from micropython import const from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from trezor.utils import Writer # The intention below is basically: # RLPItem = int | bytes | list[RLPItem] # That will not typecheck though. Type `list` is invariant in its parameter, meaning # that we cannot pass list[bytes] into a list[RLPItem] parameter (what if the # function wanted to append an int?). We do want to enforce that it's a `list`, not # a generic `Sequence` (because we do isinstance checks for a list). We are however # only reading from the list and passing into things that consume a RLPItem. Hence # we have to enumerate single-type lists as well as the universal list[RLPItem]. RLPList = list[int] | list[bytes] | list["RLPItem"] RLPItem = RLPList | bytes | int STRING_HEADER_BYTE = const(0x80) LIST_HEADER_BYTE = const(0xC0) def _byte_size(x: int) -> int: if x < 0: raise ValueError # only unsigned ints are supported for exp in range(64): if x < 0x100 ** exp: return exp raise ValueError # int is too large def int_to_bytes(x: int) -> bytes: return x.to_bytes(_byte_size(x), "big") def write_header( w: Writer, length: int, header_byte: int, data_start: bytes | None = None, ) -> None: if length == 1 and data_start is not None and data_start[0] <= 0x7F: # no header when encoding one byte below 0x80 pass elif length <= 55: w.append(header_byte + length) else: encoded_length = int_to_bytes(length) w.append(header_byte + 55 + len(encoded_length)) w.extend(encoded_length) def header_length(length: int, data_start: bytes | None = None) -> int: if length == 1 and data_start is not None and data_start[0] <= 0x7F: # no header when encoding one byte below 0x80 return 0 if length <= 55: return 1 return 1 + _byte_size(length) def length(item: RLPItem) -> int: data: bytes | None = None if isinstance(item, int): data = int_to_bytes(item) item_length = len(data) elif isinstance(item, (bytes, bytearray)): data = item item_length = len(item) elif isinstance(item, list): item_length = sum(length(i) for i in item) else: raise TypeError return header_length(item_length, data) + item_length def write_string(w: Writer, string: bytes) -> None: write_header(w, len(string), STRING_HEADER_BYTE, string) w.extend(string) def write_list(w: Writer, lst: RLPList) -> None: payload_length = sum(length(item) for item in lst) write_header(w, payload_length, LIST_HEADER_BYTE) for item in lst: write(w, item) def write(w: Writer, item: RLPItem) -> None: if isinstance(item, int): write_string(w, int_to_bytes(item)) elif isinstance(item, (bytes, bytearray)): write_string(w, item) elif isinstance(item, list): write_list(w, item) else: raise TypeError