=EthereumDefinitions( encoded_network=encoded_network ), ), ) ) vectors_invalid = ( # chain_id, address_n, encoded_network # invalid network is rejected (30000, [44 | HARDENED, 30000 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], b"hello"), # invalid network does not prove mismatched slip44 id ( 30000, [44 | HARDENED, 30000 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], encode_network(chain_id=30000, slip44=666), ), # invalid network does not prove mismatched chain_id ( 30000, [44 | HARDENED, 30000 | HARDENED, 0 | HARDENED], encode_network(chain_id=666, slip44=30000), ), ) for chain_id, address_n, encoded_network in vectors_invalid: with self.assertRaises(wire.DataError): await_result( handler_chain_id( EthereumSignTx( address_n=address_n, chain_id=chain_id, gas_price=b"", gas_limit=b"", definitions=EthereumDefinitions( encoded_network=encoded_network ), ), ) ) def test_message_types(self) -> None: network = make_network(symbol="Testing Network") encoded_network = encode_network(network) messages = ( EthereumSignTx( gas_price=b"", gas_limit=b"", chain_id=0, definitions=EthereumDefinitions(encoded_network=encoded_network), ), EthereumSignMessage( message=b"", encoded_network=encoded_network, ), EthereumSignTxEIP1559( chain_id=0, gas_limit=b"", max_gas_fee=b"", max_priority_fee=b"", nonce=b"", value=b"", data_length=0, definitions=EthereumDefinitions(encoded_network=encoded_network), ), EthereumSignTypedData( primary_type="", definitions=EthereumDefinitions(encoded_network=encoded_network), ), EthereumGetAddress( encoded_network=encoded_network, ), ) for message in messages: defs = _defs_from_message(message, chain_id=0) self.assertEqual(defs.network, network) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()