syntax = "proto2"; /** * Mapping between Trezor wire identifier (uint) and a protobuf message */ enum MessageType { MessageType_Initialize = 0; MessageType_Ping = 1; MessageType_Success = 2; MessageType_Failure = 3; MessageType_FirmwareErase = 6; MessageType_FirmwareUpload = 7; MessageType_FirmwareRequest = 8; MessageType_Features = 17; MessageType_ButtonRequest = 26; MessageType_ButtonAck = 27; MessageType_GetFeatures = 55; } /** * Request: Reset device to default state and ask for device details * @start * @next Features */ message Initialize { } /** * Request: Ask for device details (no device reset) * @start * @next Features */ message GetFeatures { } /** * Response: Reports various information about the device * @end */ message Features { optional string vendor = 1; // name of the manufacturer, e.g. "" required uint32 major_version = 2; // major version of the firmware/bootloader, e.g. 1 required uint32 minor_version = 3; // minor version of the firmware/bootloader, e.g. 0 required uint32 patch_version = 4; // patch version of the firmware/bootloader, e.g. 0 optional bool bootloader_mode = 5; // is device in bootloader mode? optional string device_id = 6; // device's unique identifier optional string language = 9; // device language optional string label = 10; // device description label optional bool initialized = 12; // does device contain seed? optional bytes revision = 13; // SCM revision of firmware optional bool firmware_present = 18; // is valid firmware loaded? optional string model = 21; // device hardware model optional uint32 fw_major = 22; // reported firmware version if in bootloader mode optional uint32 fw_minor = 23; // reported firmware version if in bootloader mode optional uint32 fw_patch = 24; // reported firmware version if in bootloader mode optional string fw_vendor = 25; // reported firmware vendor if in bootloader mode optional bytes fw_vendor_keys = 26; // reported firmware vendor keys (their hash) } /** * Request: Test if the device is alive, device sends back the message in Success response * @start * @next Success */ message Ping { optional string message = 1 [default=""]; // message to send back in Success message } /** * Response: Success of the previous request * @end */ message Success { optional string message = 1 [default=""]; // human readable description of action or request-specific payload } /** * Response: Failure of the previous request * @end */ message Failure { optional FailureType code = 1; // computer-readable definition of the error state optional string message = 2; // human-readable message of the error state enum FailureType { Failure_UnexpectedMessage = 1; Failure_DataError = 3; Failure_ActionCancelled = 4; Failure_ProcessError = 9; } } /** * Response: Device is waiting for HW button press. * @auxstart * @next ButtonAck */ message ButtonRequest { optional ButtonRequestType code = 1; /** * Type of button request */ enum ButtonRequestType { ButtonRequest_Other = 1; } } /** * Request: Computer agrees to wait for HW button press * @auxend */ message ButtonAck { } /** * Request: Ask device to erase its firmware (so it can be replaced via FirmwareUpload) * @start * @next FirmwareRequest */ message FirmwareErase { optional uint32 length = 1; // length of new firmware } /** * Response: Ask for firmware chunk * @next FirmwareUpload */ message FirmwareRequest { optional uint32 offset = 1; // offset of requested firmware chunk optional uint32 length = 2; // length of requested firmware chunk } /** * Request: Send firmware in binary form to the device * @next FirmwareRequest * @next Success * @next Failure */ message FirmwareUpload { required bytes payload = 1; // firmware to be loaded into device optional bytes hash = 2; // hash of the payload }