from ubinascii import hexlify from trezor import ui from trezor.enums import ButtonRequestType from trezor.strings import format_amount from trezor.ui.layouts import ( confirm_address, confirm_amount, confirm_blob, confirm_output, ) from import confirm_total_ethereum from . import networks, tokens from .address import address_from_bytes async def require_confirm_tx(ctx, to_bytes, value, chain_id, token=None, tx_type=None): if to_bytes: to_str = address_from_bytes(to_bytes, networks.by_chain_id(chain_id)) else: to_str = "new contract?" await confirm_output( ctx, address=to_str, amount=format_ethereum_amount(value, token, chain_id, tx_type), font_amount=ui.BOLD, color_to=ui.GREY, br_code=ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) async def require_confirm_fee( ctx, spending, gas_price, gas_limit, chain_id, token=None, tx_type=None ): await confirm_total_ethereum( ctx, format_ethereum_amount(spending, token, chain_id, tx_type), format_ethereum_amount(gas_price, None, chain_id, tx_type), format_ethereum_amount(gas_price * gas_limit, None, chain_id, tx_type), ) async def require_confirm_eip1559_fee( ctx, max_priority_fee, max_gas_fee, gas_limit, chain_id ): await confirm_amount( ctx, title="Confirm fee", description="Maximum fee per gas", amount=format_ethereum_amount(max_gas_fee, None, chain_id), ) await confirm_amount( ctx, title="Confirm fee", description="Priority fee per gas", amount=format_ethereum_amount(max_priority_fee, None, chain_id), ) await confirm_amount( ctx, title="Confirm fee", description="Maximum fee", amount=format_ethereum_amount(max_gas_fee * gas_limit, None, chain_id), ) async def require_confirm_unknown_token(ctx, address_bytes): contract_address_hex = "0x" + hexlify(address_bytes).decode() await confirm_address( ctx, "Unknown token", contract_address_hex, description="Contract:", br_type="unknown_token", icon_color=ui.ORANGE, br_code=ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) async def require_confirm_data(ctx, data, data_total): await confirm_blob( ctx, "confirm_data", title="Confirm data", description="Size: %d bytes" % data_total, data=data, br_code=ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) def format_ethereum_amount(value: int, token, chain_id: int, tx_type=None): if token is tokens.UNKNOWN_TOKEN: suffix = "Wei UNKN" decimals = 0 elif token: suffix = token[2] decimals = token[3] else: suffix = networks.shortcut_by_chain_id(chain_id, tx_type) decimals = 18 # Don't want to display wei values for tokens with small decimal numbers if decimals > 9 and value < 10 ** (decimals - 9): suffix = "Wei " + suffix decimals = 0 return "%s %s" % (format_amount(value, decimals), suffix)